[OS X TeX] settcshtexpath trouble

Gerben Wierda Sherlock at rna.nl
Sat Aug 24 11:11:23 EDT 2002

On Saturday, August 24, 2002, at 03:37 , Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

> Apologies to Gerben for potentially causing any worries.  Lesson, it 
> seems: use the latest version of the i-Installer BEFORE updating the 
> distribution...

No, that is not it.

As it turns out, the mirroring of http://www.ntg.nl/ had failed (which I 
only notice if I get a failure message a while later  and which has been 
fixed now) and thus Bruce had not the package version (2002-08-23 
22:47:27 +0200) that I advertised on the list yesterday.


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