From get86 at Sun Apr 21 10:20:44 2002 From: get86 at (get86 at Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 10:20:44 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] XY-pdf In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks very much for this. (where is that package located?) -TR on 4/20/02 7:44 PM, Ross Moore, typed: >> Has somebody known how to use the xy-pdf package ? > > First you need to install it, as follows.... > ^^^^^^^ > > The archive xypdf.tar.gz unpacks to folder 'xypdf Folder' > which contains a collection of 7 files having names: > xypdf.tex > > You need to copy or move these into your texmf tree. > > To find out where, use a command in a terminal window > kpsewhich xy.sty > > This should give something like: > [go:~] rossmoor% kpsewhich xy.sty > /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic/xy.sty > > so the required location is: > > /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic/ > > To actually do the copy, you may need admin privileges. > So here's how I just did it (commands and comments): > > cd ~ # change to home directory > cd Desktop/Downloads # change to sub-dir for receiving downloads > cd "xypdf Folder" # need quotes to include the space in the name > sudo cp xy*.tex /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic > > After giving the password, the copy was done. > Now the files are ready to be used. > > > To use the pdf driver with Xy-pic, > ^^^ > just include pdftex as part of the loading options for the > xy package, in your document's preamble: > > e.g. (LaTeX) > \usepackage[xypdf,all,graph]{xy} > ^^^^^ > > (non-LaTeX) > \input xy.tex > \xyoption{xypdf}\xyoption{all}\xyoption{graph} > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > > Hope this helps, > > Ross Moore ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. 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The message also tells me that I might need to recompile METAFONT, specifying --with-x as an option to the configure script. Do I need to recompile METAFONT, first doing configure --with-x ???? If so, where are the METAFONT sources? Thanks, Ken ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bdesinger at Thu Apr 11 09:49:00 2002 From: bdesinger at (bob desinger) Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 06:49:00 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] caps => ctrl for mac-emacs In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: what's your favorite key remapper for os x (on a tibook)? i just want to change that horrible caps lock key into another control key, really, not necessarily remap the whole keyboard. arun mentioned that version tracker ( has more than one, but i spent 2+ hours searching for a popular one a couple of nights ago without finding anything. *d'oh!* windows people have the wonderful but backwards-named cntl2cap (, and x11 people have xmodmap. hoping that y'all can help, :: bob :: ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From gray at Mon Apr 8 21:05:37 2002 From: gray at (Gary L. Gray) Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 21:05:37 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 4/8/02 8:59 PM, "Michael Murray" wrote: > Does anyone else find that Adobe Reader 5.05 on OS X shrinks output by 90% > when > you print. I had a template sent to me by a publisher saying "this > line is blah blah long" and on printing it out iin Reader it > was 90% of that. Opening and printing in TeXShop gives the correct length ? In the full version of Acrobat under OS X, there is an "Acrobat" option in the popup menu entitled: Shrink Oversized Pages to Paper Size which you can turn off to get the proper size. Unfortunately, the Reader version does not appear to have such an option. Best regards, -- Gary ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From weddings at Wed Apr 3 19:53:29 2002 From: weddings at (Wesley Eddings) Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 19:53:29 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Prosper, Acrobat Reader, and White Flashes Message-ID: <> I'm using Prosper with TeXShop and teTeX to make PDF presentations, which I view in full-screen mode in Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (using OS 10.1 on an iBook G3/500). My problem is that the screen flashes a solid white background when moving from slide to slide, instead of smoothly going to the next slide as it should. I had the same problem with Reader 5.0.0. If I use Acrobat Reader 4 in Classic, there's no white flash---the transitions are correct, but some of the fonts don't display correctly, so it's not really a solution. This happens with the demo pdfs included with Prosper, as well as with the ones I create myself. Any suggestions? Thanks, Wes weddings at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Thu Apr 25 06:52:31 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 20:52:31 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: > It's listed as a known problem, but when I try to use OzTeX 5.0 under > OSX, I always get the "can't find editor of type R*ch" when I try to > use BBEdit as the editor. I tried rebuilding the classic desktop from > OSX, to no avail. Boot under OS 9 and rebuild the desktops of ALL volumes by holding down option+command during start up. Or use a utility like TechTool Pro. > I don't think I'm interested enough to reboot into OS9(!!) just to > fix a file path problem. What's so hard about booting OS 9? It's not really a file path problem. There is a bug in the OS X Finder that can result in incorrect data in the desktop database file(s), and so OzTeX's search fails. > Instead of the current method, how about > using a pathname under OSX? Or, how about just letting me use the > file dialogue box to -show- OzTeX which editor I want to use? I'll probably have to do something like this in the next release. I had been hoping that Apple would fix the bug. Plus there are more and more apps that use nulls or ???? for their signature, so eventually I might have to abandon the idea of using signatures to locate apps, or at least provide an alternative method. Andrew ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Wed Apr 17 22:01:44 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 12:01:44 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> > This is an Apple bug. The bug was reported to them some time ago. > Please see my web page for a list of outstanding Apple bugs which > we hope will be fixed soon. But can this really be a bug in the quartz rendering. After all it is being rendered correctly on screen. It is being sent to the printer wrong, surely? A.H. > > On Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 02:33 PM, Jan Rosinski wrote: > >> TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n correctly >> but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript >> and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. >> Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? >> >> Jan Rosinski > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From cvr at Fri Apr 12 06:59:18 2002 From: cvr at (Radhakrishnan CV) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 16:29:18 +0530 (IST) Subject: [OS X TeX] from tex->ps to tex->pdf: advice needed In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Fri, 12 Apr 2002 at 11:41, Paulo Abreu wrote: [...] Dropping my knowledge of pstricks and psfrag and learning a new tool is You need not drop pstricks at all, you can still use your pstricks code in pdfLaTeX documents with the help of pdftricks.sty which is available at CTAN. Please have a look. So the question is: What do you have to say about labeling figures using pdftex. Is warmreader+xypic a good choice and worth the effort of learning? Are there other approches? I can say that WARMreader is worth learning/using and is very flexible. -- Radhakrishnan ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From christoph.lehmann at Tue Apr 9 05:19:15 2002 From: christoph.lehmann at (christoph.lehmann at Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 11:19:15 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] paranthesis at citations Message-ID: Hi Sorry, but I am still a newbie: I use the report class with \usepackage{natbib} \bibliographystyle{plainnat} so I can use \citet{} and \citep{} actually it works. BUT: I get in the text: blablabla [Kawasaki, 1997]. As Hunziker [1994] could demonstrate.... the parenthesis are just wrong. I need the authors encapsulated in () paranthesis. So what can I do? Thanks a lot for your help -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christoph Lehmann Rue de la carri?re 2, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland christoph.lehmann at home : ++41 26 422 15 34, mobile: ++41 78 741 03 22 --- Windows NT crashed. I'm your blue screen of death. Nobody hears your screams. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Thu Apr 4 07:21:53 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 14:21:53 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] ps2pdf In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> On Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 01:56 , Radhakrishnan CV wrote: > [kaveh at kaveh] [05:21pm]: ps2pdf > /Users/kaveh/macgs-704-shlib/lib/ps2pdfwr: command not found: gs > [36] A weird place for ghostscript, which by default lives in /usr/local. I am sorry, but the only tip I can give you is to install gs7 with i-Installer. Download i-Installer.dmg and install i-Installer from that volume. Then, start /Applications/Utilities/i-Installer and open URL and install that i-Package. That gives you a gs7 in a default location which is part of a normal path. It is a gs without X11 support, but it will do your ps2pdf just fine. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From aaronseitz at Thu Apr 25 17:56:16 2002 From: aaronseitz at (Aaron Seitz) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:56:16 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Matlab for Mac OS X Message-ID: <> Dear All, UniMac is coordinating a survey on behalf of The MathWorks. What's at issue is whether The MathWorks should support Mac OS X with its MATLAB software. Please, take the time to respond to this survey: Best, -Aaron p.s. I am sorry if anyone thinks this to be SPAM. I believe that this petition affects sufficient recipients of this list to warrant the mass mailing. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 521 bytes Desc: not available URL: From hkb at Thu Apr 18 11:39:49 2002 From: hkb at (Hemant Bhargava) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 11:39:49 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Splitting a .tex into multiple PDF files In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Thanks, Adrian. I see that pdfpages allows me to include pdf pages from other files. So, you're suggesting I could first compile my .tex file and generate a single output pdf file, then run a series of commands like \includepdf[firstpage=a,lastpage=c]{file.pdf} to generate pdf files containing only the selected pages. Is there a better way? Another problem: I am able to run \includepdf without options. But when I include the first/last page options, I get the following error message: ! Package keyval Error: firstpage undefined. Where am I going wrong? - Hemant On Thursday, April 18, 2002, at 10:49 AM, Adrian Heathcote wrote: > Sure > > You can use pdfpages to do this. > > Adrian Heathcote > > > On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 12:42 AM, Hemant Bhargava wrote: > >> Hi - >> >> Is there an easy, systematic, way to compile a .tex file (with pdftex) >> and split the result into multiple PDF files? >> >> Any advice will be greatly appreciated. >> >> Thanks. >> >> - Hemant >> >> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >> For additional HELP, send email to with >> "help" (no quotes) in the body. >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From get86 at Sun Apr 14 22:48:12 2002 From: get86 at (get86 at Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 22:48:12 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: is there some special needs to get mac-emacs to run teX and subshells? thanks. -TR ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sneep at Wed Apr 10 05:09:02 2002 From: sneep at (Maarten Sneep) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 11:09:02 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] paranthesis at citations In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <02041011090201.22985@mondriaan> Hi, A clear case of rtfm. Do you have a file natbib.cfg? If so, either remove it, of load the package as indicated below. round should be default, but for some reason it isn't. In that case: force it. \usepackage[round]{natbib} No need to use the harvard styles (which have many side effects) and you retain the option to (easily) switch to a different style. There are more options (what to do with multiple citations at once, etc.). Take care, Maarten > I tested that myself and got exactly the same result. One option is to > use harvard style instead. > > \cite{} gives you the "(name year, name year)" > \citeasnoun gives you "name (year)" > > \usepackage{harvard} > > an option for a bib style is {em} but I'm sure there are many other > options. > > Fredrik > > On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 02:19 , christoph.lehmann at wrote: > > Hi > > > > Sorry, but I am still a newbie: I use the report class with > > > > \usepackage{natbib} > > \bibliographystyle{plainnat} > > > > so I can use \citet{} and \citep{} > > > > actually it works. BUT: I get in the text: > > > > blablabla [Kawasaki, 1997]. As Hunziker [1994] could demonstrate.... > > > > the parenthesis are just wrong. I need the authors encapsulated in () > > paranthesis. > > So what can I do? > > > > Thanks a lot for your help ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From strain at Fri Apr 5 17:34:16 2002 From: strain at (Bob Strain) Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 17:34:16 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] pdf viewing in preview. In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 4/5/02 4:14 PM, "Martin Costabel" wrote: > Bob Strain wrote: >> >> Hi, >> >> I have just received a pdf with math in it. >> >> Using Preview with OS X 10.1.3 most of the math looks like garbage. Using > > Yes, this happens a lot. Preview is very buggy. Maybe the pdf was made > using ghostscript 7. > >> acrobat reader 5.0 with OS X also gives garbage. Simple symbols like the >> summation are non-existant or look wacky. > > Did you update Acrobat Reader? A couple of those bugs are eliminated in > version 5.0.5. Thanks. I updated and it works with 5.0.5. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Tue Apr 2 05:28:35 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 12:28:35 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Le lundi 1 avril 2002, ? 06:06 PM, Michel Bovani a ?crit : > Hmmm... > If you look at the property list of the tfm of an ex tex font (like > cmex), > you will find something like [snip] > And now look at esstix afm file: this font claims to be AdobeStandard > encoded (!), and of course, most of the information that you need to > make a > tfm font is not actually present. So it is not impossible to make a tex > system with esstix, but it should be a lot of work for the ex font. > Moreover, I am not quite sure one should be allowed to convert these > fonts > in a mac format. Actually that's not what I meant: I'm quite happy with fonts in .pfb format, which TeXShop can use. I see only two reasons for converting them to Mac format: - Use with TeX in Mac OS 9, but in my case I launch Classic only when I absolutely have to and with greatest reluctance. - Use with other Mac applications (e.g. Illustrator), for inserting math in figures. I think (if I understood well) Ross Moore mentioned in an earlier posting a LaTeX package, which can do in .pdf format everything psfrag can do in .ps format, so provided that is true .pfb fonts would again be appropriate. That being said, the distribution contains all 17 esstix fonts in .pfb format and also in Windows TrueType .ttf format, together with a folder resource.frk which I suppose contains corresponding resource forks; so maybe creating Mac TrueType fonts (apart from copyright issues) would be accessible to a font expert. Another issue is to create .tfm files. containing .afm files, isn't it possible to convert them to .tfm format using afm2tfm (in /Library/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin5.3/afm2tfm) or fontinst? But then, of course, one would need to write LaTeX font driver .fd files and create control sequences to access each character in the 17 fonts (like, for example, phonetic alphabets) individually. But, after all, maybe that's what Elsevier is planning to do anyway? My original posting was more a request for information, in case anybody had heard of plans from Elsevier or a LaTeX guru. Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Wed Apr 3 22:17:38 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 13:17:38 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) In-Reply-To: <> from Christopher B Hamlin at "Apr 3, 2002 09:17:40 pm" Message-ID: <> > > On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 06:25 AM, Ross Moore wrote: > > >> Le lundi 1 avril 2002, ? 06:06 PM, Michel Bovani a ?crit : > > > > It's not just Elsevier. > > These esstix fonts are a product of the STIX project: > > > > > > > > The American Math Society (AMS) and publishers other than Elsevier > > have been involved as well, as have members of the TeX community. > > > > > > > Just FYI . . . > > The ESSTIX fonts were sort of linked with the STIX project > at one point but are not part of the project and are, as > far as I know, strictly an Elsevier project. Well, blow me down for thinking that ESSTIX was an acronym for Elsevier Science STIX . > I don't know what Elsevier might be planning to do with > ESSTIX, but STIX will be a different set. This email message describes the relationship pretty well, I think: or at least, as it was in September 2000. BTW, it also gives the URL to download this great set of fonts: If the situation has changed in the past 18 months, can you please provide more up-to-date information. Perhaps other publishers will create their own sets of fonts, using the STIX encodings and new Unicode code-points. Maybe not, and everyone will end up using ESSTIX, because Elsevier have provided them cost-free --- thank you very much indeed. My point was only that it is not fair to overlook the efforts of others, as well as Elsevier, in helping to bring about this fortunate situation. All the best, Ross Moore > > Regards, > > Chris Hamlin > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Fri Apr 26 22:19:08 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 12:19:08 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Bibitem label options In-Reply-To: from Marcelo LaFleur at "Apr 26, 2002 09:47:19 pm" Message-ID: <> > I'll try that, but what I want is for the Bibliography entry NOT to have the > label shown. Try \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} . That should suppress the numbers, since (from natbib.sty) : \DeclareOption{authoryear}{\NAT at numbersfalse \ExecuteOptions{round,colon,bibstyle}} so that you get the 'round' and 'colon' options automatically. (You can override these by adding extra options.) The 'bibstyle' option simply means that the \bibstyle and \citestyle macros do the same thing, rather than having different meanings. > The problem I have is that if I have a label in the bibitem, it shows in the > beginning of the bibliography item (eg: "[Canzonery:01]"). I don't want this > in the bibliography itself, but if I remove the label, it defaults to > numbers and I can't cite in the text. Hope this helps, Ross Moore ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From julius.ross at Thu Apr 25 08:49:40 2002 From: julius.ross at (julius ross) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 13:49:40 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi I am having trouble getting warmreader 1.2 to work with illustrator 10.0.1 and mac osx. The problem I am having is that the .bb file produced looks like this: (snip) %%StartMarkedPoints %%MarkedPoint:(4,94): point(0,0) : 1 %Default Text %%MarkedPoint:(63,31): point(0,0) : 2 %Default Text %%MarkedPoint:(-2,-25): point(0,0) : 3 %Default Text %%EndMarkedPoints However it only works if I add a space after the word 'MarkedPoint: ' (there is a space in the lines below but it is hard to see). %%StartMarkedPoints %%MarkedPoint: (4,94) : point(0,0) : 1 %Default Text %%MarkedPoint: (63,31) : point(0,0) : 2 %Default Text %%MarkedPoint: (-2,-25) : point(0,0) : 3 %Default Text %%EndMarkedPoints Any help would be much appreciated Julius ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From nicola.cabibbo at Thu Apr 18 03:34:59 2002 From: nicola.cabibbo at (Nicola Cabibbo) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 09:34:59 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: >TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n correctly >but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript >and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. >Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? I put the following as the first line in my .tex files \input special_keys I learned this trick a few years ago on an Alpha mailing list. The file was somewhere on an A;pha site, I do not remember where, so I copy it here. I keep it in ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/misc/myinputs for tetex, and I have a copy in the Oztek folder. Thanks to all for the very useful and informative list! Nicola Cabibbo ----------------------------------------------- % file special_keys.tex % This file can be \input into TeX 3.0 source files that use 8-bit characters. % define the macintosh "composite" characters % Umlaut \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"a} % option u, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"e} % option u, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"{\i}} % option u, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"o} % option u, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"u} % option u, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"y} % option u, then y \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"A} % option u, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"O} % option u, then O \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\"U} % option u, then U %Acute \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\'a} % option e, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\'e} % option e, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\'{\i}} % option e, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\'o} % option e, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\'u} % option e, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\'E} % option e, then E %Grave \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\`a} % option `, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\`e} % option `, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\`{\i}} % option `, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\`o} % option `, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\`u} % option `, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\`A} % option `, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\`E} % option `, then E %tilde \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\~a} % option n, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\~n} % option n, then n \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\~o} % option n, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\~A} % option n, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\~N} % option n, then N \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\~O} % option n, then O %hat \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\^a} % option i, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\^e} % option i, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\^{\i}} % option i, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\^o} % option i, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def ?{\^u} % option i, then u % end of file --------------------------------------------- The file is easily extendable. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bdarcus at Sat Apr 13 14:58:12 2002 From: bdarcus at (Bruce D'Arcus) Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 11:58:12 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] vfinst config? Message-ID: <> I decided to see if I could figure out how to use vfinst. According to the instructions, one needs to configure the vfinst.par file for one's installation. The relevant section is: ## If you are running a `traditional' TeX system, you'll need to ## supply the following information... $vfmapdir = "/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/dvips/config/" $myroot = "e:/texmf/tdsoff"; # some shorthand... $vfinputs = "$myroot/inputs"; # Where do fd files belong? $vfvf = "$myroot/vf"; # where do vf's go? $vftfm = "$myroot/tfm"; # and tfm's? $vfpsfonts = "$myroot/psfonts"; # where are all the outline fonts? $vfafm = "$myroot/afm"; # ...and the matching afm's? My question is how to configure this. I figured out the bit, and I assume I'd want to specify the texmf tree for most of the other settings. Anything more I should know? And what about "myroot"? Finally, what about? $vfenc = "OT1"; # or maybe "ot1" or "T1" or "t1" Thanks, Bruce ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From christoph.lehmann at Tue Apr 9 09:42:19 2002 From: christoph.lehmann at (christoph.lehmann at Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 15:42:19 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] newbie: LaTex mailing list searched Message-ID: <> can you recommend me one? christoph ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From wadams at Thu Apr 4 13:59:03 2002 From: wadams at (William Adams) Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 13:59:03 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] printing help? References: <> Message-ID: <> My copy of Mathematica is away at home on my Cube, but if it does dots in graphs like MatLab does (or has done on the jobs we've had), they're literally dots---a line as a single point with beginning / endpoints the same, and a strokewidth which defines the size of the dot. We've found such troublesome as well, so've usually wound up selecting all such (in Illustrator or FreeHand) and expanding the stroke to the proper width so that the dots become closed paths. William -- William Adams, publishing specialist ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Mon Apr 1 09:40:34 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:40:34 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> The esstix fonts from Elsevier look great, in particular they have all these devious integral signs like principal value which would make my life easier (not having to recreate it from $\int$ and $-$ every time I write a paper and change fonts). Is anybody aware of a plain TeX macro file or LaTeX package for using them ? Though these fonts live in the LaTeX area of Elsevier's public ftp server, I could see nothing LaTeX about them. Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From charles.bouldin at Thu Apr 25 20:33:33 2002 From: charles.bouldin at (Charles Bouldin) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 20:33:33 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: MacOSX-TeX Digest #303 - 04/25/02 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: >Subject: Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit >From: "Andrew Trevorrow" >Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 20:52:31 +1000 > >> It's listed as a known problem, but when I try to use OzTeX 5.0 under >> OSX, I always get the "can't find editor of type R*ch" when I try to >> use BBEdit as the editor. I tried rebuilding the classic desktop from >> OSX, to no avail. > >Boot under OS 9 and rebuild the desktops of ALL volumes by holding down >option+command during start up. Or use a utility like TechTool Pro. > >> I don't think I'm interested enough to reboot into OS9(!!) just to >> fix a file path problem. > >What's so hard about booting OS 9? I can't accept the idea of rebooting my computer into an OS that I don't use in order to implement a work around to a problem that could be solved in so many other ways (even though I agree with you that the root problem is apple's fault,not yours). I really would like to experiment with OzTeX under X, but until that bug is fixed I guess I won't. Sorry for the strong response, but this sort of pushes my buttons....OSX and programs that run under X need to be self-contained and complete, even if some of the difficulties are due to Apple's mistakes. BTW, I bought the OzTeX 4.0 CD. What do I owe in the way of registration fees to become a legal, registered user of the X version? ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From J.Huelsmann at Fri Apr 19 06:47:06 2002 From: J.Huelsmann at (J.Huelsmann) Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 12:47:06 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Splitting a .tex into multiple PDF files In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: >Why not just use the page-range selection in the Print dialogue box >and set the "Output Options" in the dialogue to "Save file as PDF"? > >No muss, no fuss, no changes to your source file. > >And I will take this opportunity to say how bizarre I find it that >in Windows (at least 98 and 2000) there does not seem to be any >standard way to generate postscript (or PDF) files from arbitrary >programs. I have relied on this feature of MacOS for years for >putting all manner of stuff on my web page. > >Josh Hodas But via Print Center no fonts will be included and the PDF is uncompressed; or do you have a solution to this? --Jan H?lsmann-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Mon Apr 15 18:46:26 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 08:46:26 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Using CM-Super In-Reply-To: <> from "[Philippe Lel_dy]" at "Apr 15, 2002 10:00:21 pm" Message-ID: <> > I'm happy with cm-super for producing french text using GW's pdflatex. > > However I notice a strange behavior, when a new font happens to be used: > metafont is launched to build .gf and .pk fonts, which seem not to be > used. Perhaps a lack of .tfm files ? This arrived with very common font > (trigerred by \texttt and \textsc ) This sounds like a lack of style/face entries in the .fd file for the font and encoding that you have selected. Alternatively, a .sty file may have said what face to use for the main font (\rm, \it, \sl variants) but not the \tt and \sc (and \sf ?) variants. Typically an .fd file finishes with lots of font substitution lines, such as the following (from ot1pbk.fd for Adobe Bookman) : \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{pbk}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * pbk/db/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{pbk}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * pbk/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{pbk}{b}{it}{<->ssub * pbk/db/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{pbk}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * pbk/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{pbk}{m}{n}{<->ssub * pbk/l/n}{} For example, the 4th line says that the ultrabold-italic style should use the same font as the bold-italic style. But the 3rd line says that for bold-italic use demibold-italic. Earlier in the file there is a specification for what this is: \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{pbk}{db}{it}{ <-> pbkdi7t }{} so that the pbkdi7t.tfm will be used for the metrics, and pbkdi7t.vf will be examined to determine which actual fonts are required, as well as the sizes and specific glyphs that are needed to generate subsetted fonts for inclusion in the PDF or PS document. Hope this helps, Ross Moore > Salutations. > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Wed Apr 10 08:20:51 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:20:51 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] TeX Programs i-Package has been updated Message-ID: <> There has been an update of the TeX Programs i-Package. This update contains the binaries from TeX Live development sources as of 09:00 on Apr 10. It also contains a fix for a problem that was first reported on this list, which prevented metafun from working properly. The problem was with teTeX's fmtutil in combination with metafun specifics. A pure administrative completely unnecessary update of the GhostScript 6 i-Package has also happened, but this is just because I had an error in my build setup :-) TeX-thin.dmg has also been updated. TeX-fat.dmg has not been updated and contains the old version. This is because the changes are minor. The installer on TeX-fat.dmg will detect the upgrade, of course. TeX.dmg containing has not been upgraded. Use the i-Installer to upgrade if you installed with If you do not need metafun, there is no need for an upgrade. However, since these binaries are also meant to end up in the official TeX Live distribution, I would prefer that at least a few users upgrade to test the new binaries and programs, as the TeX Live deadline is coming near. To install, use your existing dedicated TeX i-Installer from TeX- thin.dmg or TeX-fat.dmg. Then select the TeX Programs i-Package and install. New users: go to for information. Gerben ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Sat Apr 6 00:23:20 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 15:23:20 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] TeX-related links In-Reply-To: from Andrew Trevorrow at "Apr 6, 2002 02:53:01 pm" Message-ID: <> Hi Andrew. How about adding the following, as well: LaTeX2HTML : (manual at: to the TeX-related software section. Also, VTeX has a version for the Mac. (This doesn't mean that I recommend it, but it does work -- at least under OS 9.) Cheers Ross > Here are the updated TeX-related links. Thanks to the folks who replied. > > Programs that require Classic on OS X are flagged by [Classic]. > Links added or changed since the last post are flagged by [new]. > > TeX implementations, including teTeX front-ends: > > CMacTeX > iTeXMac > OzTeX > Scientific Assistant > teTeX/gs installer > TeXPalette > TeXShell > TeXShop > Textures [Classic] > > TeX-savvy editors: > > Alpha [Classic] > BBEdit > mac-emacs > Pepper > Vim [new] > > More TeX-related software and other useful stuff: > > BibDesk [new] > BibGene [Classic] [new] > BibTeX [Classic] [new] > cocoAspell > EPS tools [Classic] [new] > Equation Service > Excalibur > Fink > MacDviX and MacGhostViewX > Netpbm [new] > TeX2HTML > XFree86 > XRay > > TeX information and resources: > > TeX Users Group > TeX/LaTeX for the Mac > The TeX Catalogue Online > AMS TeX references > Text processing with TeX > AcroTeX [new] > The LaTeX Project > (La)TeX Navigator > http://www-cs-staff.Stanford.EDU/~knuth/ Donald Knuth's home page > > CTAN download sites (append "systems/mac/" for Mac stuff): > > USA > UK > Germany > Australian mirror > > Reminder: send suggestions/corrections to me, not to the list. > > Andrew > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sneep at Tue Apr 2 10:11:35 2002 From: sneep at (Maarten Sneep) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 17:11:35 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] PDF full-screen viewer and other tools In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi listers, A while back the crappy display of line-art by Acrobat was mentioned on this list. Someone mentioned that Quartz does this much better. I figured it should be a one-liner to create a viewer that is good enough to give presentations through quartz. If you take into account that I am a Ph.d. student in physics (and therefore count as 1, 2, many...), it was indeed a one-liner...;-) You can find this _limited_ program on (See the link near the top of the page). Limitations: - Only uses the main screen for display. - Once in full screen mode, you can't go back to window-mode, your option is to quit the program. The program will not crash, but getting back to windowing mode without crashing ws not possible for me. Anyone? - fancy page transitions are not supported. This may be a blessing ;-) - Read the help-file for all options. The help is displayed at the first start-up and can be reached from the help menu. Please familiarize yourself with the program before using is in front of a group... In the package you'll find some other tools as well: a colorselector and a ris2bib. Information is included in the dmg and on the page. Please report typo's, bugs and solutions to me: sneep at Take care, Maarten Sneep ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Sun Apr 28 03:43:35 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 17:43:35 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Bibitem label options In-Reply-To: from Marcelo LaFleur at "Apr 28, 2002 02:13:09 am" Message-ID: <> > Sorry for my ignorance, but where do I enter the command > \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} > > Can I just enter that somewhere in my root file such as: > > \documentclass{econ-thesis} > \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} > \usepackage{amssymb} > \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} Yes; this is a good place for it. > And then use \bibliographystyle{plainnat} ? Yes, again. > Or does it have to be somewhere else? Anywhere after loading the package, and before \begin{document} . > Do I understand correctly that by calling that package I will then be able > to cite with 'round' and 'colon' options (by default) without any extra > configuration on my part (simply by using /cite{} )? Yes; but (ahem!) it is \cite{....} . ^ > Do I have to do anything in the .bst file or the natbib.sty file? Certainly not *in* these files. They work fine as they are. If you don't like the results, then there are other options and commands to customise to your taste. It should *never* be necessary to alter any of the coding in the .bst and .sty files. > Again, I'm just beginning to understand all of this though I have read a > lot. You learn more quickly by doing than reading; but having the manual nearby is often very helpful. > Thanks for the clarification. You're welcome; but... ... you haven't yet said whether it worked as you wanted. :-) Cheers, Ross Moore > > -- > Marcelo T. LaFleur > Fordham University > > > > on 4/26/02 22:19, Ross Moore at ross at wrote: > > >> I'll try that, but what I want is for the Bibliography entry NOT to have the > >> label shown. > > > > Try \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} . > > > > That should suppress the numbers, since (from natbib.sty) : > > > > \DeclareOption{authoryear}{\NAT at numbersfalse > > \ExecuteOptions{round,colon,bibstyle}} > > > > so that you get the 'round' and 'colon' options automatically. > > (You can override these by adding extra options.) > > The 'bibstyle' option simply means that the \bibstyle and \citestyle macros > > do the same thing, rather than having different meanings. > > > > > >> The problem I have is that if I have a label in the bibitem, it shows in the > >> beginning of the bibliography item (eg: "[Canzonery:01]"). I don't want this > >> in the bibliography itself, but if I remove the label, it defaults to > >> numbers and I can't cite in the text. > > > > Hope this helps, > > > > Ross Moore > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > > For additional HELP, send email to with > > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Tue Apr 23 16:12:56 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 22:12:56 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] files In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 04:08 , Adrian Heathcote wrote: > I am trying to load Agaramond so that it works with GW's TeX > distribution. I've successfully loaded it into CMacTeX and it works > fine---mainly because Tom Kiffe helpfully supplied the file > adapted for his system. > > But with teTeX I have a problem. I have loaded the vf files, the type I > .pfb files, the .sty files, and the tfm files into the right places, > but I need to change the pdf.cfg and add the file. (All of > which is transparent under CMacTeX because you edit these files > directly from within CMacTeX.) Can someone tell me how to > > 1) edit pdf.cfg (and maybe also Edit /Library/teTeX/share/texmf.local/dvips/ /Library/teTeX/share/texmf.local/pdftex/pdftex.cfg both files should have examples in them. > 2) where to add particular, so that future updates to > teTeX don't wash it away. /Library/teTeX/share/texmf.local/dvips/config > > I'd be happier not having to do these things from Terminal---but if it > must be, then it must be. You do not need Terminal, but you need to make sure the files have unix line endings. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmurray at Wed Apr 17 07:46:06 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:16:06 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] Eucal package In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: >Hi > >I want to use \mathscr to produce a script H, (for Hilbert Space), >and it requires the eucal package---or so Diller's book says. But it >doesn't appear to be in teTeX. Does anyone know how to access the >package---and if not, what is a good way to produce a script letter >form in math mode? > >Thanks in advance > >Adrian Heathcote > Hi Adrian You don't like \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsfonts} \begin{document} $\mathcal H$ \end{document} ? Regards - Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mccallumwilliam at Thu Apr 11 10:52:00 2002 From: mccallumwilliam at (William McCallum) Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 07:52:00 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] caps => ctrl for mac-emacs In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I use uControl, which can be downloaded at It has two minor problems: it sometimes takes a few key strokes to get going in the morning, and some programs get confused if the caps lock key is left in the one position, even though its no longer supposed to be functioning as a caps lock key. On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 06:49 AM, bob desinger wrote: > > what's your favorite key remapper for os x (on a tibook)? i just want > to change that horrible caps lock key into another control key, really, > not necessarily remap the whole keyboard. > > arun mentioned that version tracker ( has more > than one, but i spent 2+ hours searching for a popular one a couple of > nights ago without finding anything. *d'oh!* > > windows people have the wonderful but backwards-named cntl2cap > (, and x11 people have xmodmap. > > hoping that y'all can help, > :: bob :: > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From jb2 at Mon Apr 8 23:00:47 2002 From: jb2 at (John B. Thoo) Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 20:00:47 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: LaTeX to HTML for OS X In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Monday, April 8, 2002, at 05:00 PM, in TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List John Vokey wrote: > Admitting my lack of geek-speak (aka ability to use the > command-line 'nix interface to get things done), I downloaded > latex2html-2002 as it sounded like just what I needed. It > apparently (reading a the documentation) assumes a facility with > geek-speak. Failing that (and I do by by a very large margin), > does anyone know of GUI wrap-around for it? Or, anyone know how > to make one? This doesn't address you question directly, but I happened to try OzTtH for the first time the other day (part of OzTeX pkg) ... drag-n-drop'd my LaTeX file on top of it and, poof, out came an HTML file. You can see the results at Ignore the mathematics (please!), but look at the typesetting. The LaTeX source is at I'll delete the files in a few days. HTH. ---John. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mail at Thu Apr 25 10:02:56 2002 From: mail at (Holger Frauenrath) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 09:02:56 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Hi. I have seen "WarmReader" mentioned a couple of times on this list. I am sorry for the ignorant question: what is it and where can I find out more about it? Holger -- Dr. Holger Frauenrath Department of Materials and Life Sciences 2225 North Campus Drive Northwestern University Evanston, IL, 60208 USA Phone: (847) 491-5950 Fax: (847) 491-3010 Email: mail at Web: ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Thu Apr 18 05:11:38 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 19:11:38 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] accents + In-Reply-To: from jerome LAURENS at "Apr 18, 2002 10:53:17 am" Message-ID: <> > > Le jeudi 18 avril 2002, ? 09:58 AM, Bruno Voisin a ?crit : > > > functionality though implemented differently. All that, anyway, isn't > > necessary in LaTeX 2e, where you just type > > > > \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} > > > > (possibly accompanied by \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}) to get the same > > result. > > > > The latter solution, I think, is also the only one which stills works > > should the file be sent to other platforms (provided the applemac above > > is replaced by the proper name, latin1 for example on UNIX machines). > > > > Not exactly > > if you send a mac tex file to another platform, either with 8bitsdefs, > option_key or inputenc, it will compile fine, but you will not be able > to edit correctly the file except if the text editor is mac friendly > (accented chars will be wrong). > > If you change the option in inputenc (applemac -> latin1 for example) > and send the file to the other platform, you will not be able to compile > the file nor edit it correctly unless you have changed the encoding and > probably the line endings too. Hi, There's another problem too, with that file that Bruno sent. It came encoded as UTF8, with many 2-octet combinations starting with the A-tilde character. So if you use it on a non-UTF8-aware system, these will be read as two 8-bit characters, instead of as a single character. This will surely kill many of those \def commands. I'd be extremely surprised if it compiles at all in TeX, on systems other than a Mac with OS X. There's a lesson in there somewhere; but I'm not sure exactly what it is. :-) Cheers, Ross > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Sat Apr 13 17:26:45 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 07:26:45 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Figures with TeXShop In-Reply-To: from Jerome Dubois at "Apr 13, 2002 06:16:41 pm" Message-ID: <> > Hi everybody, > > I use TeXShop in TeX + Ghostscript because I use the XY-pic package, but > I also want to include figures in jpeg or pdf format, and it doesn't > work ; if I use PdfTex it works without any problem. Is somebody can > help me ? > Get the pdftex drivers for Xy-pic from: That should help significantly. Ross Moore > Jerome > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Tue Apr 9 10:27:58 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:27:58 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] metapost + context In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: A part of the reason for this, I have located (by method of lucky guess), and a workaround. The reason seems to be that fmtutil creates either mptopdf.efmt or metafun.mem (probably) in such a way that mpost crashes. I do not know why (yet). A workaround is to do the following in an empty directory: mkdir youremptydir cd youremptydir sudo texexec --make sudo mv *.efmt *.mem /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c This gets the formats as created by texexec in your format directory. After that, it works here. G On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 05:47 , flip phillips wrote: > Greetings- sorry to folks on both the ConTeXt and OS X TeX list for the > repetition. > > Recently, I did a nice clean install of teTeX via the i-Installer > mechanism. Now, I'm trying to build one of my presentations via > ConTeXt's presentation mechanism. ConTeXt generates the metapost files > just fine. I can get them to metapost by doing mpost -mem=metafun > > However, when TeX shop / texexec tries to metapost them mpost crashes > w/ an address violation (I have crash logging on in > > This is strange, it will metapost fine manually, but not from within > tetex. I checked the shell_escape variable in texmf.cfg (there are two, > one in web2c and another in the highest level), set them to 't' (both > to be sure). > > Anyone with any ideas here? > > -- > flip phillips > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Fri Apr 5 02:37:40 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 09:37:40 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] gs7 i-package upgraded from gs 7.00 to gs 7.04 Message-ID: <> The first real world i-Installer update test: For people who have installed the gs7 i-Package: I have upgraded the contents of that i-Package from gs7.00 to gs7.04. To upgrade: open the dedicated i-installer for TeX (or a normal i-Installer as root), in Recent documents, find gs7 (this opens the version in your local cache), click check for update. If you install gs7 for the first time, open URL with running as root or from a dedicated authenticating i-installer (like the one for TeX). As I do not run gs7 myself (but gs6.01) these binaries and this distribution is untested, nor has the update procedure been tested in this particular case. I'd like you to test them for me ;-) This is experimental, but in case of problems it is easy for me to revert to gs7.00 for the gs7 i-Package. The install procedure will leave the gs7.00/gs6.01 libraries on your system, while it overwrites existing gs programs and man pages. This will be fixed in a later i-package release by the addition of a post_install script which will remove unused files. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From wadams at Mon Apr 1 16:46:02 2002 From: wadams at (William Adams) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:46:02 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] a LaTeX type 1 grouped font? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: hills_tex asked: > I'm pretty happy being able to install the Y&Y/Bluesky type-1 CM fonts in > Adobe's application support folder and then have them available in > Illustrator. I'm wondering if there is a way to trim down the # of menu > spaces the font takes? > > (ie, instead of seeing cmr10 and cmr12 listed separately, I just see "cmr" > .) > > How does Y&Y's Lucida Bright series show up? This is caused by Apple's backwards-compatibility with Mac bitmap screen fonts. If the fonts aren't all in one suitcase, putting them there will trim the entries somewhat. NeXTstep does properly categorize the fonts by way of the font family name provided within the font, and make them available as styles of ``Computer Modern'', but unfortunately, since nifty .font bundle support was lost, the .pkg of said fonts at doesn't work in Mac OS X. There's an extension for Mac OS <9 which'll hide away the fonts, but then one can't readily make use of them. I suspect the ``Super Computer Modern'' font set would work better as does the spiffy QuickDraw/GX enable TrueType version which is a part of TeX/GX available from, but haven't had a chance to investigate these. One can use the ``Favorites'' collection feature of the font panel to whittle this sort of thing down to a manageable set though. William -- William Adams, publishing specialist voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From hanson at Fri Apr 26 01:18:39 2002 From: hanson at (hanson at Date: 26 Apr 2002 00:18:39 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Large Symbols Partially Printed from PDF from LaTeX Message-ID: <> Thinking about the problem some more, I decided to perform some more controlled experiments: using my dept. office Sun workstation, I tried the same source using (1) pdflatex, (2) latex+dvips+ps2pdf, and (3) latex+dvips+adobedistiller. The first 2 generated PDF files that produced defective large symbols when printed, loosing the bottoms of the characters in MAC OS X, as previously reported, but also in WinNT4. Case (3) using the Adobe Distiller that I have available in WinNT4, produced good printouts of the large symbols that the other cases produced bad output. The result seems to indcate the the problem is Ghostscript used in pdflatex and ps2pdf in both cases on Sun Unix and MAC OS X. The problem is very likely NOT Apple or MAC OS X, as indicated on the TeXShop homepage for this problem. Good thing, since you really cannot wait for any computer company to fix its bugs, if sufficiently large. Hope This Helps, Floyd Hanson Hanson and Seguin said, in part: > > > I just upgraded from OS 4.2 (NeXT) to OS X (Mac 10.1.2), and yesterday > > > I downloaded and installed the recent regular version TeXShop and > > > Wierda's teTeX/GS packages. Everything installed easily without much > > > pain. However, when I tested the combined system on a current finance > > > paper, I found that large symbols like brackets or integral signs > > > generated from \left and \right pairs had only the top part of the > > > symbol printed from the PDF output. These large symbols viewed > > > correctly in the PDF viewer or Preview. > > > > I've noticed this kind of effect on the screen as well, specifically > > with \bigcup. The bottom of the big union symbol is sometimes missing, > > both in the TeXShop viewer and in Acrobat Reader. If my memory is > > correct, it happens only with magnifications > %100, and it doesn't > > happen consistently. The bottom of the union symbol usually reappears if > > scrolled off and then back onto the screen. > > Yes; and I just had it happening with the lower half of \Bigl ( and > large braces (moustaches) at 160% . > On changing the scaling in the TeXShop window, the missing bits came, > and I've been unable to force the bad effect since. > > There was nothing missing when the page was printed. > > So I guess some electrons just got lazy for awhile. :-) > > Cheers, > > Ross > > > > Richard Seguin > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From christoph.lehmann at Fri Apr 19 08:54:13 2002 From: christoph.lehmann at (christoph.lehmann at Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:54:13 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] 3 different versions of print: previewMac, acroMac, acroWin Message-ID: <> why don't the documents created with texshop have all the same print when printed with preview os x acro os x acro win2000. there are other lettersizes and other dimensions of the borders. christoph ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sneep at Tue Apr 16 04:08:28 2002 From: sneep at (Maarten Sneep) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:08:28 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Presenter, once more (bug fix) Message-ID: <> Hi listers, About two weeks ago I announced the following: > A while back the crappy display of line-art by Acrobat was mentioned on > this list. Someone mentioned that Quartz does this much better. I > figured it should be a one-liner to create a viewer that is good enough > to give presentations through quartz. If you take into account that I > am a Ph.d. student in physics (and therefore count as 1, 2, many...), > it was indeed a one-liner...;-) I updated the program and fixed a few annoying limitations: you can now jump back and forth between full-screen and windowing mode. The help-file was updated, but if you've used the program before, you'll have to open the help manually (from the help menu, if that wasn't obvious...). You can find this program on A direct link to the archive: Limitations: - Only uses the main screen for display. - fancy page transitions are not supported. This may be a blessing ;-) - Multimedia (quicktime movies, OpenGL, ...) not supported. This would require someone to roll their own pdf interpreter. I'm not the one for that job. - Read the help-file for all options. The help is displayed at the first start-up and can be reached from the help menu. Please familiarize yourself with the program before using is in front of a group... In the package you'll find some other tools as well: a colorselector and a ris2bib. Information is included in the dmg and on the page. Please report typo's, bugs and solutions to me: sneep at Take care, Maarten Sneep ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Wed Apr 10 09:08:32 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 15:08:32 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: >On April 10, G?rard Degrez writes: >> I downloaded and installed, but the mac-emacs application quits >> immediately after starting (PowerBook G3/500 MHz, MacOSX 10.1.3 >> (SQ45)). > >This is somehow expected :-) > >In fact, the mac-emacs application has the only role to launch the > bundle and the exits. Is the proper Emacs program running then? No. And, from the terminal window, it doesn't work any better. Actually, is a directory. Is that normal? GD ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From tozsu at Sun Apr 7 14:06:44 2002 From: tozsu at (M. Tamer =?ISO-8859-1?B?1g==?=zsu) Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 14:06:44 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Texshop problems In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 4/7/02 1:24 PM, "Gary L. Gray" wrote: >> 1. The paper is being typeset for A4 > > You need to run the terminal and set the paper size. Issue the following > commands in the terminal: > > sudo texconfig dvips paper letter > sudo texconfig pdftex paper letter > > This worked, thanks. >> 2. The pdf file that is displayed in Preview does not contain any text other >> than title, author information, section/subsection headings and figures. >> There are scattered "ff"s on the pages. > > That is a result of using GS 7 with the TeX + GhostScript option. If you > open the file in Acrobat, it should look right (usually). You may want to > install GS 6. > I was indeed using GS 7. I removed it using i-install. However, when I try to install GS 6, for a bunch of files I am getting the following error: /Applications/Utilities/ share/ghostscript/fonts/s050000l.pfb: Could not create file: Permission denied The result output is the same. Thanks for your help. -- M. Tamer Ozsu University of Waterloo From mmoll at Tue Apr 2 10:45:12 2002 From: mmoll at (Mark Moll) Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 10:45:12 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] PDF full-screen viewer and other tools References: Message-ID: <> On 4/2/02 10:11 AM, Maarten Sneep wrote: > A while back the crappy display of line-art by Acrobat was mentioned on > this list. I think I missed that discussion, but if by "crappy" you mean "non-smooth", then make sure line-art smoothing is turned on in the preferences. (It isn't by default.) -- Mark ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmurray at Wed Apr 24 01:38:15 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:08:15 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] problem with page sizes -- PS In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: I forgot to say that on my Desktop I did notice that when I did a reinstall of teTeX it claimed to copying the texmf.cnf to texmf.cnf(someversionnumber) but it didn't. On my Laptop it does create this texmf.cnf(someversionnumber) Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Wed Apr 17 08:41:21 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 14:41:21 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] ?: METAFONT, teTeX, OS X In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 09:18 , Kenneth Beesley wrote: > Well, teTeX does has a 'mfw', but when I run it, I get the same > message. The message also tells me that I might need to > recompile METAFONT, specifying --with-x as an option > to the configure script. > > Do I need to recompile METAFONT, first doing > configure --with-x Yes. As I ship a TeX without support for X11, you need to compile your own if you want to use X11. The reason for not supporting X11 lies in the fact that I need to be sure everything works on default Mac OS X systems without X11. It is impossible for me to check everything against some X11-dependency having been created. Therefore: to prevent this from happening, I need to keep my systems X11-free. I follow Apple default. Having said that, As far as I know, you do not need X11 support on Mac OS X to have a look at your font. Use pdftex testfont to produce pdf output. But then again, I have not a lot of experience with METAFONT, so I might not know what you are trying to do. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Thu Apr 11 19:30:13 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 01:30:13 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 07:41 , Michel Bovani wrote: > Le 11/04/02 19:32, ??G?rard Degrez?? a ?crit?: > >> A newbie question (although this might not be the most appropriate >> forum): when I select "pdflatex" from the Command menu, nothing >> happens (actually it says "problems after 0 page"), but the same file >> compiles perfectly from TeXShop. What's wrong? [the tex file is of >> course in Mac - not Unix - format]. > > Hi G?rard ! > > try to create a ~/Library/init/tcsh/ directory and put in it a file > named rc.mine and containing > > setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current" > > Perhaps you have to add also tour gs path. I haven't paid much attention to this thread, but I don't think you should follow this advice. In case you have installed one of my distributions, the PATH is already set that way in the global tcsh init files. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Tue Apr 9 02:05:04 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 08:05:04 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: In Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (I'm not sure about earlier versions), in the "Acrobat Reader" pop-up menu of the Print dialog, there's an option "Adjust big pages" (or something like this, it's "Ajuster les grandes pages" in French) which is checked by default. Unchecking it cures the problem, I think. To some extent: Acrobat Reader seems to have its own notion of what page margins should be; anything falling within these margins is cropped, i.e. not printed at all. Alternatively, printing from Preview or TeXShop does not create such problems, on my setup (OS X 10.1.3). Assuming the PDF file is one that can be displayed properly by Preview or TeXShop, and there are some which can't. Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From get86 at Thu Apr 4 00:58:09 2002 From: get86 at (get86 at Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 00:58:09 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] printing help? Message-ID: we have a finished paper [pdf] with lots of equations and some graphs. graphs: we have a X - Y graph with a couple curved lines on it and on each line there are 2 points (dots) -no big deal, very simple looking. on the screen we see the dots, in print we see the dots -BUT when we email it to a collaborator who uses a PC and he prints it, the dots are missing. further, we have noticed a difference between Acrobat Reader 4.0 and Acrobat Reader 5.0 in whether we see the dots on the *screen*: in 4 we don't, in 5 we do; but both give dots when printed. that's fine for us, but why can't the other guy get the dots printed? (i'm not at work and forgot whether he sees them on screen -he's not there but the email is! i'll get this info straight Friday, but i believe the process is something like (Mac OS9): OzteX5/MacGS PPC/Acrobat Reader. thanks in advance. -Ted -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 972 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mail at Thu Apr 25 11:30:56 2002 From: mail at (Holger Frauenrath) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 10:30:56 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: Message-ID: That sounds *great*. Where do I obtain Warmreader? Where can I obtain your app? > We have a tutorial we have written describing this process if anyone is > interested. Keep in mind that it was written for our students, so it is not > meant to be a complete tutorial with every detail. I am *very* interested. Can you post it for download somewhere or would you mind sending it to me? Thanks. Holger -- Dr. Holger Frauenrath Northwestern University Department of Materials Science 2225 North Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208 Phone: (847) 467-6416 Fax: (847) 491-3002 Email: mail at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ccr-mactex at Thu Apr 18 07:01:25 2002 From: ccr-mactex at (ccr-mactex at Date: 18 Apr 2002 13:01:25 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] system calls In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Andy White writes: > \begin{tabular} > `perl foo.dat` % or whatever the shell escape is > \end{tabular} Sorry, you can't use the zcat style solution here, since that depends on support from dvips. What you can do is to enable \write18 in your texmf.cnf and then do something like \immediate\write18{perl foo.dat > foodat.tex} \input{foodat.tex} But, really, I would suggest you use a makefile instead to call the converter before starting the TeX run. A simple one could look like this: paper.dvi: paper.tex chapter1.tex foodat.tex latex $< latex $< latex $< makeindex $< latex $< foodat.tex: foo.dat perl $< > $@ -- Attachment? Nein: begin LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs Christopher Creutzig, MuPAD group, Tel.: +49-5251-60-5525 end ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From jer_dubois at Mon Apr 15 10:33:09 2002 From: jer_dubois at (Jerome Dubois) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 16:33:09 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Fig in TeXShop Message-ID: Dear Ross, Can you give me the instructions to install the XYpicPDF please ? I have donwload the drivers but I don't know how to use it ! Thanks, J. Le samedi 13 avril 2002, ? 