[OS X Emacs] Font-lock for backquotes

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 13:26:10 EDT 2010


On Aug 24, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Emilie Vanvyve wrote:
> When using the shell-script-mode, the syntax highlighting colors in pink any text enclosed in backquotes (e.g. var=`cat file.txt | head -n 1`). I would like to change the pink color to another one, but I couldn't find anywhere in the font-lock preferences where this is set up. I can adjust colors of practically everything apart from that one.

Choose Options -> Appearance -> Color Panel.

Select the color you would like.  Then drag and drop the color from then panel (there's a color field near the top) onto an example of the pink text that you'd like to change.  This should update the "face" (as it is called in Emacs), and you can then choose Options -> Save Options to save your setting.

(This will work in Aquamacs.)

- David

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