[Mac OS X TeX] Excalibur and TeXShop '.tex' files

Rick Zaccone zaccone at bucknell.edu
Tue Jan 15 15:30:15 EST 2002

>I have used 'FileTyper' to change to 'TEXT', but still can't drag and drop,
>although I can open through Excalibur. Actually, the icon doesn't even
>highlight. It just ignores the file. Actually, I get this quite a lot with
>OS X in general. Any ideas?

I get quite a bit of odd behavior with types too.  (How does OS X map
extensions to file types?  Why doesn't it just change the type of any
.txt or .tex file to 'TEXT'?)  This is another reason I've been
dragging my feet over changing how Excalibur handles file types.  I
don't think Apple has a grip on this issue yet.


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