11:26 , Ross Moore a ?crit : Hi everybody, I use TeXShop in TeX + Ghostscript because I use the XY-pic package, but I also want to include figures in jpeg or pdf format, and it doesn't work ; if I use PdfTex it works without any problem. Is somebody can help me ? Get the pdftex drivers for Xy-pic from: That should help significantly. Ross Moore -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 877 bytes Desc: not available URL: From wadams at Tue Apr 9 12:44:51 2002 From: wadams at (William Adams) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 12:44:51 -0400 Subject: Fixing non-outlined dots in AI (Re: [OS X TeX] printing help?) In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Sorry, been a bit busy at work. Ted asked: >how do I repair the dots in Illustrator, if you don't mind the lesson? I'd feel better if I could experiment with a copy of the file (could you mail me one?), but... Basically, one selects the points and then uses the Object | Path | Offset Path command, but this isn't working for a quick check in Adobe Illustrator 9 (if memory serves, when I was fixing the MatLab files, it was with AI6---the newer program seems to check for the size of the path and doesn't trouble to process them if they're too short). It does work in FreeHand 8, (Modify | Alter Path | Expand Stroke). I might've had to select one point from each path and move it infinitesimally---don't think so though, I'm sure I'd've remembered doing that (there were a _lot_ of points in the MatLab graph) HTH! William -- William Adams, publishing specialist voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From jerome.laurens at Fri Apr 5 05:27:30 2002 From: jerome.laurens at (jerome LAURENS) Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 12:27:30 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] TeXShop & BibTeX In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Le jeudi 4 avril 2002, ? 12:29 PM, Tore Haug-Warberg a ?crit : > At 07:22 PM 4/3/02 +0200, Matthias Damm wrote: >> At 16:29 Uhr +0200 03.04.2002, Tore Haug-Warberg wrote: >> >> > If there is no reason for the opposite, I suggest that .aux files >> can be >> > opened by TeXShop, and that BibTeX is the (only) program to be >> selected in >> > this case. >> >> I strongly support this, I have the same problem with bibtopic. >> >> I would suggest (and have already suggested...) that the user should be >> able to define exactly which programmes should be used in which order, >> i.e. >> define some kind of makro that calls >> >> latex document >> bibtex document1 >> bibtex document2 >> latex document >> >> in the case of bibtopic. > > Yes, that might be an even better suggestion - to have the ability of > defining a macro of your own choice. I think a major difficulty with > LaTeX (at least for the GUI inclined users) is to understand when and > why the different sub-programs should be called. > > Tore. > iTeXMac can do it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Mon Apr 1 21:26:33 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 12:26:33 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] software authors: do you want your stuff on my CD? Message-ID: To authors of TeX-related software for the Mac: I'd like to make the new OzTeX CD a valuable resource for all TeX users on the Mac (not just OzTeX fans) so please let me know if you'd like your software to be included. If so, please specify: - A one line description (don't bother if it's well known). - The software's status (freeware? shareware? commercial?). - System requirements (Classic? Carbon? OS X?). - Preferred format on CD (.sit? .dmg? unpacked?). - An URL where people can get news about your software and download the latest version. - If you want a free copy of the CD (include your postal address). Note that I make it very clear to CD purchasers that they should pay the requested fee(s) if they use any contributed shareware. Please send your reply to me, NOT to the list. Andrew PS. I already have permission to include these items: teTeX/gs installer -- thanks to Gerben Wierda. TeXShop -- thanks to Richard Koch. TeXShell/MacDviX/MacGhostViewX -- thanks to Tom Kiffe. Pepper -- thanks to Maarten Hekkelman. XRay -- thanks to Rainer Brockerhoff. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From u.steiner at Fri Apr 26 03:39:58 2002 From: u.steiner at (Ullrich Steiner) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 09:39:58 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: Message-ID: This is great stuff: MarkedObjects for Illustrator together with Gary's application makes labeling Illustrator graphs a piece of cake. The best thing is that it gets you around illustrator's font inconsistencies. - Ulli On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 05:41 PM, Gary L. Gray wrote: > On 4/25/02 11:30 AM, "Holger Frauenrath" wrote: > >> That sounds *great*. >> >> Where do I obtain Warmreader? > > You can get tons of warmreader info at: > > > > The Illustrator MarkedObjects plug-in can be found at: > > > > with additional info at: > > > >> Where can I obtain your app? > > I don't want to post it for public consumption just yet, but would be > glad > to send it to you (and I will in a separate email along with our little > tutorial). > >>> We have a tutorial we have written describing this process if anyone >>> is >>> interested. Keep in mind that it was written for our students, so it >>> is not >>> meant to be a complete tutorial with every detail. >> >> I am *very* interested. Can you post it for download somewhere or >> would you >> mind sending it to me? > > Will do. > > -- Gary > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > -------------------------------------- Ullrich Steiner Department of Polymer Chemistry University of Groningen Nijenborgh 4 NL-9747AG Groningen The Netherlands Tel: +31-50-363-7888 Fax: +31-50-363-4400 e-mail: mailto:u.steiner at www: -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Fri Apr 19 10:12:46 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 00:12:46 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] OzTeX 5.0 is now available Message-ID: OzTeX 5.0 is available for download (10.1MB) from the main CTAN sites: After unpacking the .sit file please read the supplied Read-Me file. Here are the changes to the 5.0a release: * Fixed an obscure bug that could stop a TeX/DVI/PS file being remembered. * Fixed a bug handling "|" in config file comment lines (%...) and message lines (@...). Also, lines containing only spaces/tabs are now ignored (they used to generate a rather confusing error message). * OzTeX now saves the drop_tex/dvi/ps lists before a drop.config/foo.config file is loaded and restores the lists after the dropped file is processed. Because any drop_tex/dvi/ps settings in these config files are temporary, there is no possibility of an unexpected task list being activated when a different file is dropped. * Added :TeX:Docs:LaTeX:drop.config which shows how to convert dropped EPS files to PDF and then preview them (requires OS X and Ghostscript). * The ":TeX:Configs:Use texmf tree" file has been improved. In particular, $c has been added at the START of OzTeX's ps_folders list so that dvips will use OzTeX-specific files like * Modified so that the a4 paper size lines come before A4size. The advantage for people who use A4 paper is that an "a4" command is included in the dvips output; this forces Unix commands based on Ghostscript (like ps2pdf) to use the correct paper size. There is no longer any need to add a "-t a4" option to dvips. * I decided to remove XRay, Excalibur and Odd Jobs from the Extras folder to reduce the size of the .sit file (they are on the new OzTeX CD, but not in Extras). * The "Related Software" item in OzTeX's Help menu contains a large list of links to TeX-related software and resources. * Minor changes to the OzTeX User Guide and various other docs. Andrew PS. The OzTeX CD master has been sent to the distributors and should be ready for delivery next week. More about the CD later. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bdarcus at Tue Apr 16 10:29:48 2002 From: bdarcus at (Bruce D'Arcus) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:29:48 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] fonts and ttf2tfm? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 4/16/02 5:12 AM, "Gerben Wierda" wrote: > On Monday, April 15, 2002, at 06:36 , Bruce D'Arcus wrote: > >> Gerben, maybe it'd be nice to have ttf2tfm installed by default (or as >> an i-Package?)? > > Yes, however, I will need someone to send me a good binary. This stuff > depends on freetype, which depends on X11, and my system is X11 free. If nobody else volunteers, I could do it (Fink made me install X11 before the original Freetype package was installed). I'd need specific instructions though (like, type this, then that, etc.), so I may be more hindrance than help :-) I've been trying to iron out the kinks with running ttf2tex on my system with the author, but am not quite there yet. I downloaded the freetype source and compiled it, but now the script can't find ttf2tfm. If anyone has any experience with this please let me know. That said, once I do get it worked out, this thing will be very useful. It will allow extremely easy installation of truetype fonts (though for a certain Apple font I want to use, I converted it first to PC format), and could be the basis for then putting together an additional i-Package that would address Type 1 fonts (which seems more difficult to me, because of the encoding stuff). Bruce > I would like to produce a font i-Package (other thing stoo, like adding > TeX's pfb's to ghostscript, I already have a submitted script for that) > > G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From kaveh at Wed Apr 10 11:47:07 2002 From: kaveh at (Kaveh Bazargan) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 16:47:07 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] MacDviX problems In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: I desparately need some 'newbie' support please. I have TeTeX and GhostScript installed. I have also installed MacDviX. I have set what I think are the correct search paths. Every time I start up MacDviX, it says: ========= Search paths for tfm files: <.> .... ========= and similarly for hundreds of lines. When I open a .dvi, I get ========= Looking for ... ========= again for hundreds of lines. It is quite slow, as it if is doing something, not just looking. Looks like it is repeating some of the fonts, as this takes a huge amount of time. It's been going for half an hour now so I'll kill it. Help please? -- Kaveh Bazargan Focal Image Ltd Wessex House, Teign Road Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 4AA, UK UK office numbers ================= Tel: +44 (0)1626 204 808 (direct) 204 833 (switchboard) Fax: 204 818 India office numbers ==================== Tel: +91 (0) 471 337 502 337 501 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Sun Apr 7 17:57:23 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 07:57:23 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Conference software In-Reply-To: from "Gary L. Gray" at "Apr 7, 2002 02:11:37 pm" Message-ID: <> Hi Gary, I'm very intrested in this part of the info you sent Wendy for the NSDL grant proposal that she is preparing: > [3] We are actively involved in the organization of the 2002 meeting of the > Society of Engineering Science which will take place this coming fall at > Penn State. One of the organizational tasks we have taken on has been the > creation of a template for the submission of Abstracts via the WEB for the > compilation of the final book of abstracts. The input submitted by the > authors consists of text which is then automatically typeset using LaTeX. > Wendy already mentioned that I'm needing to do the same kind of thing for a large congress in 2003. Indeed, that's why I was in Philadelphia for a few days last January; to look at SIAM's system for collecting abstracts and minisymposium proposals. Is your system working well ? Can I access it across the web to have a look? Does it integrate with other software that allows the abstracts to be reviewed for relevance and appropriate content? How easy is it to setup? What database do you use, or Perl/PHP/Python/cgi ? By the way, are you aware of the ICIAM 2003 congress in Sydney? See the website, at . The invited speakers are all very impressive, covering a wide range of topics in Industrial and Applied Mathematics. There's also an embedded submeeting for an Australian Society of Engineering Mathematicians. Given the nature of our proposed work for the NSDL project, and other TeX/LaTeX related efforts, and its applicability for mathematics and mathematicians worldwide, then it would be quite appropriate to have a minisymposium or two at ICIAM 2003 devoted to such topics. What do you think ? All the best, Ross ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sneep at Wed Apr 3 03:10:48 2002 From: sneep at (Maarten Sneep) Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 10:10:48 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [OS X TeX] UPDATE: PDF full-screen viewer In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Listers, As some of you may have noticed, I forgot to include the sources. A few minor updates are included in the new version (mainly corrections of typos). The new version can be downloaded from or directly from Enjoy, Maarten Sneep >>>----------------------------------------------------------------------- Maarten Sneep Atomic- and Laser Physics group vrije Universiteit, amsterdam The Netherlands ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From fwallenberg at Tue Apr 30 12:12:43 2002 From: fwallenberg at (Fredrik Wallenberg) Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:12:43 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] OmniOutliner and pdfScreen Message-ID: <> A great big thanks to John Johnson for putting together the apple script that converted an OmniOutliner document to TeX. I have modified his code to create slides (using the pdfscreen format) from an outline. The script has the following features and constraints: -The top level bullet is treated as a new slide -All lower bullets are treated as part of itemized lists with indentation preserved (a new \begin{itemize} for each indent) -Notes in the TOP LEVEL (slide level) only are added as body text on the slide -The script will not add multiple levels at the same time (but will close multiple) for example: A A.a A.a.a A.a.b works fine, but A A.a.a does not work (you're code will have more \end{} than \begin{}) A commented version of the script can be found here: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 953 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Fredrik Wallenberg.vcf Type: text/directory Size: 259 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mmurray at Wed Apr 24 05:17:41 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 18:47:41 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] problem with page sizes -- PS In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Thanks Gerben and Piet, I have found a fix: On the laptop (which works) there are some lines @ unknown 0in 0in @+ statusdict /setpageparams known { hsize vsize 0 1 statusdict begin { @+ setpageparams } stopped end } { true } ifelse { statusdict /setpage known @+ { hsize vsize 1 statusdict begin { setpage } stopped pop end } if } if at the bottom of /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/dvips/config/ but which are not there in the desktop (which doesn't work). The teTeX version on the desktop is 200203271131 fromm /usr/local/teTeX/TeXGSInstaller.version The teTeX version on the laptop is 200203271131 which is the same !! I don't know how the ends up different. When I copy those lines across to the desktop the problem goes away. I just checked my wifes machine which exhibited the same problem. She doesn't have those lines and she has tetex version 200203151318 which was the version my desktop has when I first discovered the problem. Thanks again. Regards - Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From piet at Wed Apr 17 09:25:10 2002 From: piet at (Piet van Oostrum) Date: 17 Apr 2002 15:25:10 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: LaTeX 2.09 In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: >>>>> Joachim Kock (JK) writes: JK> It is not too difficult to add a custom format to TeXShop. At JK> least, the following recipe worked for me for some simple personal JK> formats --- most of it was explained to me by Gerben. JK> However there are probably additional problems with running JK> LaTeX209: many of the files it reads have the same names as those JK> used by modern latex, and unless some custom search instructions JK> are given to latex209, it will find the 2e files instead and get JK> very confused. Not necessarily. teTeX's texmf.cnf has seperate searchpaths for latex2.09. -- Piet van Oostrum URL: [PGP] Private email: P.van.Oostrum at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bdesinger at Fri Apr 12 04:13:00 2002 From: bdesinger at (bob desinger) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 01:13:00 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] caps => ctrl for mac-emacs In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> um, okay, how do i _un_install a package like ucontrol (so that i can try the info.plist solution)? i looked around in the /Library/Receipts/uControl.pkg file but couldn't find any instructions. i also looked around in the obvious places in the file system (with the finder, not with a terminal) but couldn't find where it had left its files. :: bd :: On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 09:36 PM, Cyril Niklaus wrote: > I'm not using any programs to do that, but rather have followed this > page's tip (which works flawlessly): > : >> I use uControl, which can be downloaded at >> >>> what's your favorite key remapper for os x (on a tibook)? ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Tue Apr 9 02:50:05 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 08:50:05 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >>In Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (I'm not sure about earlier versions), in >>the "Acrobat Reader" pop-up menu of the Print dialog, there's an >>option "Adjust big pages" (or something like this, it's "Ajuster >>les grandes pages" in French) which is checked by default. > > >Thanks Bruno, > >I don't see an Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 in the pop-up menu in the Print dialog in >OS X ? Is that what you are looking at ? Yes. When you are in Acrobat Reader and you select the Print dialog box (command-P), there's an "Acrobat Reader" submenu, in which you should uncheck the box "Shrink oversize pages to paper size" G?rard Degrez ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From haugwarb at Thu Apr 4 05:29:45 2002 From: haugwarb at (Tore Haug-Warberg) Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 12:29:45 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] TeXShop & BibTeX In-Reply-To: References: <> <> Message-ID: <> At 07:22 PM 4/3/02 +0200, Matthias Damm wrote: >At 16:29 Uhr +0200 03.04.2002, Tore Haug-Warberg wrote: > > > If there is no reason for the opposite, I suggest that .aux files can be > > opened by TeXShop, and that BibTeX is the (only) program to be selected in > > this case. > >I strongly support this, I have the same problem with bibtopic. > >I would suggest (and have already suggested...) that the user should be >able to define exactly which programmes should be used in which order, i.e. >define some kind of makro that calls > >latex document >bibtex document1 >bibtex document2 >latex document > >in the case of bibtopic. Yes, that might be an even better suggestion - to have the ability of defining a macro of your own choice. I think a major difficulty with LaTeX (at least for the GUI inclined users) is to understand when and why the different sub-programs should be called. Tore. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From gray at Thu Apr 25 11:41:39 2002 From: gray at (Gary L. Gray) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 11:41:39 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 4/25/02 11:30 AM, "Holger Frauenrath" wrote: > That sounds *great*. > > Where do I obtain Warmreader? You can get tons of warmreader info at: The Illustrator MarkedObjects plug-in can be found at: with additional info at: > Where can I obtain your app? I don't want to post it for public consumption just yet, but would be glad to send it to you (and I will in a separate email along with our little tutorial). >> We have a tutorial we have written describing this process if anyone is >> interested. Keep in mind that it was written for our students, so it is not >> meant to be a complete tutorial with every detail. > > I am *very* interested. Can you post it for download somewhere or would you > mind sending it to me? Will do. -- Gary ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From hkb at Thu Apr 18 10:42:54 2002 From: hkb at (Hemant Bhargava) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:42:54 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Splitting a .tex into multiple PDF files In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Hi - Is there an easy, systematic, way to compile a .tex file (with pdftex) and split the result into multiple PDF files? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. - Hemant ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bdarcus at Mon Apr 15 12:36:35 2002 From: bdarcus at (Bruce D'Arcus) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 09:36:35 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] fonts and ttf2tfm? Message-ID: More struggling with font installation... Does anyone have any experience using ttf2tex on OS X? From the readme: > ttf2tex is a Bash shell script which generates all files required to > use TrueType fonts with teTeX from a set of .ttf files. In short, it > will do for TrueType fonts what fontinst's \latinfamily command does > for Type 1 PostScript fonts. ttf2tex is designed for Linux/UNIX > systems running teTeX. This seems a promising way to install TTF fonts for use in pdftex. My problem is that I don't know how to get ttf2tfm working (which this script depends on). I used Fink to download the "freetype 1.3.1-4" package. When I ran my script, I got an error. It seems the Fink package doesn't install ttf2tfm, and so I don't know how to get that installed. A quick google search turns up others on the list who previously dealt with this, but no answers. Suggestions? Gerben, maybe it'd be nice to have ttf2tfm installed by default (or as an i-Package?)? Bruce ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From fwallenberg at Tue Apr 9 14:41:41 2002 From: fwallenberg at (Fredrik Wallenberg) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:41:41 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] paranthesis at citations In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> I tested that myself and got exactly the same result. One option is to use harvard style instead. \cite{} gives you the "(name year, name year)" \citeasnoun gives you "name (year)" \usepackage{harvard} an option for a bib style is {em} but I'm sure there are many other options. Fredrik On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 02:19 , christoph.lehmann at wrote: > Hi > > Sorry, but I am still a newbie: I use the report class with > > \usepackage{natbib} > \bibliographystyle{plainnat} > > so I can use \citet{} and \citep{} > > actually it works. BUT: I get in the text: > > blablabla [Kawasaki, 1997]. As Hunziker [1994] could demonstrate.... > > the parenthesis are just wrong. I need the authors encapsulated in () > paranthesis. > So what can I do? > > Thanks a lot for your help > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Christoph Lehmann > Rue de la carri?re 2, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland > christoph.lehmann at > home : ++41 26 422 15 34, mobile: ++41 78 741 03 22 > > --- > Windows NT crashed. I'm your blue screen of death. > Nobody hears your screams. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From costabel at Fri Apr 5 16:14:36 2002 From: costabel at (Martin Costabel) Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 23:14:36 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] pdf viewing in preview. References: Message-ID: <> Bob Strain wrote: > > Hi, > > I have just received a pdf with math in it. > > Using Preview with OS X 10.1.3 most of the math looks like garbage. Using Yes, this happens a lot. Preview is very buggy. Maybe the pdf was made using ghostscript 7. > acrobat reader 5.0 with OS X also gives garbage. Simple symbols like the > summation are non-existant or look wacky. Did you update Acrobat Reader? A couple of those bugs are eliminated in version 5.0.5. -- Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Tue Apr 2 00:00:29 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 15:00:29 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] OT newbie: ps psd into teX document In-Reply-To: from "" at "Apr 1, 2002 11:03:48 pm" Message-ID: <> > this an OT, i think newbie story and request, i apologize in advance if > i'm outta line posting, but i am trying to learn: > > today the systems guys here were trying to figure out a .psd graphics > problem -into a teX'd document, or to be teX'd. > > the assist. admin. is groveling about this school .psd logo image having > a "bounding box" that is causing it to print a quarter of the, > apparently to huge, image as a "eps?" file -i guess he made an eps of > it. anyway... > > he was saying something about there being too much bounding box or > something -i couldn't really catch it as he wasn't addressing me -BUT... > sitting there at my Mac OSX with TeXShop and all this nice stuff > installed (eps2pdf) etc., i thought -well of this list and various > things i've read about here! This all sounds very familiar indeed. If he designed the logo in Illustrator, then saving directly as PDF would give a bounding-box that is the whole page. Other drawing programs do the same kind of thing. (Some even include a filled white rectangle, having the size of the page --- getting rid of that requires some knowledge of how PostScript works.) > so i quickly downloaded eps2pdf and the logo and converted it to a pdf, > then i heard him talking about some advice he'd gotten but hadn't > figured out yet -IncludeGraphics, etc.... now i'm thinking oh oh!.. > silently. :-) eps2pdf ( have you mis-spelled ? epstopdf or ps2pdf ) uses Ghostscript --- a free program for interpreting PostScript code, and saving the result into different image formats. It generally does a good job of getting the BoundingBox right. > so i open TeXShop and easily find the IncludeGraphics section and i read > that it works with pdf... so i'm thinking so far so good... not much > ensues: > > ending is: now i'm up to where he is and i offer... with the logo > opened in Acrobat on my screen... "is this how you want it?" (logo image > appears to be to the borders) he says, "how'd you do that?" i say, "i > converted it to pdf. > He says, "i don't think i can use a pdf." i'm thinking... i bet he can, > though i've read here that going to pdf should be at final stage(?) > -maybe that's what he wants. You can also give him another .eps, with correct bounding-box. ps2epsi is the script for this. > oh, and i heard him, earlier, saying something about a bitmap... i'm > thinking... hmm... "...embedded bitmap in teX doc?"... where have i > heard about possible problems there. bitmaps can be good, but only when viewed at the resolution for which they were designed. A vector format is much better as the master version; especially for a logo, which will be needed at many different sizes and resolutions. > anyway, he says, "send me the pdf." He probably has software that will enable this to be saved back as a correct .eps , else he can use it directly with pdfTeX . > if anyone would care to *try* to decipher this and shed any light, > provided any of it makes sense and there is enough info here, please > mail me? It sounds pretty typical really. You did good. :-) > (He was on a Sun trying to print the file -looked like a letter head > with logo [the culprit image] at the upper left corner.) teTeX works fine on a Sun --- indeed, on any Unix box. If he has it already --- probably does, since you mentioned TeX initially --- then maybe he hasn't discovered pdftex and pdflatex yet. He can't use the TeXShop interface, but he's certainly got vim and emacs/auctex available. Hope this helps, Ross Moore > > thanks. > > Ted > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From fwallenberg at Fri Apr 26 20:35:51 2002 From: fwallenberg at (Fredrik Wallenberg) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 17:35:51 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] Bibitem label options In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I'm not sure if I understand you, but using natbib will give you full name citations both in the text and in the Bibliography. The following is from my preamble: % Bibliography settings \usepackage[round]{natbib} %\cite{} for name (00) and \citep{} for (name 00) \bibliographystyle{plainnat} On Friday, April 26, 2002, at 05:25 , Marcelo LaFleur wrote: > Hi, > > I want my citation to appear in the text with the correct label, but I > don't > want a label or a number to appear in the Bibliography entry. Is there > a way > to achieve this? > > Marcelo > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From jer_dubois at Sat Apr 20 08:09:45 2002 From: jer_dubois at (Jerome Dubois) Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:09:45 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] XY-pdf Message-ID: <> Hi, Has somebody known how to use the xy-pdf package ? Thanks, Jerome ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmoll at Tue Apr 16 14:59:11 2002 From: mmoll at (Mark Moll) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:59:11 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] ttf2tfm? References: Message-ID: <> I have used pfaedit to generate afm's and pfb's from ttf's. With a few minor tweaks pfaedit compiles out of the box. It has a X11 gui, but you can run it with scripts (without a gui). It can read .dfont files and OS 9 fonts that are stored in rsrc forks. See I install the fonts with, which uses fontinst. -- Mark ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Wed Apr 10 14:10:51 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 20:10:51 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] i-Installer questions In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> I'll answer the recent questions on the web site. Soon. