[Mac OS X TeX] TeXShop and tex/gs (again)

Gerben Wierda sherlock at rna.nl
Sat Sep 29 06:05:42 EDT 2001

<x-flowed>On Saturday, September 29, 2001, at 01:39  AM, Andrew J. Miller wrote:

>>> I have noticed that if I start TeXShop by clicking (i.e. Finder or 
>>> Dock), tex-ghostscript typesetting does not work for me (nothing 
>>> happens at all). If I, however, start TeXShop from the terminal, e.g. 
>>> by typing "open file.tex", tex-ghostscript works just fine. This 
>>> seems to support the theory about .cshrc-strangeness. It may also be 
>>> a less awkward "solution" to the problem than editing the .cshrc file 
>>> (until this bug is fixed...).

Question: do people who have installed TeX from the TeXSGInstaller (from 
the TeXShop page or from frp.nluug.nl) experience this problem? I 
suspect not.

The answer to this question is a) that this is nota  bug in TeXShop and 
b) that it has to do with paths. The TeXGSInstaller adds binary and 
manpath settings to the tcsh global initialization. Since this is the 
login shell for users (unless they have changed this to something like 
bash, but in that case they should know that they have to move settings 
over as well), the correct paths are available for all applications, cli 
or gui.

I think something like this might happen if you use fink to install TeX 
(since it has some specific ideas about paths and such).


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