[OS X TeX] 7 new i-Packages

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Thu May 16 10:28:06 EDT 2002

Le jeudi 16 mai 2002, à 12:57 PM, Gerben Wierda a écrit :

> You are supposed to have write access in those directories. I you have 
> not, you need to install the package as someone who has (e.g. System 
> Administrator). You can do that by either logging in as root (if you 
> have that account enabled) or use Pseudo.app to start i-Installer. Or 
> you can make sure that you have write access in /usr/local, for 
> instance by modifying it so that you have write access  for the group.

OK, now the install is done. What was required (in case somebody else 
got the same problem):

- Open System Prefs then "Opening" (or whatever it's called in English, 
in French it's "Ouverture" with the small home icon).

- Go to "Session opening window" then tick "Display "Other User" [...]" 
(in my setup it was unticked by default).

Then you may close the session (in the Apple menu) and open a new one as 
user "System Administrator". Then everything is allowed, including using 
i-Installer, and you'll even see in your computer things you didn't 
suspect were there!

Bruno Voisin

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