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From vokey at Mon Apr 8 18:43:08 2002 From: vokey at (John Vokey) Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 16:43:08 -0600 Subject: [OS X TeX] LaTeX to HTML for OS X In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Admitting my lack of geek-speak (aka ability to use the command-line 'nix interface to get things done), I downloaded latex2html-2002 as it sounded like just what I needed. It apparently (reading a the documentation) assumes a facility with geek-speak. Failing that (and I do by by a very large margin), does anyone know of GUI wrap-around for it? Or, anyone know how to make one? -- John R. Vokey, Ph.D. |\ _,,,---,,_ Professor /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ Department of Psychology and Neuroscience |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' University of Lethbridge '---''(_/--' `-'\_) ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From haugwarb at Wed Apr 3 09:33:19 2002 From: haugwarb at (Tore Haug-Warberg) Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 16:33:19 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Problems with footbib & footmisc Message-ID: <> Hi, I have encountered some problems with the packages "footbib" and "footmisc". Footbib complains that "output routine of LaTeX changed" and footmisc winds up in an endless loop when used with option "para". In the manual it is explicitly stated that footmisc does not go along with packages that change the output from LaTeX so I thought maybe the two problems are connected. Can anyone tell me what the problem(s) might be? What I fear (and it would really kill me) is to learn that there has been made changes to LaTeX that are incompatible with (not only footbib and footmisc but) other packages as well. Tore. **************************************************************************** Tore Haug-Warberg (ass. prof.) Fax: +47-7359-4080 Dept. of Chemical Engineering Phone: +47-7359-4108 Norwegian Univ. Science and Techn. Home: +47-3551-2190 N-7491 Trondheim e-mail: Tore.Haug-Warberg at NORWAY **************************************************************************** PS. From another mail list I quote this solution to the footbib problem (it works): Delivered-To: haugwarb at Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 09:21:36 +1100 From: Cirilo John H Bernardo To: Tore Haug-Warberg Subject: Re: Problems with footbib package User-Agent: Mutt/ I've posted a comment about footbib. The "error" message is meant to inform people that footbib might not work properly, especially if they're using certain other packages which modify the latex output routine. If you're sure you're not using one of those packages (they're listed in the footbib documentation) and you know footbib will produce the correct output, you can comment lines 77 to 85 of footbib.sty: % \if at tempswa ... % \PackageError ... % . % . % . % \fi After that, footbib.sty will run without displaying the error message. On my computer footbib works ok when I do that. Until footbib is rewritten for the latest LaTeX output routines, there's no better way to do things. An alternative is to use \scrollmode to process documents, but then TeX won't stop even after it encounters more serious errors ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From charles.bouldin at Wed Apr 24 14:38:20 2002 From: charles.bouldin at (Charles Bouldin) Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 14:38:20 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] OzTeX can't find BBEdit In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: It's listed as a known problem, but when I try to use OzTeX 5.0 under OSX, I always get the "can't find editor of type R*ch" when I try to use BBEdit as the editor. I tried rebuilding the classic desktop from OSX, to no avail. I don't think I'm interested enough to reboot into OS9(!!) just to fix a file path problem. Instead of the current method, how about using a pathname under OSX? Or, how about just letting me use the file dialogue box to -show- OzTeX which editor I want to use? ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From stokhof at Wed Apr 17 18:43:16 2002 From: stokhof at (Martin Stokhof) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 00:43:16 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: At 17:33 -0400 on 17/04/02, Jan Rosinski wrote: >TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n correctly >but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript >and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. >Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? > >Jan Rosinski This is a bug in the pdf rendering of Quartz, the OS X display engine. The workaround is to print pdf files through Acrobat, which uses its own rendering mechanism. The bug has been reported to Apple, but I suppose it won't hurt if you file another bug report. Martin Stokhof ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Fri Apr 12 06:39:46 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 12:39:46 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >Le 12/04/02 1:30, ? Gerben Wierda ? a ?crit : > > >>> try to create a ~/Library/init/tcsh/ directory and put in it a file >>> named rc.mine and containing >>> > >> setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current" >>> >>> Perhaps you have to add also tour gs path. >> >> I haven't paid much attention to this thread, but I don't think you >> should follow this advice. In case you have installed one of my >> distributions, the PATH is already set that way in the global tcsh init >> files. > >Yes, and it works from terminal. > >But, from mac emacs, without setting the path in a rc.mine the path is not >seen... As I just mentioned in an off-line mail to Enrico, I think I found out the explanation. /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current is included in /usr/share/init/tcsh/login, not in /usr/share/init/tcsh/rc, so that the path is included in a login shell but not in a shell launched by a program. So, yes the solution proposed by Michel is appropriate (unless Gerben finds it more appropriate to include the path modifications in the rc file in future releases of tetex). G?rard Degrez ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Tue Apr 9 03:00:28 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 09:00:28 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> > I don't see an Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 in the pop-up menu in the Print > dialog in > OS X ? Is that what you are looking at ? Sorry, my explanations weren't that clear. I was referring to the Acrobat Reader item in the pop-up menu in the Print dialog of Acrobat Reader 5.0.5, that is the penultimate item before Summary and after Error treatment (or HP Image quality, for the HP 4050 I'm using). Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From cvr at Thu Apr 4 06:56:14 2002 From: cvr at (Radhakrishnan CV) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 17:26:14 +0530 (IST) Subject: [OS X TeX] ps2pdf In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 at 13:07, Gerben Wierda wrote: Depends on what goes wrong. With my distribution, this just works. It is probably a PATH issue. It seems to be so. I searched the whole system to find out the ps2pdf script binary and got, but it now looks for gs binary which I could not locate even with a global find. Here is what I get from ps2pdf: [kaveh at kaveh] [05:21pm]: ps2pdf /Users/kaveh/macgs-704-shlib/lib/ps2pdfwr: command not found: gs [36] -- Radhakrishnan ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bad_machine at Mon Apr 15 18:18:27 2002 From: bad_machine at (Andy White) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 08:18:27 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] system calls Message-ID: I remember seeing zcat used to deflate graphics files on the fly, but it was many years ago and I have a mental block as to the syntax. I would like to be able to use this feature to pipe in shell commands: for eg. ... \begin{tabular} `perl foo.dat` % or whatever the shell escape is \end{tabular} Thanks, Andy White ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Wed Apr 10 05:25:01 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 11:25:01 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] newbie: LaTex mailing list searched In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: > >>>>> christoph.lehmann at (cl) writes: > >cl> can you recommend me one? If (as I would think) you speak French, then I definitely recommend the Gutenberg mailing list: see G?rard Degrez ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From cvr at Fri Apr 5 23:22:33 2002 From: cvr at (Radhakrishnan CV) Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 09:52:33 +0530 (IST) Subject: [OS X TeX] pdfscreen : insert movie In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 at 18:14, Lawrence Armstrong wrote: Is it possible to insert a movie in a PDF presentation made with pdfscreen ? If yes, how do you do it and can you also display the video control ? \href{run:movie.mpg}{Click here to show movie} will launch QuickTime in MacOS X to play the movie. \pdfannot{ /Subtype /Movie /T (Movie Titile) /Movie <> /A << /ShowControls true >> /ANN pdfmark} This should use the Acrobat plug in and show the movie from within Acrobat. I haven't tested this though. -- Radhakrishnan ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Tue Apr 2 06:25:20 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 21:25:20 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) In-Reply-To: <> from Bruno Voisin at "Apr 2, 2002 12:28:35 pm" Message-ID: <> > Le lundi 1 avril 2002, ? 06:06 PM, Michel Bovani a ?crit : > > > Another issue is to create .tfm files. containing .afm files, > isn't it possible to convert them to .tfm format using afm2tfm (in > /Library/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin5.3/afm2tfm) or fontinst? But > then, of course, one would need to write LaTeX font driver .fd files and > create control sequences to access each character in the 17 fonts (like, > for example, phonetic alphabets) individually. > > But, after all, maybe that's what Elsevier is planning to do anyway? My > original posting was more a request for information, in case anybody had > heard of plans from Elsevier or a LaTeX guru. It's not just Elsevier. These esstix fonts are a product of the STIX project: The American Math Society (AMS) and publishers other than Elsevier have been involved as well, as have members of the TeX community. It's similar to Microsoft and Netscape being heavily involved in the initiatives resulting in HTML and XML specifications; but the project itself is much wider and integrates with W3C and Unicode initiatives; see e.g. The main thrust of this work is that the typefaces used for mathematics are evolving, so as to become easier and consistent across all platforms. TeX should remain special, due to its superior algorithms for line- and page-breaking. However the TeX "look" due to Computer Modern fonts should become a thing of the past. Hope this helps, Ross Moore > > Bruno Voisin > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Fri Apr 26 23:39:02 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 13:39:02 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: > I can't accept the idea of rebooting my computer into an OS that I > don't use in order to implement a work around to a problem that could > be solved in so many other ways (even though I agree with you that > the root problem is apple's fault,not yours). > > I really would like to experiment with OzTeX under X, but until that > bug is fixed I guess I won't. Sorry for the strong response, but this > sort of pushes my buttons....OSX and programs that run under X need > to be self-contained and complete, even if some of the difficulties > are due to Apple's mistakes. That doesn't make much sense to me, but anyway, I hope you saw my alternative solution that uses an extra_tools entry to call BBEdit. Not perfect, but if you don't want to repair your desktop file(s) then it will have to do until I start work on OzTeX 5.1. > BTW, I bought the OzTeX 4.0 CD. What do I owe in the way of > registration fees to become a legal, registered user of the X version? Nothing -- the $40 you paid for the CD included the OzTeX shareware fee which covers you for all versions (past, present and future). Andrew ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Sun Apr 21 17:48:55 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 07:48:55 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] XY-pdf In-Reply-To: from "" at "Apr 21, 2002 10:20:44 am" Message-ID: <> > Thanks very much for this. > (where is that package located?) gets you to the home-page for the WaRMreader macros. These allow you, among other things, to put TeX typeset labels over an imported image, with any flavour of TeX or LaTeX. There are many examples at this site, in both HTML and PDF. It works by using the images dimensions to establish a coordinatised Xy-pic diagram. Labels and other annotations are placed with great accuracy, either by using the coordinates directly, or (usual) symbolically by reading the coordinates of "marked" points from an auxiliary file that can be constructed independently. Hope this helps, Ross Moore > -TR > > on 4/20/02 7:44 PM, Ross Moore, typed: > > >> Has somebody known how to use the xy-pdf package ? > > > > First you need to install it, as follows.... > > ^^^^^^^ > > > > The archive xypdf.tar.gz unpacks to folder 'xypdf Folder' > > which contains a collection of 7 files having names: > > xypdf.tex > > > > You need to copy or move these into your texmf tree. > > > > To find out where, use a command in a terminal window > > kpsewhich xy.sty > > > > This should give something like: > > [go:~] rossmoor% kpsewhich xy.sty > > /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic/xy.sty > > > > so the required location is: > > > > /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic/ > > > > To actually do the copy, you may need admin privileges. > > So here's how I just did it (commands and comments): > > > > cd ~ # change to home directory > > cd Desktop/Downloads # change to sub-dir for receiving downloads > > cd "xypdf Folder" # need quotes to include the space in the name > > sudo cp xy*.tex /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic > > > > After giving the password, the copy was done. > > Now the files are ready to be used. > > > > > > To use the pdf driver with Xy-pic, > > ^^^ > > just include pdftex as part of the loading options for the > > xy package, in your document's preamble: > > > > e.g. (LaTeX) > > \usepackage[xypdf,all,graph]{xy} > > ^^^^^ > > > > (non-LaTeX) > > \input xy.tex > > \xyoption{xypdf}\xyoption{all}\xyoption{graph} > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > > > > > > Hope this helps, > > > > Ross Moore > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From kock at Wed Apr 17 04:16:04 2002 From: kock at (Joachim Kock) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 10:16:04 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: LaTeX 2.09 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: It is not too difficult to add a custom format to TeXShop. At least, the following recipe worked for me for some simple personal formats --- most of it was explained to me by Gerben. However there are probably additional problems with running LaTeX209: many of the files it reads have the same names as those used by modern latex, and unless some custom search instructions are given to latex209, it will find the 2e files instead and get very confused. I think a way to deal with this was described in older versions of the OzTeX manual --- unfortunately these instructions are not included in the new version. Ignoring these problems for the moment --- assume the .ini file for the custom format is called yourtex.ini : Step 1: in the Terminal, build the format doing initex and type yourtex\dump in the * prompt. Step 2: move the resulting file yourtex.fmt to a place where tex can find it. If your installation is a TeXLive one, this would be in ~/Library/texmf/web2c (which you need to create if it doesn't exist). (If your installation is the tetex-style one, I think there is another location --- in any case, one way to find out is to issue the command kpsewhich latex.fmt and study the response --- substitute the /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf part with ~/Library/texmf) Step 3: create a script for running tex with this format. This is a text file whose content is something like this: #!/bin/sh test -f "`kpsewhich yourtex.fmt`" || fmtutil --byfmt yourtex exec pdftex -fmt=yourtex -progname=pdftex ${1+"$@"} Name the file yourtex and make it executable (doing chmod +x yourtex), and place it somewhere where TeXShop can find it. A good place is in ~/bin (If your installation is a tetex-style one, the procedure is a bit different for this step: instead of a script there is a symbolic link. Create a symbolic link to the pdftex binary (whose path you find with kpsewhich and substitute for the bracket in the following command): cd ~/bin ln -s [path-to-the-pdftex-binary] yourtex chmod +x yourtex ) Step 4: Inside TeXShop, go to "Preferences --> Script". In the latex field, write the complete path to the file yourtex To use the format, tick "Personal Script" in the Typeset Menu (for each document you want to typeset with this script). If you want to make this script the default typesetting method, go to "Preferences --> Typesetting" and choose "Personal Script". Before it works it may be necessary to restart the shell or perhaps issue the command texhash --- I'm not too sure about this... Cheers, Joachim. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Joachim KOCK Laboratoire de Math?matiques J.A.Dieudonn? T?l. +33 Universit? de Nice Sophia-Antipolis Fax +33 Parc Valrose - 06108 Nice c?dex 2 - FRANCE M?l. kock at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Thu Apr 11 10:11:10 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 16:11:10 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: References: <> <> Message-ID: > >>>>> G?rard Degrez (GD) writes: > >>> On April 10, G?rard Degrez writes: >>>> I downloaded and installed, but the mac-emacs application quits >>>> immediately after starting (PowerBook G3/500 MHz, MacOSX 10.1.3 >>>> (SQ45)). >>> >>> This is somehow expected :-) >>> >>> In fact, the mac-emacs application has the only role to launch the >>> bundle and the exits. Is the proper Emacs program running then? > >GD> No. And, from the terminal window, it doesn't work any better. Actually, >GD> is a directory. Is that normal? > >Yes, OSX applications are directories. Actually, bundles which are a >special kind of directories. That's what I figured, by comparison with other apps. But I didn't know how to launch such an application from the terminal window. From gray at Mon Apr 8 21:06:55 2002 From: gray at (Gary L. Gray) Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 21:06:55 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 4/8/02 9:05 PM, "Gary L. Gray" wrote: > In the full version of Acrobat under OS X, there is an "Acrobat" option in > the popup menu entitled: I am sorry, this should have read (it's been a long day): In the full version of Acrobat under OS X, there is an "Acrobat" option in the popup menu of the Print dialog entitled: ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From thomasdeniau at Thu Apr 25 07:39:05 2002 From: thomasdeniau at (Thomas Deniau) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 13:39:05 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Le 25/04/02 12:52, Andrew Trevorrow disait : > I'll probably have to do something like this in the next release. > I had been hoping that Apple would fix the bug. Plus there are > more and more apps that use nulls or ???? for their signature, > so eventually I might have to abandon the idea of using signatures > to locate apps, or at least provide an alternative method. You could use the bundle identifier. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From riseguin at Wed Apr 17 22:39:24 2002 From: riseguin at (Richard Seguin) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:39:24 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Eucal package In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> > Adrian Heathcote wrote: > > Hi > > I want to use \mathscr to produce a script H, (for Hilbert Space), and > it requires the eucal package---or so Diller's book says. But it doesn't > appear to be in teTeX. Does anyone know how to access the package---and > if not, what is a good way to produce a script letter form in math mode? > > This has been a sore spot in TeX for a very long time. The \cal font is > useless, and the eucal stuff is not much better. True math script > letters are provided by Ralph Smith's rsfs fonts that are a > quasi-standard. The calrsfs and mathrsfs styles provide two slightly > different ways to use them. All this is usually contained in teTeX. I > have > > texmf/fonts/source/public/rsfs/ > texmf/tex/latex/jknappen/mathrsfs.sty > texmf/tex/latex/misc/calrsfs/ > > -- > Martin Adrian, Did you try \usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} ...... \mathscr{H} ? I just tried mathrsfs, and to my eye this font is too slanted. For example, capital characters with overlines look out of balance. Another option might be the commercial postscript font called Linoscript. It's sufficiently baroque and has an upright rounded shape. I've looked at many script fonts, and unfortunately most are either too casual, or too florid, or aren't elaborate enough to be visually distinct from a swash style font with which you might want to mix together in the same document representing totally different types of objects. I have Linoscript, but I haven't yet been able to try it, since I'm still trying to figure out how to install postscript fonts correctly (So far I haven't gotten the Minion font to work). My impression is that Linoscript might have the right weight to work with CM. Richard Seguin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From franconi at Fri Apr 12 19:59:00 2002 From: franconi at (Enrico Franconi) Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 00:59:00 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> On April 12, G?rard Degrez writes: > >> I haven't paid much attention to this thread, but I don't think > >> you should follow this advice. In case you have installed one of > >> my distributions, the PATH is already set that way in the global > >> tcsh init files. Yes, but for some obscure reason, few people do not still see the path >from within applications. In fact: > As I just mentioned in an off-line mail to Enrico, I think I found > out the explanation. > /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current is included in > /usr/share/init/tcsh/login, not in /usr/share/init/tcsh/rc, so that > the path is included in a login shell but not in a shell launched by > a program. In other cases adding to the file /usr/share/init/tcsh/rc the setting of the path did solve the problem. This is just empirical evidence which I cannot explain (in fact, in these hard-to-solve cases, even the personal rc file is NOT loaded). So, I would suggest these people to add the path in /usr/share/init/tcsh/rc and tell us whether they suceeded. cheers -- e. Enrico Franconi - franconi at University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170 Manchester M13 9PL, UK - Fax: +44 (161) 275 6204 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bdarcus at Tue Apr 9 11:08:07 2002 From: bdarcus at (Bruce D'Arcus) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 08:08:07 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: LaTeX to HTML for OS X In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> On Monday, April 8, 2002, at 08:00 PM, John B. Thoo wrote: > On Monday, April 8, 2002, at 05:00 PM, in TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List > John Vokey wrote: > >> Admitting my lack of geek-speak (aka ability to use the >> command-line 'nix interface to get things done), I downloaded >> latex2html-2002 as it sounded like just what I needed. It >> apparently (reading a the documentation) assumes a facility with >> geek-speak. Failing that (and I do by by a very large margin), >> does anyone know of GUI wrap-around for it? Or, anyone know how >> to make one? > > This doesn't address you question directly, but I happened to try OzTtH > for the first time the other day (part of OzTeX pkg) ... drag-n-drop'd > my LaTeX file on top of it and, poof, out came an HTML file. It'd be nice to have an i-Installer package for latex2html, and maybe an Applescript or a simple Applescript Studio GUI to access it... Bruce ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From get86 at Thu Apr 4 13:32:58 2002 From: get86 at (get86 at Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 13:32:58 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] printing help? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> how were the "dots" [points on a graph] applied? a Mathematica graph was saved as an eps which Latex read into the document. ?? -Ted On Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 01:57 AM, Ross Moore wrote: >> we have a finished paper [pdf] with lots of equations and some graphs. >> >> graphs: we have a X - Y graph with a couple curved lines on it and on >> each line there are 2 points (dots) -no big deal, very simple looking. >> >> on the screen we see the dots, in print we see the dots -BUT when we >> email it to a collaborator who uses a PC and he prints it, the dots are >> missing. > > How did you put the dots there? > Are they really dots --- a filled circle, say > or are they a font-character > --- e.g. a 'bullet': Option-8 on a Mac keyboard, > for a Mac-encoded font. > > I can certainly understand a PC not being able to render the bullet; > but if it's a filled circle, then there shouldn't be a problem. > > >> further, we have noticed a difference between Acrobat Reader 4.0 and >> Acrobat Reader 5.0 in whether we see the dots on the *screen*: >> in 4 we don't, in 5 we do; but both give dots when printed. > > Hmm; sounds like you've used a font character, and it's a font problem. > Please confirm. > Better still, provide a URL so the PDF can be downloaded. > >> that's fine for us, but why can't the other guy get the dots printed? >> (i'm not at work and forgot whether he sees them on screen -he's not >> there but the email is! >> >> i'll get this info straight Friday, but i believe the process is >> something like (Mac OS9): OzteX5/MacGS PPC/Acrobat Reader. > > > Hope this helps, > > Ross > > >> thanks in advance. >> >> -Ted > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From michel.bovani at Mon Apr 1 05:29:33 2002 From: michel.bovani at (Michel Bovani) Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 12:29:33 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Le 1/04/02 3:00, ??Gary L. Gray?? a ?crit?: > On 3/31/02 3:35 PM, "Michel Bovani" wrote: > >> Its a font package with more possibilities than mathptmx and (probably) less >> quality than mathtimes (but it is free). > > This looks very interesting and your installation instructions are > excellent. I do have one question though (see below). > >> 7 - uses for blackboard bold the esstix14 font from elsevier free esstix >> distribution. Note that you are *not* allowed to >> >> * distribute this font alone >> * modify this font > > Regarding the esstix font. Where exactly does one install all the files > associated with this font? Only ESSTIX14 is installed (I make a tfm file with fontinst). The other esstix fonts are not usable with mbtimes. I put esstix archive in my package only because I was not sure to be allowed to distribute only esstix14... > What command do I use to access the blackboard > fonts -- is it the same command as is used in AMS-LaTeX, i.e., \mathbb? Yes. See in mbtimes.sty \mathbb is redefined \AtBeginDocument. I think that esstix mathbb suits best with times than amssymb mathbb. In future release, it shoulb be an option anyway (e.g. \usepackage[essbb]{mbtimes}) > Since it looks like the esstix font might act as a complete replacement for > the additional fonts in AMS-LaTeX, can we simply load AMS-LaTeX via (without > the amssymb package), as in: mbtimes provides only what provides stantard cm, but with a look wich suits the times design (I hope...) : essentially more weight, but some sumbols (calligraphics, sommation, and generally big operators) were totally redesigned. It alos provides a \mathbb command, and (for compatibility with amsmath) \lvert, \rvert, \lVert, \rVert. > > \documentclass[12pt]{article} > \usepackage{mbtimes} > \usepackage{amsmath} > \usepackage{bm} > \usepackage{exscale} > \usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} I think you can do it but exscale for instance is not usefull because it extend the cm family and mbtimes switch to another family. In fact you may use any font package, provided it don't switch back to cm... You can even use the amssymb package, I think. Of course it should be best to redesign all glyphs of amssymb (or use esstix) but it should be a big work. > If not, how do I access all these other esstix fonts? Unless you make tfm, vf, encoding vectors, latex interface... you can't, I am afraid... -- Michel Bovani ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Thu Apr 25 18:20:32 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 08:20:32 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Matlab for Mac OS X In-Reply-To: <> from Aaron Seitz at "Apr 25, 2002 05:56:16 pm" Message-ID: <> > Dear All, > > UniMac is coordinating a survey on behalf of The MathWorks. What's at > issue > is whether The MathWorks should support Mac OS X with its MATLAB > software. > Please, take the time to respond to this survey: > > > > Best, > > -Aaron > > p.s. I am sorry if anyone thinks this to be SPAM. I believe that this > petition affects sufficient recipients of this list to warrant the mass > mailing. No I don't think this should be regarded as SPAM. There are many mathematicians on this list, and programs like Mathematica and MATLAB are important tools in our teaching, as well as perhaps for research. Besides, they have TeX-output options, so can be regarded as partial front-ends to TeX software. The issue of the lack of MATLAB for MacOS X has been around for a long time --- as long as OS X itself, I suppose. :-) I first became aware of it at an Apple Developers' Conference last year (Townsville, Australia, Sept 2001) where the Apple developers were requesting that the academics lobby MathWorks, to convince them of the size of the market. So Apple wants it, and they have done what they can. It is up to the prospective users to make their needs known. Even if you don't use MATLAB now (on whatever platform --- I don't) but think it a good idea that it should be available on MacOS X, then visit the website above, and add a name to the list. Hope this helps, Ross Moore > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Thu Apr 18 11:52:54 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 01:52:54 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Splitting a .tex into multiple PDF files In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Hermant You specify page ranges as pages=n-m where n and m are your page numbers. The manual for the package gives you the syntax---which is slightly counterintuitive, since it was designed for a slightly different purpose. A.H. On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 01:39 AM, Hemant Bhargava wrote: > Thanks, Adrian. > > I see that pdfpages allows me to include pdf pages from other files. > So, you're suggesting I could first compile my .tex file and generate a > single output pdf file, then run a series of commands like > > \includepdf[firstpage=a,lastpage=c]{file.pdf} > > to generate pdf files containing only the selected pages. > > Is there a better way? > > Another problem: I am able to run \includepdf without options. But when > I include the first/last page options, I get the following error > message: > > ! Package keyval Error: firstpage undefined. > > Where am I going wrong? > > - Hemant > > On Thursday, April 18, 2002, at 10:49 AM, Adrian Heathcote wrote: > >> Sure >> >> You can use pdfpages to do this. >> >> Adrian Heathcote >> >> >> On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 12:42 AM, Hemant Bhargava wrote: >> >>> Hi - >>> >>> Is there an easy, systematic, way to compile a .tex file (with >>> pdftex) and split the result into multiple PDF files? >>> >>> Any advice will be greatly appreciated. >>> >>> Thanks. >>> >>> - Hemant >>> >>> >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >>> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >>> For additional HELP, send email to with >>> "help" (no quotes) in the body. >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >> For additional HELP, send email to with >> "help" (no quotes) in the body. >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mlafleur at Sun Apr 28 11:52:36 2002 From: mlafleur at (Marcelo LaFleur) Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 11:52:36 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Bibitem label options In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: on 4/28/02 3:43, Ross Moore at ross at wrote: >> Do I understand correctly that by calling that package I will then be able >> to cite with 'round' and 'colon' options (by default) without any extra >> configuration on my part (simply by using /cite{} )? > Yes; but (ahem!) it is \cite{....