[OS X TeX] Preview LaTeX from within the emacs window!

Enrico Franconi franconi at cs.man.ac.uk
Tue Apr 9 13:01:16 EDT 2002

This is a cool feature that you get for free from the latest release
of mac-emacs (http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~franconi/mac-emacs/). This does
not work directly with mac-emacs, but rather you need to install
emacs21 from fink. You need to have X11.

a) Install mac-emacs
b) Install emacs21 from fink ("fink install emacs21")
c) link /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp to 
d) launch emacs from a shell on a latex file
e) you will find the same menus you had in mac-emacs plus an
   additional "preview" entry; select it and voila' the latex formulas
   and graphics macros *in your emacs buffer* are transformed
   automagically into pictures! Documentation of the preview-latex
   package is included.
f) note that the preview-latex package is still in beta release and it
   is not always perfect...
g) I can provide you with a mac application which accepts
   drag-and-drop files and lauches the X11 emacs without ever opening
   a shell again.
h) Preview-latex does NOT work yet with current mac-emacs since the
   carbon port still does not show figures from within
   emacs. Hopefully the next release from sourceforge will solve this

-- e.

Enrico Franconi                     - franconi at cs.man.ac.uk
University of Manchester            - http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~franconi/
Department of Computer Science      - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170
Manchester M13 9PL, UK              - Fax:   +44 (161) 275 6204

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