[OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs

Gérard Degrez degrez at vki.ac.be
Thu Apr 11 13:32:16 EDT 2002

>From terminal try
>>open /Applications/Emacs.app
>Tried. Doesn't work either. Something is indeed launched, but closes 

Got it to work finally (thanks Enrico), even with Mac-Roman 
characters, using the .emacs file for 20.6 - although there's an 
error message at startup, it seems to work properly.

A newbie question (although this might not be the most appropriate 
forum): when I select "pdflatex" from the Command menu, nothing 
happens (actually it says "problems after 0 page"), but the same file 
compiles perfectly from TeXShop. What's wrong? [the tex file is of 
course in Mac - not Unix - format].

Gérard Degrez

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