} . ^ Oops!! :-D >> Thanks for the clarification. > You're welcome; but... > ... you haven't yet said whether it worked as you wanted. :-) > Heh, I'm getting ready for a presentation and I don't want to start playing with it until after, just in case there is a crisis. I'll present my current draft with the {plain} style and then move on with the correct format. I'll post whatever my results are then. Thanks again for the great help. -- Marcelo T. LaFleur Fordham University >> >> on 4/26/02 22:19, Ross Moore at ross at wrote: >> >>>> I'll try that, but what I want is for the Bibliography entry NOT to have >>>> the >>>> label shown. >>> >>> Try \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} . >>> >>> That should suppress the numbers, since (from natbib.sty) : >>> >>> \DeclareOption{authoryear}{\NAT at numbersfalse >>> \ExecuteOptions{round,colon,bibstyle}} >>> >>> so that you get the 'round' and 'colon' options automatically. >>> (You can override these by adding extra options.) >>> The 'bibstyle' option simply means that the \bibstyle and \citestyle >>> macros >>> do the same thing, rather than having different meanings. >>> >>> >>>> The problem I have is that if I have a label in the bibitem, it shows in >>>> the >>>> beginning of the bibliography item (eg: "[Canzonery:01]"). I don't want >>>> this >>>> in the bibliography itself, but if I remove the label, it defaults to >>>> numbers and I can't cite in the text. >>> >>> Hope this helps, >>> >>> Ross Moore >>> >>> >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >>> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >>> For additional HELP, send email to with >>> "help" (no quotes) in the body. >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >> For additional HELP, send email to with >> "help" (no quotes) in the body. >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Wed Apr 24 01:14:34 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:14:34 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] files In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Thanks for this! A.H. On Wednesday, April 24, 2002, at 06:12 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote: > On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 04:08 , Adrian Heathcote wrote: > >> I am trying to load Agaramond so that it works with GW's TeX >> distribution. I've successfully loaded it into CMacTeX and it works >> fine---mainly because Tom Kiffe helpfully supplied the file >> adapted for his system. >> >> But with teTeX I have a problem. I have loaded the vf files, the type >> I .pfb files, the .sty files, and the tfm files into the right places, >> but I need to change the pdf.cfg and add the file. (All of >> which is transparent under CMacTeX because you edit these files >> directly from within CMacTeX.) Can someone tell me how to >> >> 1) edit pdf.cfg (and maybe also > > Edit > > /Library/teTeX/share/texmf.local/dvips/ > /Library/teTeX/share/texmf.local/pdftex/pdftex.cfg > > both files should have examples in them. > >> 2) where to add particular, so that future updates to >> teTeX don't wash it away. > > /Library/teTeX/share/texmf.local/dvips/config > >> >> I'd be happier not having to do these things from Terminal---but if it >> must be, then it must be. > > You do not need Terminal, but you need to make sure the files have unix > line endings. > > G > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmurray at Wed Apr 17 07:57:38 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:27:38 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] very off-topic: MatLab on OS X. In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: Hi all I know this is VERY off topic but it must be of interest to others here. Its from O'Grady's PowerPage ( Michael -------------------------- Mathworks Considering OS X Mathlab Fri, 12 Apr 2002, 21:54 Mathworks will be deciding soon about going forward with a Mac OS X version of Mathlab. An employee from Mathworks said that if this is important to you, that now would be the time to let them know. According to him, it's being talked about within the company, but the decision could go either way. Polite emails to Tom Kush, VP of Marketing (tkush at and/or Mark Kelly, VP of North American Sales (mkelly at might be in order. --------------------------- -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Thu Apr 11 13:32:16 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 19:32:16 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: References: <> <> Message-ID: > >From terminal try >>open /Applications/ >> > >Tried. Doesn't work either. Something is indeed launched, but closes >immediately. > Got it to work finally (thanks Enrico), even with Mac-Roman characters, using the .emacs file for 20.6 - although there's an error message at startup, it seems to work properly. A newbie question (although this might not be the most appropriate forum): when I select "pdflatex" from the Command menu, nothing happens (actually it says "problems after 0 page"), but the same file compiles perfectly from TeXShop. What's wrong? [the tex file is of course in Mac - not Unix - format]. G?rard Degrez ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Mon Apr 8 23:02:23 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 13:02:23 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Michael I have had the same problem and unchecking that box did not help. Oddly it is behavior that I only see if I make a pdf on another computer and then display it under A.R. 5. So I put a frame around a page using pdfpages and found that displaying it under 5, elsewhere, shrunk it by 90%. I could find no way to get the right size display---which is a problem since there was something that I'd intended to send to a printer. cheers Adrian Heathcote On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 12:54 PM, Michael Murray wrote: >> On 4/8/02 9:05 PM, "Gary L. Gray" wrote: >> >>> In the full version of Acrobat under OS X, there is an "Acrobat" >>> option in >>> the popup menu entitled: >> >> I am sorry, this should have read (it's been a long day): >> >> In the full version of Acrobat under OS X, there is an "Acrobat" >> option in >> the popup menu of the Print dialog entitled: >> > > > Hi Gary > > Thanks. Does this mean that acrobat reader thinks that my > documents are always too big ? Do you know why that is ? > > Michael > -- _________________________________________________________ > Assoc/Prof Michael > Murray Department of > Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 > 3696 University of > Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 > Email: mmurray at Home Page: > > PGP public key: > > University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M > ________________________________________________________ > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From farwer at Thu Apr 4 00:11:41 2002 From: farwer at (B. Farwer) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 07:11:41 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Prosper, Acrobat Reader, and White Flashes In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Upgrade to Mac OS 10.13. This solved the problem of the white flash in between slides for me ... Berndt On Donnerstag, April 4, 2002, at 02:53 Uhr, Wesley Eddings wrote: > > I'm using Prosper with TeXShop and teTeX to make PDF presentations, > which I view in full-screen mode in Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (using > OS 10.1 on an iBook G3/500). My problem is that the screen flashes a > solid white background when moving from slide to slide, instead of > smoothly going to the next slide as it should. I had the same problem > with Reader 5.0.0. If I use Acrobat Reader 4 in Classic, there's no > white flash---the transitions are correct, but some of the fonts don't > display correctly, so it's not really a solution. This happens with the > demo pdfs included with Prosper, as well as with the ones I create > myself. Any suggestions? > > Thanks, > Wes > weddings at > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Thu Apr 25 08:57:32 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 14:57:32 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Le jeudi 25 avril 2002, ? 02:21 PM, Adrian Heathcote a ?crit : >> What's so hard about booting OS 9? > > There is a problem booting up too frequently in OS9, as I have just > discovered. [...] There are other problems, too, about rebooting. At present I am running Mathematica calculations which take about six days to complete (calculating a velocity field on a 133 X 133 grid) in the background on my G4, while doing usual desktop work on it. It is thus crucial for me to work in OS X, which doesn't crash, and not to reboot, otherwise I am just losing several days' work in one go. (OK, I set up Mathematica so that it writes all 133 X 133 results to an external file as they are obtained, but still there are problems if I have to restart the calculation.) Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Thu Apr 18 03:58:59 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 09:58:59 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> >> TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n correctly >> but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript >> and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. >> Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? > > > I put the following as the first line in my .tex files > > \input special_keys > > I learned this trick a few years ago on an Alpha mailing list. > The file was somewhere on an A;pha site, I do not remember where, > so I copy it here. > > [snip] The file special_keys looks pretty much like an extract from option_keys, from the Textures distribution. I couldn't find this file anywhere on their FTP site, but since the file says it's in the public domain I guess it makes no harm including it here. There's a file 8bitdefs.tex in the OzTeX distribution, with the same functionality though implemented differently. All that, anyway, isn't necessary in LaTeX 2e, where you just type \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} (possibly accompanied by \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}) to get the same result. The latter solution, I think, is also the only one which stills works should the file be sent to other platforms (provided the applemac above is replaced by the proper name, latin1 for example on UNIX machines). Bruno Voisin %%%% Beginning of file Option_keys %%%% \ifx\optionkeymacros\undefined\else\endinput\fi % This document is in the Public Domain. % It was created by Doug Henderson, Blue Sky Research, % with modifications suggested by Joseph C. V?rilly. % Added single quotes on 6-4-93. % % option_keys - 6-4-93 (last modification) % % This macro set defines characters found in the Apple Macintosh % Monaco font. They allow users to simply type the keystroke % equivalent of the character desired, such as ?, and have Textures? % typeset it correctly, substituting the TeX macro equivalent % for the character. % % The reason for the creation of this macro set was to take % advantage of Knuth's new TeX 3.0 capabilities with 8-bit character % sets. This functionality has been included in our Textures? as % of version 1.3. By typing in nearly any character from the % Macintosh keyboard, you can typeset with the characters directly % rather than needing to define macros for these diacritic characters. % Remember: these just expand single characters. They may not be % defined in every context or mode. % % There are two sections to the macros; the first contains % characters which can be rendered by depressing the option key % and another key or shift and option keys with another key, % and secondly, a combination of various keystrokes together % to obtain the desired character. For example, % to create the ? character, you depress the option and o character % at the same time; to create the uppercase version of ?, you % hold the shift, option key, and o key down, and to create the % ? character, you first depress the option and n characters, % then next the shift and n characters. The option and n create % the tilde character, and the shift n produce the N character. % % Math symbols and math operators need special attention. % When typing in math symbols the same % rules apply for math mode as before, namely, you must place dollar % signs or double-dollar signs around these symbols. When typing % in math operators, such as the square root symbol, TeX expects % you to supply an argument following it. For example, if you % would like to take advantage of the definition here for the % plus-minus sign, ?, and would like to type it directly for use % in your text, you need to make sure you are in math mode when % you call for the character, or simply place dollar signs around % it to print only the plus minus sign thusly, $?$. Similarly, % you also need to be in math mode when asking for the square root % symbol, ?, and additionally supply an argument to it. % The following example shows how to use both the plus-minus sign % and the square root sign in an equation that has been simplified % for you via these macro definitions. % $$-b??{b^2-4ac}\over{2a}$$ % define the macintosh "option" generated characters \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\aa}} % option a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\int} % option b (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c c} % option c \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\partial} % option d (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\oint} % option f (math mode) ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\triangle} % option j (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\neg} % option l (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\mu} % option m (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\o}} % option o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\pi} % option p (math mode w/ arg.) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\oe}} % option q \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\ss}} % option s \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\dagger} % option t (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\sqrt} % option v (math mode w/ arg.) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\Sigma} % option w (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\approx} % option x (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\Omega} % option z (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\it\$}} % option 3 ($ from italic font) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\infty} % option 5 (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\S}} % option 6 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\P}} % option 7 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\bullet} % option 8 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\leavevmode\raise.585ex\hbox{\b a}} % option 9 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\leavevmode\raise.6ex\hbox{\b o}} % option 0 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\not=} % option = (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\leq} % option , (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\geq} % option . (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\div} % option / (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\dots}} % option ; \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\ae}} % option ' \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\ll} % option \ (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{``} % option [ \catcode`\?=\active\def?{!`} % option ! \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\rlap/c} % option 4 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{`} % option ] \catcode`\?=\active\def?{'} % shift option ] % macintosh "shift-option" generated characters \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\AA}} % shift-option A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c C} % shift-option C \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\O}} % shift-option O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\Pi} % shift-option P (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\OE}} % shift-option Q \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\AE}} % shift-option ' \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\diamond} % shift-option V (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\accent'27} % shift-option 8 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{''} % shift-option [ \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\pm} % shift-option = (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\gg} % shift-option \ (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{?`} % shift-option / \catcode`\?=\active\def?{--} % option - (en-dash) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{---} % shift-option - (em-dash) % define the macintosh "composite" characters \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"a} % option u, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"e} % option u, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"{\i}} % option u, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"o} % option u, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"u} % option u, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"y} % option u, then y \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"A} % option u, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"O} % option u, then O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"U} % option u, then U \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'a} % option e, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'e} % option e, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'{\i}} % option e, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'o} % option e, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'u} % option e, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'E} % option e, then E \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`a} % option `, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`e} % option `, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`{\i}} % option `, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`o} % option `, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`u} % option `, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`A} % option `, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~a} % option n, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~n} % option n, then n \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~o} % option n, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~A} % option n, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~N} % option n, then N \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~O} % option n, then O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^a} % option i, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^e} % option i, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^{\i}} % option i, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^o} % option i, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^u} % option i, then u \let\optionkeymacros\null ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. 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For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From piet at Tue Apr 9 09:53:22 2002 From: piet at (Piet van Oostrum) Date: 09 Apr 2002 15:53:22 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] paranthesis at citations In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >>>>> christoph.lehmann at (CL) writes: CL> Hi CL> Sorry, but I am still a newbie: I use the report class with CL> \usepackage{natbib} CL> \bibliographystyle{plainnat} CL> so I can use \citet{} and \citep{} CL> actually it works. BUT: I get in the text: CL> blablabla [Kawasaki, 1997]. As Hunziker [1994] could demonstrate.... CL> the parenthesis are just wrong. I need the authors encapsulated in () CL> paranthesis. That is the default. Have you used \bibpunct to change it? -- Piet van Oostrum URL: [PGP] Private email: P.van.Oostrum at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From weddings at Thu Apr 4 21:10:15 2002 From: weddings at (Wesley Eddings) Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 21:10:15 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] White Flashes in Acrobat Reader Solved Message-ID: <> Upgrading from OS 10.1 to 10.1.3 removed the white flashes (when moving >from one slide to the next in Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 full-screen mode.) Thanks to all who helped. Wes weddings at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. 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If you look at the property list of the tfm of an ex tex font (like cmex), you will find something like for integral text: (CHARACTER O 122 (CHARWD R 0.472223) (CHARDP R 1.111122) (CHARIC R 0.194446) (NEXTLARGER O 132) ) for integral display: (CHARACTER O 132 (CHARWD R 0.555557) (CHARDP R 2.222246) (CHARIC R 0.444446) ) And now look at esstix afm file: this font claims to be AdobeStandard encoded (!), and of course, most of the information that you need to make a tfm font is not actually present. So it is not impossible to make a tex system with esstix, but it should be a lot of work for the ex font. Moreover, I am not quite sure one should be allowed to convert these fonts in a mac format. -- Michel Bovani ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. 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The bottom of the big union symbol is sometimes missing, both in the TeXShop viewer and in Acrobat Reader. If my memory is correct, it happens only with magnifications > %100, and it doesn't happen consistently. The bottom of the union symbol usually reappears if scrolled off and then back onto the screen. Richard Seguin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From christoph.lehmann at Fri Apr 19 07:42:26 2002 From: christoph.lehmann at (christoph.lehmann at Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 13:42:26 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] figure and page number overlap Message-ID: <> hi since latex arranges figures automatically...great... but i have the problem, that now I find a page, where the figure is placed in a way, that the caption goes beyond the lower border and overlaps with the page number. what to do against this? thanks christoph ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From lists at Mon Apr 15 18:48:34 2002 From: lists at (Otto Poellath) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 00:48:34 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] including logo in Prosper slides Message-ID: Hi, I'm using Prosper ( to produce PDF slides, and it works fine until I try to include a logo. As soon as I include \Logo(3,2){ \includegraphics[width=2in]{myLogo} } ps2pdf will fail with this error message: ### ps2pdf /tmp/altpdflatex.2268/ prosperslide.pdf Error: /typecheck in --pdfmark-- Operand stack: (\n\n\n with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From franconi at Wed Apr 10 08:42:50 2002 From: franconi at (Enrico Franconi) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 13:42:50 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> On April 10, G?rard Degrez writes: > I downloaded and installed, but the mac-emacs application quits > immediately after starting (PowerBook G3/500 MHz, MacOSX 10.1.3 > (SQ45)). This is somehow expected :-) In fact, the mac-emacs application has the only role to launch the bundle and the exits. Is the proper Emacs program running then? cheers -- e. Enrico Franconi - franconi at University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170 Manchester M13 9PL, UK - Fax: +44 (161) 275 6204 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From tozsu at Sun Apr 7 13:12:52 2002 From: tozsu at (M. Tamer =?ISO-8859-1?B?1g==?=zsu) Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 13:12:52 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Texshop problems In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I've used Gerben Wierda's program to install tetex, gs7, etc. I also installed TeXShop. I am working on an old project, so I am going tex+ghostscript. A few problems that may be due to wrong settings and I am hoping someone may be able to help. First the file: \documentclass{acm_proc_article-sp} (never mind the class file, it is the same with simple article) \usepackage{epsfig} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=9cm]{../Figures/dialog_2.eps} \caption{Three types of shots in a DS} % {Figure {1}} \label{fig1} \end{figure} Here are the problems I am having: 1. The paper is being typeset for A4 2. The pdf file that is displayed in Preview does not contain any text other than title, author information, section/subsection headings and figures. There are scattered "ff"s on the pages. 3. When I look at the postscript file using MacGhostViewX, it shows the text allright, but none of the included eps figures. 4. When I convert the ps to pdf using MacGhostViewX, the result is the same as described under (2). 5. When I look at the generated pdf file using Acrobat Reader 5, it is perfectly fine, the figures are in place, the text is in place, etc. Any help would be much appreciated. -- M. Tamer Ozsu University of Waterloo ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From u.steiner at Tue Apr 2 10:28:06 2002 From: u.steiner at (Ullrich Steiner) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 17:28:06 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] PDF full-screen viewer and other tools In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> I downloaded your viewer. Good work. But given the limitations of Quartz, I doubt whether it is usable for presentations. 1. Included QuickTime movies don't work (a must for me!) 2. Some of the typesetting is not rendered correctly 3. For some reason, the pages of my presentations are shifted by about 1/3 of a page to the right. This must be a bug of the "presenter" since they display correctly in the previewer. I guess we are stuck with Acrobat until Apple fixes and extends Quartz. - Ulli On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 05:11 PM, Maarten Sneep wrote: > Hi listers, > > A while back the crappy display of line-art by Acrobat was mentioned on > this list. Someone mentioned that Quartz does this much better. I > figured it should be a one-liner to create a viewer that is good enough > to give presentations through quartz. If you take into account that I > am a Ph.d. student in physics (and therefore count as 1, 2, many...), > it was indeed a one-liner...;-) > > You can find this _limited_ program on > > > (See the link near the top of the page). > > Limitations: > - Only uses the main screen for display. > - Once in full screen mode, you can't go back to window-mode, your > option is to quit the program. The program will not crash, but getting > back to windowing mode without crashing ws not possible for me. Anyone? > - fancy page transitions are not supported. This may be a blessing ;-) > - Read the help-file for all options. The help is displayed at the > first start-up and can be reached from the help menu. Please > familiarize yourself with the program before using is in front of a > group... > > In the package you'll find some other tools as well: a colorselector > and a ris2bib. Information is included in the dmg and on the page. > > Please report typo's, bugs and solutions to me: sneep at > > Take care, > > Maarten Sneep > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From piet at Wed Apr 24 04:18:26 2002 From: piet at (Piet van Oostrum) Date: 24 Apr 2002 10:18:26 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] problem with page sizes In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: Have you compared the contents of the two files? dvips will only honor a special pagesize if the file contains an entry for this pagesize (similar to the a4 and letter entries). Apparently one of them does and the other doesn't. The one that does must have been customized. It could also be in a ~/.dvipsrc file rather than the file because this is used as an addition to the file. So also chack this. I think it could even be a .dvipsrc file (not the starting dot) in the current directory. Use terminal to check the existence of these files, as the Finder will not show them by default. -- Piet van Oostrum URL: [PGP] Private email: P.van.Oostrum at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From joseph.slater at Wed Apr 17 08:51:18 2002 From: joseph.slater at (Joseph C. Slater) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 08:51:18 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] very off-topic: MatLab on OS X. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Thanks for the note. I'm sure you have seen my response to it by now. Joe On Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 07:57 AM, Michael Murray wrote: > mmurray at __________________________________________________ Joseph C. Slater, PhD Associate Professor Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University, 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435 Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009, ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. 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(Note the reboot will take a bit longer than normal as it builds the file.) 3. Reboot. " On Jeudi, avril 11, 2002, at 11:52 , William McCallum wrote: > I use uControl, which can be downloaded at > > > > It has two minor problems [snip] > On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 06:49 AM, bob desinger wrote: > >> >> what's your favorite key remapper for os x (on a tibook)? Cyril -- "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices." William James ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmurray at Tue Apr 9 02:16:26 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:46:26 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >In Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (I'm not sure about earlier versions), in >the "Acrobat Reader" pop-up menu of the Print dialog, there's an >option "Adjust big pages" (or something like this, it's "Ajuster les >grandes pages" in French) which is checked by default. Thanks Bruno, I don't see an Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 in the pop-up menu in the Print dialog in OS X ? Is that what you are looking at ? Thanks - Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From cvr at Thu Apr 4 01:12:20 2002 From: cvr at (Radhakrishnan CV) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 11:42:20 +0530 (IST) Subject: [OS X TeX] ps2pdf Message-ID: Pardon me if this is answered before. In Linux, I convert a ps file to pdf with ps2pdf from the shell prompt with the following command: ps2pdf I couldn't do it from shell prompt in the Mac OSX. Can anyone tell me how to do this in OS X? I have teTeX and MacGhostview installed. Many thanks in advance for assistance. -- Radhakrishnan ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. 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Thanks very much for the tip and the software, Julius > > Hope this helps, > > Ross Moore > >> >> Julius >> >> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >> For additional HELP, send email to with >> "help" (no quotes) in the body. >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2966); Thu, 18 Apr 2002 05:20:22 -0400 Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.4453); Thu, 18 Apr 2002 05:20:20 -0400 Received: from by with SMTP; Thu, 18 Apr 2002 05:20:44 -0400 Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Sender: li_karl at Message-Id: In-Reply-To: <3CBE56BA.1DB4D44B at> References: <3CBE56BA.1DB4D44B at> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 11:20:03 +0200 To: "TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List" From: Ulrich =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=F6hler?= Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] accents Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" Reply-To: "TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List" Sender: Precedence: Bulk List-Software: LetterRip Pro 3.0.7 by Fog City Software, Inc. List-Subscribe: List-Digest: List-Unsubscribe: Return-Path: MacOSX-TeX at X-OriginalArrivalTime: 18 Apr 2002 09:20:20.0690 (UTC) FILETIME=[4315EB20:01C1E6BA] > > This is a bug in the pdf rendering of Quartz, the OS X display >> engine. The workaround is to print pdf files through Acrobat, which >> uses its own rendering mechanism. > >Be sure to use Acroread-5.0.5. Acroread-5.0 had worse bugs than >Apple's Preview. > Speaking of bugs: Every now and then Acrobat Reader displays files, but fails to print them. The print center kicks in, but the files never appear as hardcopy on the printer. This happens with both 5.0 and 5.0.5. Printing the files in question on a Windows machine is no problem. Does anybody have a clue to this problem? Ulrich -- ##################Ulrich "Master of Disaster" Koehler#################### Paderborn University, A2.235, Warburger Str. 