[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs+Skim inverse search

Joseph C. Slater PE, PhD joseph.slater at wright.edu
Tue Sep 1 14:33:32 EDT 2009

On Sep 1, 2009, at 2:14 PM, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 01.09.2009 um 17:48 schrieb David Reitter:
>> This works if you do system-central installations like in Windows  
>> and GNU/Linux ("sudo make install"), but not with a modern, self- 
>> contained .app bundle.  Just one more example of bad design + cross- 
>> platform ignorance...
> This ignorance is on your side.

That's really uncalled for. His shot was at a nebulous group of  
people, while yours is personal. Can we be friends?

> You could easily provide an installer package which puts emacsclient  
> in a more useful place. Your old command line tools installation  
> routine could be used when Aquamacs is first invoked after  
> "installation" and it found that the command line tools need an  
> update.

One could easily argue that Aquamacs shouldn't install emacsclient at  
all, as in then messes up Apple's 22.1 emacs installation. Anyplace  
else in the path will leave either the terminal emacs or Aquamacs with  
the wrong emacsclient. Installing the binaries for 23.1 does indeed  
break Aquamacs Emacs (based on  Emacs 22), so that it's not really  
possible to use this solution and work with both on the same machine  
without jockeying. One solution that allows testing of the new  
Aquamacs and usage of the older Aquamacs Emacs (since it's not in  
prerelease state... a good idea) is to leave the old binaries in place  
and explicitly set the path in Skim. David correctly points out that  
this path isn't the same on every machine unless Aquamacs has a  
defined location. The other is (apprently?) to install the 23 binary  
elsewhere, and make sure it is ahead in the path as observed by  
Aquamacs, but not by AquamacsEmacs/other emacs 22.


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