[OS X TeX] Ghostscript 7 compatibility?

Bruno Voisin Bruno.Voisin at hmg.inpg.fr
Wed Oct 2 17:08:56 EDT 2002

Le mercredi, 2 oct 2002, à 22:24 Europe/Paris, B.Farwer a écrit :

> ... any thoughts on the compatibility of GS7 with Jaguar? I heard that 
> things have improved, but I still get misplaced accents and Umlauts. 
> On the other hand, printing of included eps graphics from OmniGraffle 
> which use the TeX/LaTeX font sets by Selwyn Hollis, which used to 
> result in absolutely corrupted printouts.

There has been recently a thread "Accent bug with times", on a case of 
misplaced accents under Jaguar. The bug turned out to be a GhostScript 
bug, not a Jaguar bug: it was a bug in the script ps2pdf launched for 
the PS -> PDF conversion, or in GhostScript itself.

If that is the same bug, there might be several solutions. I do not 
guarantee any of them will work:

- Use pdfTeX instead of TeX + dvips + GhostScript. That is, typeset 
from TeXShop in pdfTeX mode.

- Call the script ps2pdf13 for the PS -> PDF conversion instead of the 
default ps2pdf12 (in /usr/local/bin/). That might be done, perhaps, 
from TeXShop by going to Preferences/Engine and adding the argument


to the call of the scripts altpdftex and altpdflatex.

- Not recommended in any case: modify the scripts


by editing the line


adding -dCompatibility=1.3 maybe.

- If you have it, try Acrobat Distiller for the PS -> PDF conversion. 
If you use TeXShop, you have to first check "Save PostScript file" in 
Preferences/Engine so that the intermediary PS file produced by TeXShop 
is saved.

Hope some of the above works.

Bruno Voisin

(Gerben, I'm sending you a copy of this so that you can correct if I'm 
saying something blatantly wrong about your teTeX setup. I hope that's 
not the case.)

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