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany tel. +49/(0)5251/60-2698, fax -3490 ... it's just a recipe ... ************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From christoph.lehmann at Mon Apr 15 12:48:48 2002 From: christoph.lehmann at (christoph.lehmann at Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 18:48:48 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] tabular error? Message-ID: using \begin{tabular}{||} \hline & & \\ & & \\ & & \\ \hline \end{tabular} I always get missing # inserted in alignment preamble. why? cheers christoph ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From armstron at Tue Apr 9 11:04:41 2002 From: armstron at (Lawrence Armstrong) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 17:04:41 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] pdfscreen : insert movie In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Thanks, it works great now ! Lawrence On mardi, avril 9, 2002, at 04:25 , G?rard Degrez wrote: > Here's what works: > \pdfannot width 320pt height 79pt depth 79 pt% > {/Subtype /Movie% > /Title (Vorticity)% > /Movie << /F (re3900-persp-2.avi) /Poster true >>% > /A << /Mode /Repeat >>} ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From michael_mccracken at Fri Apr 5 03:02:22 2002 From: michael_mccracken at (Michael McCracken) Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 00:02:22 -0800 Subject: [OS X TeX] BibDesk 0.7b -- broken newapa preview In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I've noticed this problem with the preview in bibdesk also. The previewer is none other than pdftex -- here's what happens: bibdesk writes out a temporary .bib file, runs pdftex,bibtex,pdftex on a very simple tex file that has \nocite{*}, then loads the resulting pdf into the previewer. So (take into account that I'm not an expert on TeX/LaTeX), my guess about why newapa and other styles choke is that I'm using TeX instead of LaTeX, or my simple template is just dumb. A great contribution for someone who uses bibdesk and knows LaTeX better than me would be to take a look at the .tex file it copies into ~/Application Support/BibDesk/ and come up with one that will work with these styles and look good in the previewer window. I'm sure my template is embarrassingly dumb. If you want details about what it needs to do to work right with bibdesk, mail me privately. Oh, and a user noted this bug in the current version (and all previous ones, probably): It doesn't actually listen to the tex & bibtex path preferences. it will always try to use the path to Gerben Wierda's teTeX distribution's version of pdftex and bibtex. Unfortunately this will make creating an appropriate LaTeX template file more challenging... - - mike On Wednesday, April 3, 2002, at 06:26 AM, Oscar Chavez wrote: > At 10:51 PM -0600 4/1/02, Michael McCracken wrote: >> Some awfully desirable features are still missing, notably the preview >> window is still annoyingly un-zoomable. Sometimes you just can't do it >> all... > > I have to use the dreadful APA style, so I use newapa as my > bibliography style. The preview has some overlapped characters. My > guess is that instead of writing [1], and then the reference, BibDesk's > previewer is writing [Kuhs & Ball (1986)] and then the reference, but > it seems to be that BibDesk leaves just enough room for one character > or two between the brackets. I'm so glad with the way BibDesk works, > that this is a minor inconvenience with which I'm willing to live. > However, it would be nice to put this in a 'to do' list. > > -- Oscar Chavez > oc918 at > > To you I'm an atheist, but to God I'm the loyal opposition. > > -- Woody Allen > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > - -- Michael McCracken michael_mccracken at -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (Darwin) Comment: For info see iD8DBQE8rVoUEKyl4OVJk/sRAjyrAJ4h6DFhkZWl/NLqRbxloXYpLHW2OACdGO38 tmFylWrssZAYX5FkSHBcOr0= =1iP1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From zsd3711 at Mon Apr 1 20:18:02 2002 From: zsd3711 at (Zachary Davis) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 19:18:02 -0600 Subject: [OS X TeX] Matrices in Equations Help Message-ID: <> Monday, 1 April 2002 Hello, I was hoping that one of you might be able to help me with a misunderstanding about typesetting matrix equations in LaTeX. I have read through the table and matrices sections of Kopka & Daly's book (Chapters 4 & 5), but I seem to be missing something in which teTeX isn't happy with. My source looks something like the following: \begin{equation} \[ \left[ \begin{array}{llcl} (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_n})\\ (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_n})\\ \multicolumn{4}{c}\dotfill\\ (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_n}) \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} c_1\\ c_2\\ \vdots \\ c_n \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c} (\vec{f},\vec{e_1})\\ (\vec{f},\vec{e_2})\\ \vdots \\ (\vec{f},\vec{e_n}) \end{array} \right] \] \end{equation} I was hoping this would typeset two matrices being multiplied by each other and which were equal to a third array, and of course have an equation number next to it. Any help about where I went wrong would be appreciated. Thanks, ======================================================== Zachary S. Davis Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Texas at Arlington P.O. Box 19032 Arlington, TX 76019 Home: (817) 272-6418 zsd3711 at Office: (817) 272-5269 ?Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes, is oft but perseverance in disguise." --Henry Willard Austin ======================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Fri Apr 26 02:13:07 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 16:13:07 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: <> from Bruno Voisin at "Apr 25, 2002 05:36:37 pm" Message-ID: <> > > We have a tutorial we have written describing this process if anyone is > > interested. Keep in mind that it was written for our students, so it is > > not > > meant to be a complete tutorial with every detail. > > Yes that sounds interesting. > > I read _very_ rapidly the description on WARMreader's web page and came > out with the impression that labeling Mathematica graphics was not > straightforward. So I decided I would try that when I have time > available for experimenting -- which is close to never. If you have Adobe Illustrator, and the MarkedObjects plug-in, then creating the .bb file is a snap, whatever the original application that made the .eps file. The instructions you read were for making a .mbb file, *directly in Mathematica*, using its Front-End software. In this case, there are 2 different ways to "Save as EPS", which give different results. You have to muck-around a bit to "get it right", according to whichever way you do that save. > Your mail seems to say this is all straightforward indeed, so yes it's > very interesting. Gary and Francesco use the Illustrator/MarkedObjects combination. This is indeed straight-forward; though the plug-in is still only beta, having some known bugs. (BTW, in positioning labels, it helps to know a bit about Xy-pic. This is especially so if you want to use arrows, circles, rectangles etc. tied to the text/math labels.) However, the WaRMreader package can be used without the plug-in. The method is sufficiently flexible, that you "can" define your own formats for storing the coordinate data; then "program" a set of TeX macros to match that format. That's what the 'reader' means, in the name. If you are adventurous enough to try this... There are 4 or 5 examples of different formats in the macro file: warmreader.tex --- doubtless someone will say that you need to be a TeX magician to even try to read this file. That's probably true. :-) Certainly you need to understand pattern-matching for TeX macros, far beyond what is normal with LaTeX. One example takes files of city names and locations (latitude/longitude expressed in degrees/minutes/seconds) and transforms it to rectangular coords over a Robinson Projection of a map of the world. That this is possible is an indication of how powerful TeX can be, as a programming language. Have fun, Ross > > Bruno Voisin > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From stokhof at Fri Apr 19 09:27:38 2002 From: stokhof at (Martin Stokhof) Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 15:27:38 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] 3 different versions of print: previewMac, acroMac, acroWin In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: At 14:54 +0200 on 19/04/02, christoph.lehmann at wrote: >why don't the documents created with texshop have all the same print >when printed with >preview os x >acro os x >acro win2000. >there are other lettersizes and other dimensions of the borders. >christoph I don't know about the Windows version, but in Acrobat for OS X this may be due to something that somebody mentioned earlier on the list, viz., the "Shrink Oversized Pages to Paper Size" option in Acrobat being switched on (which it is, it seems, by default). You can find it in the Print dialog, under the Menu that if you bring up the dialog, has "Copies & Pages". Switching it off results in pages being printed in the same size in TeXShop, Preview, and Acrobat on my system. Martin Stokhof ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Tue Apr 16 05:12:33 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 11:12:33 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] fonts and ttf2tfm? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> On Monday, April 15, 2002, at 06:36 , Bruce D'Arcus wrote: > Gerben, maybe it'd be nice to have ttf2tfm installed by default (or as > an i-Package?)? Yes, however, I will need someone to send me a good binary. This stuff depends on freetype, which depends on X11, and my system is X11 free. I would like to produce a font i-Package (other thing stoo, like adding TeX's pfb's to ghostscript, I already have a submitted script for that) G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From fwallenberg at Wed Apr 10 10:58:45 2002 From: fwallenberg at (Fredrik Wallenberg) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 07:58:45 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] How do the i-Installers work? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On Wednesday, April 10, 2002, at 06:03 AM, Holger Frauenrath wrote: > I am sorry for this presumably stupid question, but I always wondered. > I guess I still do not quite get the idea. Today the "dedicated > installer" that I had downloaded with TeX-fat did *not* detect any new > version of TeX (programs and foundation) ... I second a request for Gerben to explain this... I now have no idea what version I have installed since I don't know what the i-installer does. It obviously does not tell me if there is a new version available. Fredrik -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 597 bytes Desc: not available URL: From gray at Sun Apr 7 14:11:37 2002 From: gray at (Gary L. Gray) Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 14:11:37 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Texshop problems In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 4/7/02 2:06 PM, "M. Tamer ?zsu" wrote: > I was indeed using GS 7. I removed it using i-install. However, when I try > to install GS 6, for a bunch of files I am getting the following error: > > /Applications/Utilities/ > share/ghostscript/fonts/s050000l.pfb: Could not create file: Permission > denied > > The result output is the same. > > Thanks for your help. I have been through all this before too. :-) My guess is that you need to install it as root, use (which works very nicely) or grab the authenticating installer from Gerben's web site: Any of those options should work (I have tried all of them at one time or another). -- Gary ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From jguyer at Tue Apr 2 15:13:20 2002 From: jguyer at (Jon Guyer) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 15:13:20 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] PDF full-screen viewer and other tools In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: At 10:45 AM -0500 4/2/02, Mark Moll wrote: >I think I missed that discussion, but if by "crappy" you mean >"non-smooth", then make sure line-art smoothing is turned on in the >preferences. (It isn't by default.) It doesn't help. -- Jonathan E. Guyer ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Wed Apr 24 08:13:25 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 22:13:25 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] new OzTeX CD Message-ID: The new OzTeX CD is now ready to ship. People who pre-ordered the CD should get it some time next week (please contact me if it hasn't arrived within 2 weeks of this announcement). The CD contains over 600MB of TeX-related material for Mac users. Here's a summary of the contents: - OzTeX 5.0 (of course!) all unpacked and ready to run. - Loads of extra fonts and macro packages. - Other TeX implementations: TeXShop, iTeXMac, TeXShell, etc. - Gerben Wierda's teTeX/Ghostscript installer (the "fat" version so that nothing needs to be downloaded). - Fink, plus a set of TeX-related packages (latex2html, detex, etc) put together by Dave Morrison. - Lots of other TeX-related freeware and shareware. A complete list is available here: Thanks again to the people who gave permission to include their software; your free CD will also arrive soon! The price of the CD, including shipping and handling, is: $20 for registered users; $40 for everybody else (which includes the OzTeX shareware fee). Note that I've changed my policy on who is eligible for the discount price. It now includes all members of all registered groups. Please visit to see if your company or university is listed. Note that all members of TUG, UK-TUG, DANTE and GUTenberg are registered users. Payment can be made by credit card, check or cash at this web site: Andrew ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From joseph.slater at Wed Apr 17 09:31:52 2002 From: joseph.slater at (Joseph C. Slater) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:31:52 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] very off-topic: MatLab on OS X. In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Sorry folks. That wasn't meant for the list. On Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 08:51 AM, Joseph C. Slater wrote: > __________________________________________________ Joseph C. Slater, PhD Associate Professor Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engg, Wright State University, 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435 Phone: (+1) 937-775-5040, Fax: (+1) 937-775-5009, ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From franconi at Fri Apr 12 04:53:53 2002 From: franconi at (Enrico Franconi) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 09:53:53 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: <> On April 12, G?rard Degrez writes: > and running pdflatex from the terminal window works without problem. > And I understand that the launching of the pdflatex executable by > the "pdfLaTeX" item in the Emacs "Command" popup menu is specified > by the instruction (list "pdfLaTeX" "pdflatex > '\\nonstopmode\\input{%t}'" 'TeX-run-LaTeX nil t) in the file > Contents/MacOS/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el, right? > > So, I get back to my original question: what's wrong? You probably belong to the very small group (2 people by now) who can not see the path from within a tcsh launched from a program, among the 400+ who installed mac-emacs. Let's go offline, and I'll try to understand your settings. In the meantime, can you please scan the file /usr/share/init/tcsh/rc and check whether you find somewhere the path /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current ? cheers -- e. Enrico Franconi - franconi at University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170 Manchester M13 9PL, UK - Fax: +44 (161) 275 6204 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Tue Apr 9 02:56:10 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 08:56:10 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] pdfscreen : insert movie In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >will launch QuickTime in MacOS X to play the movie. > >\pdfannot{ > /Subtype /Movie > /T (Movie Titile) > /Movie <> > /A << /ShowControls true >> > /ANN pdfmark} > >This should use the Acrobat plug in and show the movie from within >Acrobat. I haven't tested this though. I've tested. It works nicely. For details about controling the appearance of the movie, have a look at T. Merz' pdfmark primer ( G?rard Degrez ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Thu Apr 4 06:07:12 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 13:07:12 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] ps2pdf In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Depends on what goes wrong. With my distribution, this just works. It is probably a PATH issue. G On Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 08:12 , Radhakrishnan CV wrote: > > Pardon me if this is answered before. > > In Linux, I convert a ps file to pdf with ps2pdf from the shell > prompt with the following command: > > ps2pdf > > I couldn't do it from shell prompt in the Mac OSX. Can anyone tell > me how to do this in OS X? > > I have teTeX and MacGhostview installed. > > Many thanks in advance for assistance. > > -- > Radhakrishnan > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From u.steiner at Thu Apr 25 11:34:30 2002 From: u.steiner at (Ullrich Steiner) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:34:30 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: Message-ID: yes, please post all relevant links (warmreader, Marked Objects plug-in, the application, the tutorial). - Ulli On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 05:30 PM, Holger Frauenrath wrote: > That sounds *great*. > > Where do I obtain Warmreader? > Where can I obtain your app? > >> We have a tutorial we have written describing this process if anyone is >> interested. Keep in mind that it was written for our students, so it >> is not >> meant to be a complete tutorial with every detail. > > I am *very* interested. Can you post it for download somewhere or would > you > mind sending it to me? > > Thanks. > Holger > > -- > Dr. Holger Frauenrath > Northwestern University > Department of Materials Science > 2225 North Campus Drive > Evanston, IL 60208 > > Phone: (847) 467-6416 > Fax: (847) 491-3002 > Email: mail at > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > -------------------------------------- Ullrich Steiner Department of Polymer Chemistry University of Groningen Nijenborgh 4 NL-9747AG Groningen The Netherlands Tel: +31-50-363-7888 Fax: +31-50-363-4400 e-mail: mailto:u.steiner at www: -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Thu Apr 18 09:53:46 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 23:53:46 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Eucal package In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks to Michael, Martin, and Richard for the suggestions. I agree that the slant on the rsfs is a bit extreme, but it seems to me the best solution. I had a look at Linoscript and to my eye its too upright---too much like mathcal. Cheers Adrian Heathcote On Thursday, April 18, 2002, at 12:39 PM, Richard Seguin wrote: >> Adrian Heathcote wrote: >> >> Hi >> >> I want to use \mathscr to produce a script H, (for Hilbert Space), and >> it requires the eucal package---or so Diller's book says. But it >> doesn't >> appear to be in teTeX. Does anyone know how to access the package---and >> if not, what is a good way to produce a script letter form in math >> mode? >> >> This has been a sore spot in TeX for a very long time. The \cal font is >> useless, and the eucal stuff is not much better. True math script >> letters are provided by Ralph Smith's rsfs fonts that are a >> quasi-standard. The calrsfs and mathrsfs styles provide two slightly >> different ways to use them. All this is usually contained in teTeX. I >> have >> >> texmf/fonts/source/public/rsfs/ >> texmf/tex/latex/jknappen/mathrsfs.sty >> texmf/tex/latex/misc/calrsfs/ >> >> -- >> Martin > > Adrian, > > Did you try > > \usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} > ...... > \mathscr{H} ? > > I just tried mathrsfs, and to my eye this font is too slanted. For > example, capital characters with overlines look out of balance. Another > option might be the commercial postscript font called Linoscript. It's > sufficiently baroque and has an upright rounded shape. I've looked at > many script fonts, and unfortunately most are either too casual, or too > florid, or aren't elaborate enough to be visually distinct from a swash > style font with which you might want to mix together in the same > document representing totally different types of objects. I have > Linoscript, but I haven't yet been able to try it, since I'm still > trying to figure out how to install postscript fonts correctly (So far > I haven't gotten the Minion font to work). My impression is that > Linoscript might have the right weight to work with CM. > > Richard Seguin > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bdarcus at Mon Apr 15 15:27:06 2002 From: bdarcus at (Bruce D'Arcus) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 15:27:06 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] ttf2tfm? Message-ID: I sent this earlier, but it doesn't seem to have worked. I came across the script ttf2tex, which seems perfect for easy installation of truetype fonts for use in pdftex (can we say i-Installer package??). My problem, though, is the following: The script requires ttf2tfm. Ttf2tfm is part of Freetype. So, I download and install freetype and Bash via Fink. Everything seems fine, except that ttf2tfm is really part of another optional package called ttf2pk, which is NOT available as a Fink package. So I get errors when I run the script. question is, how do I get ttf2tfm installed and working properly? I have not had much luck compiling source code. A quick google search turned up a question about this awhile back, but no answer... Bruce ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Tue Apr 9 12:46:56 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 18:46:56 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Positioning within preview window in TeXShop In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Is there a way to teach TeXShop to open a document at a fixed position within the preview window? More clearly: for the moment, every time I open a .tex file the corresponding .pdf file is shown with the lower left corner of the preview window corresponding to the lower left corner of the first page of the .pdf document. Is it possible to change this? Though this behaviour is not really an annoyance, it would be helpful (in my case) if TeXShop could open the .pdf file with some user-defined portion of the page shown in the preview window, not necessarily the lower left portion; or maybe simply if TeXShop could remember how the page was positioned in the preview window the last time this file was opened. Ditto for remembering the page number. My reason for suggesting this: I am working on a document where the text occupies only a relatively small portion of each page (publisher's instructions). I enlarged the scale to 150 % and reduced the preview window to approximately half-screen size, so about half the page is shown in it. Then, every time I open the document, I must re-position the text within the window. Again, not really an annoyance, but... Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. 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"is this how you want it?" (logo image appears to be to the borders) he says, "how'd you do that?" i say, "i converted it to pdf. He says, "i don't think i can use a pdf." i'm thinking... i bet he can, though i've read here that going to pdf should be at final stage(?) -maybe that's what he wants. oh, and i heard him, earlier, saying something about a bitmap... i'm thinking... hmm... "...embedded bitmap in teX doc?"... where have i heard about possible problems there. anyway, he says, "send me the pdf." if anyone would care to *try* to decipher this and shed any light, provided any of it makes sense and there is enough info here, please mail me? (He was on a Sun trying to print the file -looked like a letter head with logo [the culprit image] at the upper left corner.) thanks. Ted ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Fri Apr 26 18:11:23 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 00:11:23 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Large Symbols Partially Printed from PDF from LaTeX In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On Friday, April 26, 2002, at 07:18 , hanson at wrote: > The result seems to indcate the the problem is Ghostscript used > in pdflatex and ps2pdf in both cases on Sun Unix and MAC OS X. pdftex does not use ghostscript. It produces PDF directly. Also, pdftex on your Sun workstation may not be the same version as the one on Mac OS X ("pdftex --version" will tell you). Most pdftex's out there are pretty old. The same goes for ghostscript, which is available in many versions, all producing (slightly) different PDF. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Fri Apr 19 10:12:46 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 00:12:46 +1000 Subject: OzTeX 5.0 is now available Message-ID: OzTeX 5.0 is available for download (10.1MB) from the main CTAN sites: After unpacking the .sit file please read the supplied Read-Me file. Here are the changes to the 5.0a release: * Fixed an obscure bug that could stop a TeX/DVI/PS file being remembered. * Fixed a bug handling "|" in config file comment lines (%...) and message lines (@...). Also, lines containing only spaces/tabs are now ignored (they used to generate a rather confusing error message). * OzTeX now saves the drop_tex/dvi/ps lists before a drop.config/foo.config file is loaded and restores the lists after the dropped file is processed. Because any drop_tex/dvi/ps settings in these config files are temporary, there is no possibility of an unexpected task list being activated when a different file is dropped. * Added :TeX:Docs:LaTeX:drop.config which shows how to convert dropped EPS files to PDF and then preview them (requires OS X and Ghostscript). * The ":TeX:Configs:Use texmf tree" file has been improved. In particular, $c has been added at the START of OzTeX's ps_folders list so that dvips will use OzTeX-specific files like * Modified so that the a4 paper size lines come before A4size. The advantage for people who use A4 paper is that an "a4" command is included in the dvips output; this forces Unix commands based on Ghostscript (like ps2pdf) to use the correct paper size. There is no longer any need to add a "-t a4" option to dvips. * I decided to remove XRay, Excalibur and Odd Jobs from the Extras folder to reduce the size of the .sit file (they are on the new OzTeX CD, but not in Extras). * The "Related Software" item in OzTeX's Help menu contains a large list of links to TeX-related software and resources. * Minor changes to the OzTeX User Guide and various other docs. Andrew PS. The OzTeX CD master has been sent to the distributors and should be ready for delivery next week. More about the CD later. From fall at Tue Apr 16 11:56:27 2002 From: fall at (Chris Fall) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 11:56:27 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Latex 2.09 Message-ID: <> Thanks to Gary Gray for pointing me to this list. Here is my problem, hope someone can help. I have been using a PC package called PC_Tex. It allowed me to add 2.09 (or any other distribution lis AMS-TeX) then select what I want with a menu, much as TexShop allows Tex or Latex. Now that I am switching over to MacOSX I am hoping that I can add 2.09 as one of the choices to TexShop. Is there a way to do this with TexShop? Note that the 2e compatibility mode does not work due to required style files from the publisher. Apparently they rewrote parts of 2.09 to suit them and have not managed yet to carry this stuff over to 2e. So it is not a fault of the 2.09 emulation, rather it is stuff hardwired between their style files and their 2.09 version. In any case I have to use 2.09. Chris Fall, Ph.D. New York University Center for Neural Science and Courant Institute fall at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From piet at Wed Apr 10 12:31:33 2002 From: piet at (Piet van Oostrum) Date: 10 Apr 2002 18:31:33 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: References: <> <> Message-ID: >>>>> G?rard Degrez (GD) writes: >> On April 10, G?rard Degrez writes: >>> I downloaded and installed, but the mac-emacs application quits >>> immediately after starting (PowerBook G3/500 MHz, MacOSX 10.1.3 >>> (SQ45)). >> >> This is somehow expected :-) >> >> In fact, the mac-emacs application has the only role to launch the >> bundle and the exits. Is the proper Emacs program running then? GD> No. And, from the terminal window, it doesn't work any better. Actually, GD> is a directory. Is that normal? Yes, OSX applications are directories. Actually, bundles which are a special kind of directories. From terminal try open /Applications/ -- Piet van Oostrum URL: [PGP] Private email: P.van.Oostrum at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From get86 at Sun Apr 7 19:12:46 2002 From: get86 at (get86 at Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 19:12:46 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] printing help? