[OS X TeX] Arial (or similar) font in TeX

William Adams wadams at atlis.com
Wed Jun 26 08:58:21 EDT 2002

Adrian said:
>I've just put a line in Arial and the same line underneath in
>Both at 36 pts. They are obviously the same font. There are very slight 
>differences in the trimming of the extenders, but they are obviously
>same font underneath.

Try the phrase ``GUERILLA Girls''---as a poster to comp.fonts once
noted, this dance band name, when set in Helvetica contains all the
information one would need to identify Helvetica (and differentiate it
>from Arial) for the rest of one's life.

>This means that the solution to the problem of the Grant committee is 
>very simple: put it in latex in helvetica. No scanner will discern the 

I suspect you're correct in that.

>latex is supplied with GWs distribution. Moreover, it does 
>not matter that by default pdftex will not embed Helvetica because 
>clearly printed output is what is being called for. (But if desired
>default behaviour of pdftex can be modified by editing its
>file: you uncomment in one line.)

The delightful thing about not embedding is that Arial will probably be
substituted on a contemporary machine with a newer install of Acrobat Reader.


William Adams, publishing specialist
ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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