[OS X Emacs] Turn off *scratch* buffer when Aquamacs starts

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Tue May 18 13:53:27 EDT 2010


On May 18, 2010, at 12:58 PM, Harsha Attanayake wrote:

> Thanks for the respond. I have never really used Emacs. But have been using Aquamacs Emacs for couple of years. Up to Aquamacs Emacs version 1.9 I had this stopped popping-up. I mean, I turned off the scratch buffer some how and I don't remember how. With the new installation I must have replaced all my preferences and customization files, so now, it has gone back to its default. Which means the scratch buffer opens up automatically. My guess is there should be a way to turn this feature off in Aquamacs 2.0, just that I don't know it yet.

The Aquamacs-Scratch-File variable controls whether the scratch buffer is persistent (and where it is stored).  If set to nil, Aquamacs will still open a scratch buffer for you.  I don't know a way to prevent this (out of the top of my head), short of making the frame invisible with `initial-frame-alist', or killing it from Preferences.el with (kill-buffer "*scratch*").

When you installed 2.0, Aquamacs will have made a backup copy of you customizations.el file in ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/, so you can look up the right setting there.
(However, Aquamacs will also import your 1.9 settings, so nothing should be lost!)

Hope that helps.

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