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: I hate to ask, but we have but one copy of Illustrator X (or any Ill).. and it's not licensed by the user in this case. Arghh! If I move the file so that I can use the Illustrator program to correct the dots (remember the problem is that -in the end this file is being sent to a PC as a PDF and the dots won't print for that person)... how do I repair the dots in Illustrator, if you don't mind the lesson? Thanks in advance, Ted p.s. right now out only solution is to scan that particular page and insert it into the email transmission as a replacement for that page, but I'd really like to find a fix near the root of what this problem is. On Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 01:59 PM, William Adams wrote: > My copy of Mathematica is away at home on my Cube, but if it does dots > in graphs like MatLab does (or has done on the jobs we've had), they're > literally dots---a line as a single point with beginning / endpoints the > same, and a strokewidth which defines the size of the dot. > > We've found such troublesome as well, so've usually wound up selecting > all such (in Illustrator or FreeHand) and expanding the stroke to the > proper width so that the dots become closed paths. > > William > > -- > William Adams, publishing specialist > ATLIS Graphics & Design / 717-731-6707 voice / 717-731-6708 fax > Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From oc918 at Wed Apr 3 09:26:21 2002 From: oc918 at (Oscar Chavez) Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 08:26:21 -0600 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] BibDesk 0.7b In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: At 10:51 PM -0600 4/1/02, Michael McCracken wrote: >Some awfully desirable features are still missing, notably the preview >window is still annoyingly un-zoomable. Sometimes you just can't do it >all... I have to use the dreadful APA style, so I use newapa as my bibliography style. The preview has some overlapped characters. My guess is that instead of writing [1], and then the reference, BibDesk's previewer is writing [Kuhs & Ball (1986)] and then the reference, but it seems to be that BibDesk leaves just enough room for one character or two between the brackets. I'm so glad with the way BibDesk works, that this is a minor inconvenience with which I'm willing to live. However, it would be nice to put this in a 'to do' list. -- Oscar Chavez oc918 at To you I'm an atheist, but to God I'm the loyal opposition. -- Woody Allen ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From christoph.lehmann at Wed Apr 24 15:41:50 2002 From: christoph.lehmann at (christoph.lehmann at Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 21:41:50 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Refman.sty Message-ID: <> does anybody use it and how did he/she install it? thanks christoph ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From koch at Wed Apr 17 20:35:58 2002 From: koch at (Richard Koch) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 17:35:58 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Folks, This is an Apple bug. The bug was reported to them some time ago. Please see my web page for a list of outstanding Apple bugs which we hope will be fixed soon. Dick koch at On Wednesday, April 17, 2002, at 02:33 PM, Jan Rosinski wrote: > TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n correctly > but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript > and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. > Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? > > Jan Rosinski ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From paulotex at Fri Apr 12 06:41:07 2002 From: paulotex at (Paulo Abreu) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 11:41:07 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] from tex->ps to tex->pdf: advice needed Message-ID: <> Hi all: Until now, I have been very happy with my tex->dvi->ps process. But under macosx, displaying pdf is much faster then ps, so having pdf as a final product makes more sense. Unfortunately, the ps->pdf step takes as much time as the tex->dvi step, which makes the complete process tex->dvi->ps->pdf quite long. So I am considering finnaly moving to tex->pdf, with pdf(la)tex. The problem are the figures. I have two needs that were perfectly satisfied with the tex->dvi->ps process above: the creation of simple figures and the labelling of complex figures. I created simple figures with pstricks and I labeled the more complex figures (created usually with comercial programs like adobe illustrator) with psfrag. None of these tools are available for pdftex, which means I will have to use new ones, and this is where I ask for your advice. I know that there is metapost, and that is can be used with pdftex, so I could use it to replace pstricks. I know nothing of metafont, but I assume there is a way to learn metapost without having to learn metafont. Recently on this list someone pointed to the WARMreader. It is a way to use xypic to place labels with TeX on any graphic. This seems like a good alternative, both to psfrag and to metapost. Instead of learning metapost and warmreader+xypic, I would just learn the latter, create even the simple graphics with a commercial wysiwyg tool and use warmreader+xypic to place the labels. Dropping my knowledge of pstricks and psfrag and learning a new tool is not an easy step. It took me some time to master pstricks as I do now, and warmreader+xypic, although very powerfull, seem to required some effort to master. So the question is: What do you have to say about labeling figures using pdftex. Is warmreader+xypic a good choice and worth the effort of learning? Are there other approches? Thanks! Paulo ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From armstron at Tue Apr 9 05:09:38 2002 From: armstron at (Lawrence Armstrong) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 11:09:38 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] pdfscreen : insert movie In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> It doesn't work for me : Acrobat gives an error saying there is an error reading the data... Could you try with my test file to see if it's a local problem with my installation ? Thank you in advance, Lawrence Armstrong test.tex : %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[11pt]{article} \newif\ifpdf \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined \pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX \else \pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX \pdftrue \fi \ifpdf \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \else \usepackage{graphicx} \fi \textwidth = 6.5 in \textheight = 9 in \oddsidemargin = 0.0 in \evensidemargin = 0.0 in \topmargin = 0.0 in \headheight = 0.0 in \headsep = 0.0 in \parskip = 0.2in \parindent = 0.0in \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{Corollary} \newtheorem{definition}{Definition} \title{Brief Article} \author{The Author} \begin{document} \ifpdf \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf, .jpg, .tif} \else \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps, .jpg} \fi \maketitle \pdfannot{ /Subtype /Movie /T (Movie Titile) /Movie <> /A << /ShowControls true >> /ANN pdfmark} \end{document} \end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On mardi, avril 9, 2002, at 08:56 , G?rard Degrez wrote: >> will launch QuickTime in MacOS X to play the movie. >> >> \pdfannot{ >> /Subtype /Movie >> /T (Movie Titile) >> /Movie <> >> /A << /ShowControls true >> >> /ANN pdfmark} >> >> This should use the Acrobat plug in and show the movie from within >> Acrobat. I haven't tested this though. > > I've tested. It works nicely. For details about controling the > appearance of the movie, have a look at T. Merz' pdfmark primer > ( > > G?rard Degrez > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From get86 at Thu Apr 4 07:31:44 2002 From: get86 at (get86 at Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 07:31:44 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] ps2pdf In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I just ran Gerben's wonderful 'i-installer' and now my 'which ps2pdf' turns it up and everything works great! (i realize your installation may be a customized one; but it straightened out my installs.) thanks, Ted On Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 06:56 AM, Radhakrishnan CV wrote: > On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 at 13:07, Gerben Wierda wrote: > > Depends on what goes wrong. With my distribution, this just > works. It is probably a PATH issue. > > It seems to be so. I searched the whole system to find out the > ps2pdf script binary and got, but it now looks for gs binary which I > could not locate even with a global find. Here is what I get from > ps2pdf: > > [kaveh at kaveh] [05:21pm]: ps2pdf > /Users/kaveh/macgs-704-shlib/lib/ps2pdfwr: command not found: gs > [36] > > > -- > Radhakrishnan > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From garymartin at Mon Apr 1 00:11:44 2002 From: garymartin at (Gary Martin) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 15:11:44 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Help---gs 6.01 broken Message-ID: gs 6.01 (from I-installer fat 20020328) and previous versions stopped working when I installed 10.1.3 (or Mozzilla 0.99). Tried re-installing everything, ran fsck, rebuilt desktop, rebuilt pre-bindings---to no avail. Calling gs from TexShop, ITeXMac or MacDviX produces the following Crash Log: Date/Time: 2002-04-01 14:03:37 +1000 OS Version: 10.1.3 (Build 5Q45) Command: gs PID: 1983 Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001) Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x002ce7e4 Thread 0: #0 0x00065350 in font_restore #1 0x0006d6b0 in restore_resources #2 0x0006d568 in alloc_restore_all #3 0x0003fc18 in gs_main_finit #4 0x0003fc60 in gs_exit_with_code #5 0x00001a98 in main #6 0x000019a4 in _start #7 0x000017d4 in start PPC Thread State: srr0: 0x00065350 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000 xer: 0x20000020 lr: 0x00065338 ctr: 0x000e3b70 mq: 0x00000000 r0: 0x0006d6b0 r1: 0xbffff5d0 r2: 0x00000000 r3: 0xbffff6b8 r4: 0x00000000 r5: 0x00138224 r6: 0x00000000 r7: 0x00000000 r8: 0x001c3774 r9: 0x00145338 r10: 0x00000000 r11: 0x001c4704 r12: 0x000e3b78 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000033 r15: 0x000656e0 r16: 0x00065710 r17: 0xbfffee90 r18: 0x00060040 r19: 0x00002b03 r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x0000001c r22: 0x70004234 r23: 0x700042c8 r24: 0x00000004 r25: 0x000003a4 r26: 0x70002d84 r27: 0x70002e10 r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0xbfffef00 r30: 0x00000000 r31: 0x00000001 ********** Any help would be appreciated. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From zsd3711 at Thu Apr 25 12:44:29 2002 From: zsd3711 at (Zachary Davis) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 11:44:29 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Templates Message-ID: Thursday, 26 April 2002 Gary, I read somewhere that the teTeX distribution includes some LaTeX templates for items such as report, thesis, etc. I was wondering how do I open up these files using TeXShop, and is there a sample document included with such templates to give you a sample of the layout? Thanks, ======================================================== Zachary S. Davis Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Texas at Arlington P.O. Box 19032 Arlington, TX 76019 Home: (817) 272-6418 zsd3711 at Office: (817) 272-5269 ?Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes, is oft but perseverance in disguise." --Henry Willard Austin ======================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Thu Apr 18 10:49:09 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 00:49:09 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Splitting a .tex into multiple PDF files In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Sure You can use pdfpages to do this. Adrian Heathcote On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 12:42 AM, Hemant Bhargava wrote: > Hi - > > Is there an easy, systematic, way to compile a .tex file (with pdftex) > and split the result into multiple PDF files? > > Any advice will be greatly appreciated. > > Thanks. > > - Hemant > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From jer_dubois at Sun Apr 14 04:48:07 2002 From: jer_dubois at (Jerome Dubois) Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 10:48:07 +0200 Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?R=E9p_:_[OS_X_TeX]_Figures_with_TeXShop?= Message-ID: <> Dear Ross, Can you give me the instructions to install the XYpicPDF please ? I have donwload the drivers but I don't know how to use it ! Thanks, J. Le samedi 13 avril 2002, ? 11:26 , Ross Moore a ?crit : Hi everybody, I use TeXShop in TeX + Ghostscript because I use the XY-pic package, but I also want to include figures in jpeg or pdf format, and it doesn't work ; if I use PdfTex it works without any problem. Is somebody can help me ? Get the pdftex drivers for Xy-pic from: That should help significantly. Ross Moore -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 785 bytes Desc: not available URL: From piet at Wed Apr 10 04:01:39 2002 From: piet at (Piet van Oostrum) Date: 10 Apr 2002 10:01:39 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] newbie: LaTex mailing list searched In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: >>>>> christoph.lehmann at (cl) writes: cl> can you recommend me one? Not a mailing list, but the newsgroup comp.text.tex -- Piet van Oostrum URL: [PGP] Private email: P.van.Oostrum at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Fri Apr 5 02:37:40 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 09:37:40 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] gs7 i-package downgraded from gs 7.04 to gs 7.00 Message-ID: I got a problem report for gs7.04. Until that has been solved, I have downgraded again to gs 7.00 (which works). G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From gordonsick at Tue Apr 2 01:13:09 2002 From: gordonsick at (Gordon Sick) Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 23:13:09 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: More on Illustrator 10 Font Problems with TeXShop / TeTex Message-ID: Matt, Thanks for your quick and detailed reply. I'll have to spend some time digesting it's content. Meanwhile, I think that we may have a solution to your problems as well. The dificulty is in making this work reliably. When I ran Tex and ghostscript and then opened in either Illustrator or Acrobat, the fonts were vector fonts and they scaled without any jaggies. The only problem was the missing characters in Illustrator when I didn't use ghostscript. Note that in this setting, we aren't trying to reimport back to Tex, so I've just tried a simple example that pulls it back into Tex (TexShop) and the Ghostscript example does come back fine and scales Properly (smoothly). It looks like there are lots of minor things that help or prevent the right results form happening. I'm still now sure what is really needed and what stops the show. In the past we've used Textures and Illustrator (with eps files as the medium) and had success. We're looking for the OS X native solution. The ghostscript I'm using is the default one from the installer that Gerben Wierda has on the web (I tried his slick --cheers, gordon On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 09:20 PM, hills_tex at wrote: > Hi Gordon, > I think the problem is a how Illustrator 10 handles fonts and PDF > import/ > export. (Freehand 10 wasn't much better for reading the PDFs, by the > way.) > > Secondly, when you ran "Tex and ghostscript", you were probably > embedding a > bitmapped font in your PDF (so it renders the correct symbol, but ugly). > > The only way that I've found to work is to keep everything in > postscript up > until you produce your final document: > > i.e., if you want to set an equation and then load it into > illustrator: > > 1) Create a postscript file with type 1 fonts: > latex test.tex > dvips -z -P www test > 2) edit the file in Illustrator as postscript > (the fonts seemed fine here) > 3) save out as postscript, and load back in to latex that way... > > I would only output a PDF for final printing: > 1) create a postscript file with type 1 fonts > (as above) > 2) distiller > (probably other options here) > > A couple of notes: > > DVIPS -z -P www This reads in the file "config.www" which, by > default, > ^^^^^^ calls the "" and "" files > to enable the type-1 encoding. you could just as > easily > make up your own config file, or you can create the > file > ".dvipsrc" in your home directory with the line: > "p" (without the quotes) > > Illustrator Exporting from Illustrator is also a problem. Even > & PDFs when the file is read in as postscript and the fonts > are > fine, saving it out as a PDF file causes problems. > (it won't print correctly from acrobat; in fact, it > made a font substitution on me: it changed the > CMSY10 "-" > to something in the Symbol font) > > PDFs & TeX This really seems to be a promising route, and the > TeXShop > application is pretty nice. I'm a bit discouraged > by problems like this with the fonts (not that PS is > lots better--I'd love to be proved wrong and learn of > a font 'solution'), and what I'd really like is to be > able to include EPS graphics directly -- sort of a > one-stop > TeX distiller! > > Illustration As a sidenote, I had a lot of problem getting > Apps Illustrator 10 EPS files to read into InDesign 2, and > switched to PDF-based exports there; I think using > older > EPS formats might work better. What a mess. -- I > would > gladly abandon illustrator if I could find another > program > that dealt with postscript files well! > (Acrobat=>PDF=> > Freehand is tempting, but the latter is a shade > unstable, > and the earlier versions that I use for most of my > illustration work don't import as robustly)) > > Matt ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mlafleur at Fri Apr 26 21:47:19 2002 From: mlafleur at (Marcelo LaFleur) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 21:47:19 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Bibitem label options In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I'll try that, but what I want is for the Bibliography entry NOT to have the label shown. The problem I have is that if I have a label in the bibitem, it shows in the beginning of the bibliography item (eg: "[Canzonery:01]"). I don't want this in the bibliography itself, but if I remove the label, it defaults to numbers and I can't cite in the text. on 4/26/02 20:35, Fredrik Wallenberg at fwallenberg at wrote: > I'm not sure if I understand you, but using natbib will give you full > name citations both in the text and in the Bibliography. The following > is from my preamble: > > % Bibliography settings > \usepackage[round]{natbib} %\cite{} for name (00) and \citep{} for (name > 00) > \bibliographystyle{plainnat} > > > > On Friday, April 26, 2002, at 05:25 , Marcelo LaFleur wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> I want my citation to appear in the text with the correct label, but I >> don't >> want a label or a number to appear in the Bibliography entry. Is there >> a way >> to achieve this? >> >> Marcelo >> >> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >> For additional HELP, send email to with >> "help" (no quotes) in the body. >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Sat Apr 20 19:44:28 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 09:44:28 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] XY-pdf In-Reply-To: <> from Jerome Dubois at "Apr 20, 2002 02:09:45 pm" Message-ID: <> > Hi, > Has somebody known how to use the xy-pdf package ? First you need to install it, as follows.... ^^^^^^^ The archive xypdf.tar.gz unpacks to folder 'xypdf Folder' which contains a collection of 7 files having names: xypdf.tex You need to copy or move these into your texmf tree. To find out where, use a command in a terminal window kpsewhich xy.sty This should give something like: [go:~] rossmoor% kpsewhich xy.sty /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic/xy.sty so the required location is: /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic/ To actually do the copy, you may need admin privileges. So here's how I just did it (commands and comments): cd ~ # change to home directory cd Desktop/Downloads # change to sub-dir for receiving downloads cd "xypdf Folder" # need quotes to include the space in the name sudo cp xy*.tex /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic After giving the password, the copy was done. Now the files are ready to be used. To use the pdf driver with Xy-pic, ^^^ just include pdftex as part of the loading options for the xy package, in your document's preamble: e.g. (LaTeX) \usepackage[xypdf,all,graph]{xy} ^^^^^ (non-LaTeX) \input xy.tex \xyoption{xypdf}\xyoption{all}\xyoption{graph} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hope this helps, Ross Moore > Thanks, > Jerome > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From bdarcus at Tue Apr 16 18:38:16 2002 From: bdarcus at (Bruce D'Arcus) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:38:16 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] ttf2tfm? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 4/16/02 2:59 PM, "Mark Moll" wrote: > I have used pfaedit to generate afm's and pfb's from ttf's. With a few minor > tweaks pfaedit compiles out of the box. It has a X11 gui, but you can run it > with scripts (without a gui). It can read .dfont files and OS 9 fonts that > are stored in rsrc forks. See I install the fonts > with, which uses fontinst. It turns out that while ttf2tex requires freetype, freetype does not require X11. I've ran into a couple problems though. One is that the source code for ttf2tfm doesn't compile perfectly. I get this error: > [localhost:freetype-1.3.1/contrib/ttf2pk] bdarcus% make > cc -c -g -O2 -I./../../lib -I. -DHAVE_LIBM=1 errormsg.c > cc -c -g -O2 -I./../../lib -I. -DHAVE_LIBM=1 filesrch.c > cc -c -g -O2 -I./../../lib -I. -DHAVE_LIBM=1 ligkern.c > ligkern.c:231: syntax error, missing `;' after `lig' > ligkern.c:240: syntax error, missing `;' after `lig' I don't know what to make of this. The other thing (or maybe its related?) is that ttf2tfm can't map a whole lot of characters. I'm most concerned about ligatures, which it gets confused by. I don't understand enough about fonts and TeX to know if this is unavoidable, or some kind of error. ?? Bruce ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Wed Apr 10 14:30:54 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 20:30:54 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] i-Packages Web-site problem Message-ID: <> It turns out that the mirroring mechanism I use fo rupdating the i-packages had reported success to me but had actually failed. Thus, the i-packages on the web site have not been updated at all. I suspect this leads to problems, as in i-Installer trying to reload over and over again as it does not get the contentit needs. People using their original i-installers notice that there is no updated package at all. They are correct, the package has not arrived at the web site yet (but it was reported to me as having arrived). In the future, i'll have to double check that the software actually tells me the truth. Sigh. I'll report asap when things are ok again. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmurray at Mon Apr 8 20:59:52 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 10:29:52 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Hi Does anyone else find that Adobe Reader 5.05 on OS X shrinks output by 90% when you print. I had a template sent to me by a publisher saying "this line is blah blah long" and on printing it out iin Reader it was 90% of that. Opening and printing in TeXShop gives the correct length ? Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From m.damm at Wed Apr 3 12:22:00 2002 From: m.damm at (Matthias Damm) Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 19:22:00 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] TeXShop & BibTeX In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: At 16:29 Uhr +0200 03.04.2002, Tore Haug-Warberg wrote: > If there is no reason for the opposite, I suggest that .aux files can be > opened by TeXShop, and that BibTeX is the (only) program to be selected in > this case. I strongly support this, I have the same problem with bibtopic. I would suggest (and have already suggested...) that the user should be able to define exactly which programmes should be used in which order, i.e. define some kind of makro that calls latex document bibtex document1 bibtex document2 latex document in the case of bibtopic. Matthias -- Matthias Damm PGP key available "Ein Optimist, wer unsere Welt f?r die beste aller m?glichen h?lt; ein Pessimist, wer f?rchtet, da? dies stimmt" - James Branch Cabell ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Tue Apr 9 09:08:50 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:08:50 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: LaTeX to HTML for OS X In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 05:08 , Bruce D'Arcus wrote: > It'd be nice to have an i-Installer package for latex2html, and maybe > an Applescript or a simple Applescript Studio GUI to access it... I'll try to create a i-Package soon, but I am very busy with some other work. I still haven't found a working source repository for latex2html yet, The sites I got were dead the last time I tried. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Thu Apr 4 13:54:20 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 20:54:20 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] printing help? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Le jeudi 4 avril 2002, ? 08:32 PM, get86 at a ?crit : > how were the "dots" [points on a graph] applied? > > a Mathematica graph was saved as an eps which Latex read into the > document. In case this helps: I include quite often Mathematica graphs into LaTeX papers. The graphs are not especially sophisticated (i.e. they do not include dots), they are basic 2D curves or 3D surface or contour graphics. What works for me (with TeXShop) is: (1) saving the graphs as EPS files from Mathematica; (2) dragging the EPS files onto TeXShop, which converts them to PDF files and displays them; (3) include the PDF graphics in my LaTeX document using the graphicx package and TeXShop in pdfTeX mode. In this way everything has worked fine for me so far. For some reason I do not fully understand, the graphics package does not work well with pdfTeX, I cannot crop graphics, i.e. \includegraphics*[viewport=0 0 380 380]{geomreal-alt.pdf} works but \includegraphics*[380,380]{geomreal-alt.pdf} doesn't. Bruno Voisin PS In case this issue is raised: I did not notice any difference between the Classic and OS X versions of Mathematica, the EPS files produced are the same in either version. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Mon Apr 1 06:35:20 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 21:35:20 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: problem setting paper size In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: > It turns out that the problem lies elsewhere. texconfig understands > other comment styles fine. It is just that the file is classic mac os > style in that it has classic line endings. texconfig, being a unix > script, does not understand that. And it is rather difficult to change > that, since it is a shell script using standard unix commands. > > I'll add a protection statetment to the installer, before texconfig is > being run. It does not protect you for 100% as it does not protect > against addition of trees later on, but maybe Andrew (and others) can > add a comment to his distribution about importing user trees. Will do. I already have a warning about teTeX's makeindex requiring Unix line endings, so I'll add texconfig to the list. There really is no need for OzTeX users to be putting OzTeX-supplied files into the teTeX trees so I'll also point out the potential dangers in my docs. Andrew ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From hanson at Thu Apr 25 20:33:47 2002 From: hanson at (hanson at Date: 25 Apr 2002 19:33:47 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Large Symbols Partially Printed from PDF from LaTeX Message-ID: <> Excuse me if this problem has been solved, but I could not find any solution. I just upgraded from OS 4.2 (NeXT) to OS X (Mac 10.1.2), and yesterday I downloaded and installed the recent regular version TeXShop and Wierda's teTeX/GS packages. Everything installed easily without much pain. However, when I tested the combined system on a current finance paper, I found that large symbols like brackets or integral signs generated from \left and \right pairs had only the top part of the symbol printed from the PDF output. These large symbols viewed correctly in the PDF viewer or Preview. Richard Koch said on his site that === At the moment, we know of three important Apple bugs. All have been reported to Apple. * The printer sometimes prints accented letters with the accent in the wrong spot, even though the accent is shown correctly on the screen. * Some printers chop off the bottom of large symbols: integral signs, summation signs, and parentheses of various types. These symbols are shown correctly on the screen. Postscript printers do not have this problem; many ink jet printers do. * Pdf files created by ghostscript 7.0 display with missing fonts, even though pdf files created by ghostscript 6.0 display correctly. ===== My first attempt was using latex with pdflatex checked, and then on various command line combinations of pdflatex, dvips/ps2pdf, to narrow down the problem, even using various dvips options like -Ppdf -G and -Pamz, but none of these worked when the proper PDF file was printed. On some systems using TeTeX and Ghostscript, the G option caused improper ligature conversions. However, I am not sure the problem is an Apple problem, since when I transferred a PDF file from the same latex source using an old teTeX >from OS 4.2 and Adobe Distiller for ps->pdf, the PDF file viewed and printed the large symbols in full. Thanks in Advance for any Help, Floyd Hanson ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From hodas at Thu Apr 18 12:59:56 2002 From: hodas at (Joshua S. Hodas) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 09:59:56 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] Splitting a .tex into multiple PDF files In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Why not just use the page-range selection in the Print dialogue box and set the "Output Options" in the dialogue to "Save file as PDF"? No muss, no fuss, no changes to your source file. And I will take this opportunity to say how bizarre I find it that in Windows (at least 98 and 2000) there does not seem to be any standard way to generate postscript (or PDF) files from arbitrary programs. I have relied on this feature of MacOS for years for putting all manner of stuff on my web page. Josh Hodas ---- At 12:49 AM +1000 4/19/02, Adrian Heathcote wrote: >Sure > >You can use pdfpages to do this. > >Adrian Heathcote > > >On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 12:42 AM, Hemant Bhargava wrote: > >>Hi - >> >>Is there an easy, systematic, way to compile a .tex file (with >>pdftex) and split the result into multiple PDF files? >> >>Any advice will be greatly appreciated. >> >>Thanks. >> >>- Hemant >> >> >>----------------------------------------------------------------- >>To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >>"unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >>For additional HELP, send email to with >>"help" (no quotes) in the body. >>----------------------------------------------------------------- > > >----------------------------------------------------------------- >To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >"unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >For additional HELP, send email to with >"help" (no quotes) in the body. >----------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Josh Hodas / Associate Professor Office Phone: (909) 621-8650 Director, Computer Science Clinic Clinic Sec'y: (909) 607-8379 Computer Science / Harvey Mudd College Home Phone: (909) 625-1179 1250 North Dartmouth Avenue E-Mail: hodas at Claremont, CA 91711 WWW : ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Mon Apr 15 18:22:44 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 08:22:44 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] tabular error? In-Reply-To: from "" at "Apr 15, 2002 06:48:48 pm" Message-ID: <> > using > > \begin{tabular}{||} > \hline & & \\ > & & \\ > & & \\ > \hline > \end{tabular} > > I always get > > missing # inserted in alignment preamble. > > why? You haven't said how to align the columns. e.g. \begin{tabular}{|ccc|} or \begin{tabular}{||lll} etc. so TeX is looking for information that isn't there. Since it always parses left-to-right, it will be thinking that you want a double-vertical line at the left-hand edge, of a column aligned ???? . Saying just \begin{tabular}{||l} is *not* enough; for then you will get errors later on trying to put more than one cell in a row. You *must* specify the alignment of *all* cell columns. Hope this helps, Ross > > cheers > christoph > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Wed Apr 10 08:29:28 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:29:28 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: >I've just uploaded the new release 1.4 of the LeTeX enhanced >mac-emacs. I downloaded and installed, but the mac-emacs application quits immediately after starting (PowerBook G3/500 MHz, MacOSX 10.1.3 (SQ45)). G?rard Degrez ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Fri Apr 5 23:53:01 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 14:53:01 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] TeX-related links Message-ID: Here are the updated TeX-related links. Thanks to the folks who replied. Programs that require Classic on OS X are flagged by [Classic]. Links added or changed since the last post are flagged by [new]. TeX implementations, including teTeX front-ends: CMacTeX iTeXMac OzTeX Scientific Assistant teTeX/gs installer TeXPalette TeXShell TeXShop Textures [Classic] TeX-savvy editors: Alpha [Classic] BBEdit mac-emacs Pepper Vim [new] More TeX-related software and other useful stuff: BibDesk [new] BibGene [Classic] [new] BibTeX [Classic] [new] cocoAspell EPS tools [Classic] [new] Equation Service Excalibur Fink MacDviX and MacGhostViewX Netpbm [new] TeX2HTML XFree86 XRay TeX information and resources: TeX Users Group TeX/LaTeX for the Mac The TeX Catalogue Online AMS TeX references Text processing with TeX AcroTeX [new] The LaTeX Project (La)TeX Navigator http://www-cs-staff.Stanford.EDU/~knuth/ Donald Knuth's home page CTAN download sites (append "systems/mac/" for Mac stuff): USA UK Germany Australian mirror Reminder: send suggestions/corrections to me, not to the list. Andrew ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From wadams at Tue Apr 2 08:47:54 2002 From: wadams at (William Adams) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 08:47:54 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: More on Illustrator 10 Font Problems with TeXShop / TeTex In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Gordon said: >In the past we've used Textures and Illustrator (with eps files as the >medium) and had success. Textures was especially tweaked so as to provide .eps files which Illustrator can handle. >We're looking for the OS X native solution. What do you need TeX elements in Illustrator for? If it's just minor labels &c., then you could try Ross Moore's / Wendy McKay's WarmReader plug-in for Illustrator. If it's for precision positioning of elements, rasterize the .eps at 576 dpi, or some other multiple of 72 (so things look perfect at even 100% and doubled resolutions), place that on a non-printing layer, and note the positioning, then place the graphics, export the .eps, and composite the two in a layout app (or FreeHand) William -- William Adams, publishing specialist voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mlafleur at Sun Apr 28 02:13:09 2002 From: mlafleur at (Marcelo LaFleur) Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 02:13:09 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Bibitem label options In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Sorry for my ignorance, but where do I enter the command \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} Can I just enter that somewhere in my root file such as: \documentclass{econ-thesis} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} And then use \bibliographystyle{plainnat} ? Or does it have to be somewhere else? Do I understand correctly that by calling that package I will then be able to cite with 'round' and 'colon' options (by default) without any extra configuration on my part (simply by using /cite{} )? Do I have to do anything in the .bst file or the natbib.sty file? Again, I'm just beginning to understand all of this though I have read a lot. Thanks for the clarification. -- Marcelo T. LaFleur Fordham University on 4/26/02 22:19, Ross Moore at ross at wrote: >> I'll try that, but what I want is for the Bibliography entry NOT to have the >> label shown. > > Try \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} . > > That should suppress the numbers, since (from natbib.sty) : > > \DeclareOption{authoryear}{\NAT at numbersfalse > \ExecuteOptions{round,colon,bibstyle}} > > so that you get the 'round' and 'colon' options automatically. > (You can override these by adding extra options.) > The 'bibstyle' option simply means that the \bibstyle and \citestyle macros > do the same thing, rather than having different meanings. > > >> The problem I have is that if I have a label in the bibitem, it shows in the >> beginning of the bibliography item (eg: "[Canzonery:01]"). I don't want this >> in the bibliography itself, but if I remove the label, it defaults to >> numbers and I can't cite in the text. > > Hope this helps, > > Ross Moore > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From jer_dubois at Mon Apr 22 15:26:25 2002 From: jer_dubois at (Jerome Dubois) Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 21:26:25 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] XY-pdf In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks you very much for your help ! Jerome Le dimanche 21 avril 2002, ? 