[OS X TeX] Another font installation question

Adrian Heathcote adrian.heathcote at philosophy.usyd.edu.au
Thu Jun 20 12:12:42 EDT 2002

A word of clarification (after the fact).

I hadn't meant to suggest---and hope i wasn't understood as 
saying---that the pfb files don't require renaming. They do of 
course---in accord with the Berry naming scheme. It was the folders only 
that I was referring to.

>> Then I looked at the pbb.map itself and noticed that it uses font
>> names such as MBembo and MBembo-Bold whereas the corresponding .pfb
>> files are called Bembo.pfb and BemboBol.pfb. So I thought it might be
>> that, but changing the names in the pbb.map didn't make a difference.
> MBembo is the postscript name of the font (declared internally). It 
> should
> not be changed. Bembo.pfb is the name of the file
> if your map entry is
> pbbr8r MBembo "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont " <8r.enc <pbbr8a.pfb
> You have to rename Bembo.pfb in pbbr8a.pfb or to modify the map file
> pbbr8r MBembo "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont " <8r.enc <Bembo.pfb

This is exactly right. Either will do.

But glad to hear that you got them installed Martin. They are great 
looking fonts. But if---as per your later post---you want to install the 
other parts of the font then you will have to learn how to use 
fontinstall and do it yourself. When Sebastian Rahtz put the metrics on 
to CTAN he did not use everything, only the things that the average 
TeXer wants to use. So no display fonts, no old style figures. But you 
are wrong in thinking that the small caps are not there---in the expert 
font they are present and correct. Just call them up.

Adrian Heathcote

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