11:48 , Ross Moore a ?crit : >> Thanks very much for this. >> (where is that package located?) > > > > gets you to the > home-page for the WaRMreader macros. > These allow you, among other things, to put TeX typeset labels > over an imported image, with any flavour of TeX or LaTeX. > There are many examples at this site, in both HTML and PDF. > > It works by using the images dimensions to establish a coordinatised > Xy-pic diagram. Labels and other annotations are placed with great > accuracy, either by using the coordinates directly, or (usual) > symbolically by reading the coordinates of "marked" points from > an auxiliary file that can be constructed independently. > > > Hope this helps, > > Ross Moore > >> -TR >> >> on 4/20/02 7:44 PM, Ross Moore, typed: >> >>>> Has somebody known how to use the xy-pdf package ? >>> >>> First you need to install it, as follows.... >>> ^^^^^^^ >>> >>> The archive xypdf.tar.gz unpacks to folder 'xypdf Folder' >>> which contains a collection of 7 files having names: >>> xypdf.tex >>> >>> You need to copy or move these into your texmf tree. >>> >>> To find out where, use a command in a terminal window >>> kpsewhich xy.sty >>> >>> This should give something like: >>> [go:~] rossmoor% kpsewhich xy.sty >>> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic/xy.sty >>> >>> so the required location is: >>> >>> /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic/ >>> >>> To actually do the copy, you may need admin privileges. >>> So here's how I just did it (commands and comments): >>> >>> cd ~ # change to home directory >>> cd Desktop/Downloads # change to sub-dir for receiving downloads >>> cd "xypdf Folder" # need quotes to include the space in the name >>> sudo cp xy*.tex /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/generic/xypic >>> >>> After giving the password, the copy was done. >>> Now the files are ready to be used. >>> >>> >>> To use the pdf driver with Xy-pic, >>> ^^^ >>> just include pdftex as part of the loading options for the >>> xy package, in your document's preamble: >>> >>> e.g. (LaTeX) >>> \usepackage[xypdf,all,graph]{xy} >>> ^^^^^ >>> >>> (non-LaTeX) >>> \input xy.tex >>> \xyoption{xypdf}\xyoption{all}\xyoption{graph} >>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> >>> >>> >>> Hope this helps, >>> >>> Ross Moore >> >> >> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- >> To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with >> "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. >> For additional HELP, send email to with >> "help" (no quotes) in the body. >> ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Wed Apr 17 07:09:44 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:09:44 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Eucal package Message-ID: <> Hi I want to use \mathscr to produce a script H, (for Hilbert Space), and it requires the eucal package---or so Diller's book says. But it doesn't appear to be in teTeX. Does anyone know how to access the package---and if not, what is a good way to produce a script letter form in math mode? Thanks in advance Adrian Heathcote ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From u.steiner at Thu Apr 11 10:16:40 2002 From: u.steiner at (Ullrich Steiner) Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 16:16:40 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] caps => ctrl for mac-emacs In-Reply-To: Message-ID: This was discussed here about half a year ago. The recommendation at the time was: uControl from: Ulli On Thursday, April 11, 2002, at 03:49 PM, bob desinger wrote: > what's your favorite key remapper for os x (on a tibook)? i just want > to change that horrible caps lock key into another control key, really, > not necessarily remap the whole keyboard. > > arun mentioned that version tracker ( has more > than one, but i spent 2+ hours searching for a popular one a couple of > nights ago without finding anything. *d'oh!* > > windows people have the wonderful but backwards-named cntl2cap > (, and x11 people have xmodmap. > > hoping that y'all can help, > :: bob :: > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > > -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 1187 bytes Desc: not available URL: From mmurray at Mon Apr 8 22:54:09 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 12:24:09 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >On 4/8/02 9:05 PM, "Gary L. Gray" wrote: > >> In the full version of Acrobat under OS X, there is an "Acrobat" option in >> the popup menu entitled: > >I am sorry, this should have read (it's been a long day): > >In the full version of Acrobat under OS X, there is an "Acrobat" option in >the popup menu of the Print dialog entitled: > Hi Gary Thanks. Does this mean that acrobat reader thinks that my documents are always too big ? Do you know why that is ? Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From chamlin at Wed Apr 3 21:17:40 2002 From: chamlin at (Christopher B Hamlin) Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 21:17:40 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 06:25 AM, Ross Moore wrote: >> Le lundi 1 avril 2002, ? 06:06 PM, Michel Bovani a ?crit : > > It's not just Elsevier. > These esstix fonts are a product of the STIX project: > > > > The American Math Society (AMS) and publishers other than Elsevier > have been involved as well, as have members of the TeX community. > > Just FYI . . . The ESSTIX fonts were sort of linked with the STIX project at one point but are not part of the project and are, as far as I know, strictly an Elsevier project. I don't know what Elsevier might be planning to do with ESSTIX, but STIX will be a different set. Regards, Chris Hamlin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Thu Apr 25 08:21:46 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 22:21:46 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> > > What's so hard about booting OS 9? There is a problem booting up too frequently in OS9, as I have just discovered. Recently I had to boot into OS9 twice in the space of a week---I hadn't previously done it for months. After going back to OSX, my PB500 now crashes when it goes to sleep---only a restart will do. This had never happened until I went to OS9. Coincidence, you might think? It seems not. There were reports on MacCentral just a few weeks ago on this---and it seems Apple knows of the problem. Booting into OS9 seems to progressively weaken your computer, giving it the problem many people experienced on early OS9 systems---and known, cutely, as 'the sleep of death'. I can't say I'm impressed by Apple's failure to warn its users. (I should add the obligatory OSX caveat---some users have not experienced this problem and I have no idea what distinguishes those that do from those that don't.) > HTWH Adrian Heathcote -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 1004 bytes Desc: not available URL: From costabel at Thu Apr 18 01:16:43 2002 From: costabel at (Martin Costabel) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 07:16:43 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents References: Message-ID: <> Martin Stokhof wrote: > > At 17:33 -0400 on 17/04/02, Jan Rosinski wrote: > > >TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n correctly > >but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript > >and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. > >Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? > > > >Jan Rosinski > This is a bug in the pdf rendering of Quartz, the OS X display > engine. The workaround is to print pdf files through Acrobat, which > uses its own rendering mechanism. Be sure to use Acroread-5.0.5. Acroread-5.0 had worse bugs than Apple's Preview. -- Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From paulotex at Sat Apr 13 08:08:16 2002 From: paulotex at (Paulo Abreu) Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 13:08:16 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: MacOSX-TeX Digest #292 - 04/12/02 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Radhakrishnan CV wrote: > Dropping my knowledge of pstricks and psfrag and learning a new tool is > >You need not drop pstricks at all, you can still use your pstricks >code in pdfLaTeX documents with the help of pdftricks.sty which is >available at CTAN. Please have a look. Thank you very much for the info. This is a very important tip for me! Paulo ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Thu Apr 25 23:14:30 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 13:14:30 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Large Symbols Partially Printed from PDF from LaTeX In-Reply-To: from Richard Seguin at "Apr 25, 2002 08:57:41 pm" Message-ID: <> > > I just upgraded from OS 4.2 (NeXT) to OS X (Mac 10.1.2), and yesterday > > I downloaded and installed the recent regular version TeXShop and > > Wierda's teTeX/GS packages. Everything installed easily without much > > pain. However, when I tested the combined system on a current finance > > paper, I found that large symbols like brackets or integral signs > > generated from \left and \right pairs had only the top part of the > > symbol printed from the PDF output. These large symbols viewed > > correctly in the PDF viewer or Preview. > > I've noticed this kind of effect on the screen as well, specifically > with \bigcup. The bottom of the big union symbol is sometimes missing, > both in the TeXShop viewer and in Acrobat Reader. If my memory is > correct, it happens only with magnifications > %100, and it doesn't > happen consistently. The bottom of the union symbol usually reappears if > scrolled off and then back onto the screen. Yes; and I just had it happening with the lower half of \Bigl ( and large braces (moustaches) at 160% . On changing the scaling in the TeXShop window, the missing bits came, and I've been unable to force the bad effect since. There was nothing missing when the page was printed. So I guess some electrons just got lazy for awhile. :-) Cheers, Ross > Richard Seguin > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From juanfc at Fri Apr 19 08:06:34 2002 From: juanfc at (Juan Falgueras) Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:06:34 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents In-Reply-To: References: <> Message-ID: The use of direct Mac Non ASCII characters is certainly a non portable solution but..: 1) Is more efficient (\' is a macro that after expanding is converted to \accent19..) 2) Works with the tabble environment (\'a does not) 3) It's also better than babel-activation accents for use with foreign bibs since some foreigns name have ' that babel interprets as active accents. 4) It's relatively portable if you distribute also the input file since although the file have the usual bizarre characters, those characters will be correctly interpreted by latex via the input of that option_key I complete some time ago the option_key file (originally from Doug Henderson of Blue Sky Research) and called it NoASCCI.sty. Below it is my file. Thanks for this list! % noASCii.sty % Modified by: % ? Juan Falgueras 1991 % versi?n 1.1 98/5/9 added ???? (?que no estaban y vemos adem?s: % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% La advantage of noASCII.sty over option_key is the former %% use \accent19 instead \' with two important improvements: %% 1) speed; 2) no problems inside tabbing environments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Original: % This document is in the Public Domain. % It was created by Doug Henderson, Blue Sky Research. % eightbit_macros - 10-18-90 % % and modified by Juan Falgueras % to work properly if we are into the tabbing environment of LaTeX % Moreover we gain in speed, and it isn't necessary to work with LaTeX, for % this improvements will work. \ifx\optionkeymacros\undefined\else\endinput\fi % versi?n 1.1 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"A} % option u, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\AA} % shift-option A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c C} % shift-option C \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent19 E}} % option e, then E \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~N} % option n, then N \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"O} % option u, then O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"U} % option u, then U \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent19 a}} % option e, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent18 a}} % option `, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^a} % option i, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"a} % option u, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~a} % option n, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\aa} % option a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c c} % option c \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent19 e}} % option e, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent18 e}} % option `, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^e} % option i, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"e} % option u, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent19\i}} % option e, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent18 \i}} % option `, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^\i} % option i, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"\i} % option u, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~n} % option n, then n \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent19 o}} % option e, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent18 o}} % option `, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^o} % option i, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"o} % option u, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~o} % option n, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent19 u}} % option e, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent18 u}} % option `, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^u} % option i, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"u} % option u, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\dagger} % option t (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\accent'27} % shift-option 8 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\rlap/c} \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\pounds} % option 3 ($ from it) en TeX no LaTeX \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\S} % option 6 \catcode`\*=\active\def*{\bullet} % option 8 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\P} % option 7 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\ss} % option s \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\copyright} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\copyright} % option c \catcode`\?=\active\def?{${}^{\rm TM}$} % option h \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\not=} % option 0 (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\AE} % shift-option ' \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\O} % shift-option O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\infty} % option 5 (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\pm} % shift-option = (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\leq} % option , (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\geq} % option . (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{Y\kern-1pt\llap{=}} % option y \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\mu} % option m (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\partial} % option d (math mode) \catcode`\ =\active\def {\Sigma} % option w (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\Pi} % shift-option P (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\pi} % option p (math mode w/ arg.) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\int} % option b (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\/\ensuremath{^{\scriptstyle\rm{\b a}}}} % option 9 Juan Falgueras 12/3/97 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\/\ensuremath{^{\scriptstyle\rm{\b o}}}} % option 0 Juan Falgueras 12/3/97 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\Omega} % option z (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\ae} % option ' \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\o} % option o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{?`} % shift-option / \catcode`\?=\active\def?{!`} % option 1 % added 14/7/91 J. Falgueras \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\neg} % option l (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\sqrt} % option v (math mode w/ arg.) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{f} % 98/05/10 \oint option f (math mode) -> f \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\approx} % option x (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\triangle} % option j (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\ll} % option \ (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\gg} % shift-option \ (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\dots} % option ; \catcode`\ =\active\def {\ } % \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\accent18 A}} % option `, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~A} % option n, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~O} % option n, then O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\OE} % shift-option Q \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\oe} % option q \catcode`\-=\active\def-{--} % option - (en-dash) \catcode`\-=\active\def-{---} % shift-option - (em-dash) \catcode`\"=\active\def"{``} % option [ \catcode`\"=\active\def"{''} % shift-option [ \catcode`\'=\active\def'{`} % option 1, then '% A?adidos Juan Falgueras 20/12/91 \catcode`\'=\active\def'{'} % option shift i, then ' \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\div} % option / (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\diamond} % shift-option V (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"y} % option u, then y \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"Y} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{/} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\rlap{x}\bullet} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{<} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{>} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{fi} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{fl} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\ddag} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\cdot} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c{ }\c{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\%_{0}} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^A} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^E} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"E} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`E} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^I} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"I} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`I} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^O} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\bullet} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`O} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^U} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`U} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\i}} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{~{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\={ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\v{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\.{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\.{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'{ }\'{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c{ }} % ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\v{ }} % ? \let\optionkeymacros\null -- juan ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From cvr at Mon Apr 15 22:37:20 2002 From: cvr at (Radhakrishnan CV) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 08:07:20 +0530 (IST) Subject: [OS X TeX] including logo in Prosper slides In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Tue, 16 Apr 2002 at 00:48, Otto Poellath wrote: [...] Are there any similar packages that work with pdflatex? pdflatex seems to be a lot less trouble, and I could probably do without Prosper's pstricks functionality. Why dont you try pdfscreen.sty (available at CTAN) which works best with pdfLaTeX? You can also make use of your pstricks code in your pdfLaTeX documents with the help of pdftricks.sty (available at CTAN). -- Radhakrishnan ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mail at Wed Apr 10 09:03:25 2002 From: mail at (Holger Frauenrath) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 08:03:25 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] How do the i-Installers work? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> I am sorry for this presumably stupid question, but I always wondered. I guess I still do not quite get the idea. Today the "dedicated installer" that I had downloaded with TeX-fat did *not* detect any new version of TeX (programs and foundation) ... I have tried to find the answers on Gerben's webpage and from the built-in help, but could not find them. If they are answered in some FAQ then please do not hesitate to just point me to it. I would like to know: - How does the iInstaller know which packages I have installed? I am asking, because, when I open it, it opens windows for TeX-programs, TeX-foundation and GS-6 automatically. I have downloaded and installed GS-7, which it does not open a window for automatically. Is that the supposed behaviour? - Where is it supposed to download the packages or updates to? I am asking because the package GS-7, for instance, is in ~/Library/Caches/i-Installer (although I am pretty sure I had run it authenticated!?), but I cannot find the other packages anywhere. There is no folder "i-Installer" in /Library/Caches/ at all. Thanks for your help. Holger -- Dr. Holger Frauenrath Department of Materials and Life Sciences 2225 North Campus Drive Northwestern University Evanston, IL, 60208 USA Phone: (847) 491-5950 Fax: (847) 491-3010 Email: mail at Web: ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From gray at Sun Apr 7 13:24:39 2002 From: gray at (Gary L. Gray) Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 13:24:39 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Texshop problems In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 4/7/02 1:12 PM, "M. Tamer ?zsu" wrote: > I've used Gerben Wierda's program to install tetex, gs7, etc. I also > installed TeXShop. I am working on an old project, so I am going > tex+ghostscript. A few problems that may be due to wrong settings and I am > hoping someone may be able to help. First the file: > > \documentclass{acm_proc_article-sp} (never mind the class file, it is the > same with simple article) > \usepackage{epsfig} > \begin{document} > > > \begin{figure}[ht!] > \centering > \includegraphics[width=9cm]{../Figures/dialog_2.eps} > \caption{Three types of shots in a DS} % {Figure {1}} > \label{fig1} > \end{figure} > > > Here are the problems I am having: > > 1. The paper is being typeset for A4 You need to run the terminal and set the paper size. Issue the following commands in the terminal: sudo texconfig dvips paper letter sudo texconfig pdftex paper letter > 2. The pdf file that is displayed in Preview does not contain any text other > than title, author information, section/subsection headings and figures. > There are scattered "ff"s on the pages. That is a result of using GS 7 with the TeX + GhostScript option. If you open the file in Acrobat, it should look right (usually). You may want to install GS 6. > 3. When I look at the postscript file using MacGhostViewX, it shows the text > allright, but none of the included eps figures. I am not sure why that is happening. > 4. When I convert the ps to pdf using MacGhostViewX, the result is the same > as described under (2). > 5. When I look at the generated pdf file using Acrobat Reader 5, it is > perfectly fine, the figures are in place, the text is in place, etc. That has been my experience (see above). We have installed GS 7 to fix a bug in the generation of radial gradients under GS 6. On the other hand, we only typeset using TeX + GS when WARMreading figures for inclusion in documents typset using pdflatex. Of course, we may be going back to GS 6 since we seem to be having some problems printing these documents. :-) Good luck, -- Gary L. Gray ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sneep at Tue Apr 2 10:40:32 2002 From: sneep at (Maarten Sneep) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 17:40:32 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] PDF full-screen viewer and other tools In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On tuesday, april 2nd, 2002, Ullrich Steiner wrote: > I downloaded your viewer. Good work. But given the limitations of > Quartz, I doubt whether it is usable for presentations. I guess that depends on the presentation. If you have relatively little multi-media and relatively large amounts of mathematics, I guess it could work. The difference for line-art (graphs) when compared to acrobat is amazing. > 1. Included QuickTime movies don't work (a must for me!) Uuhm, yes. _That_ would require more work from me than I have time for right now. But hey: the sources are there ;-) > 2. Some of the typesetting is not rendered correctly Such as? Is things show up correctly in texshop, they should be fine in my program. > 3. For some reason, the pages of my presentations are shifted by about > 1/3 of a page to the right. This must be a bug of the "presenter" > since they display correctly in the previewer. I deliberately put a black surface behind my pdf-rendering. The aspect ratio of the material is preserved (if you want, I can change that... ;-) and the whole page is displayed in the screen. please prepare your pdf-file with an aspect ratio of 3:4 (h:w) to use most beamers correctly. The 1/3 I noticed on a few files as well. Maybe it has something to do with the bounding box of thos pdf-files themselves. If you could send me one of those files.... I do position the pdf within my window so somebug could be there. > I guess we are stuck with Acrobat until Apple fixes and extends Quartz. > > - Ulli And at that moment, my Presenter should work unaltered... Take care, Maarten ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmurray at Wed Apr 24 01:23:51 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 14:53:51 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] problem with page sizes In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: OK This is driving me made. I'll bet its something simple but I can't see it. I have a little file: ----------- %&latex % \documentclass{article} \usepackage[dvips,% paperwidth= 115mm,% paperheight=77mm,% left=0.5cm,% top=0.25cm,% right=0.5cm,% bottom=0.25cm,% noheadfoot,% verbose=true] {geometry} \begin{document} Test \end{document} --------- I run it in TeXShop (or from the command line with altpdflatex) on my desktop and my laptop and get different results. On my laptop I get a small page with Test written the right way and on my desktop a large page with Test written sideways. The logs are Laptop: ### This is /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/altpdflatex, Version 2.3 ### /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/latex test.tex This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.7) (./test.tex LaTeX2e <2001/06/01> Babel and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, d utch, nohyphenation, loaded. (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo)) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/geometry.sty (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/keyval.sty) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/config/geometry.cfg)) (./test.aux) ----------------------- Geometry parameters mode: (default papersize) nohead nofoot dvips h-parts: 0.5cm, 298.75395pt, 0.5cm v-parts: 0.25cm, 204.85986pt, 0.25cm ----------------------- Page layout dimensions \paperwidth 327.20668pt \paperheight 219.08621pt \textwidth 298.75395pt \textheight 204.85986pt \oddsidemargin -58.04362pt \evensidemargin -58.04362pt \topmargin -65.15681pt \headheight 0.0pt \headsep 0.0pt \footskip 0.0pt \hoffset 0.0pt \voffset 0.0pt \mag 1000 (1in=72.27pt, 1cm=28.45pt) ----------------------- [1] (./test.aux) ) Output written on test.dvi (1 page, 256 bytes). Transcript written on test.log. ### /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/dvips -R -u -u -o /tmp/altpdflatex.2146/ test.dvi This is dvips(k) 5.86f Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software ( ' TeX output 2002.04.24:1445' -> /tmp/altpdflatex.2146/ . [1] ### Saving intermediary ps file /tmp/altpdflatex.2146/ as ### ps2pdf /tmp/altpdflatex.2146/ test.pdf ### Succesfully generated test.dvi, test.pdf and Desktop: ### This is /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/altpdflatex, Version 2.3 ### /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/latex test.tex This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.7) (./test.tex LaTeX2e <2001/06/01> Babel and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, d utch, nohyphenation, loaded. (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document Class: article 2001/04/21 v1.4e Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/size10.clo)) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/geometry.sty (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/keyval.sty) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/config/geometry.cfg)) (./test.aux) ----------------------- Geometry parameters mode: (default papersize) nohead nofoot dvips h-parts: 0.5cm, 298.75395pt, 0.5cm v-parts: 0.25cm, 204.85986pt, 0.25cm ----------------------- Page layout dimensions \paperwidth 327.20668pt \paperheight 219.08621pt \textwidth 298.75395pt \textheight 204.85986pt \oddsidemargin -58.04362pt \evensidemargin -58.04362pt \topmargin -65.15681pt \headheight 0.0pt \headsep 0.0pt \footskip 0.0pt \hoffset 0.0pt \voffset 0.0pt \mag 1000 (1in=72.27pt, 1cm=28.45pt) ----------------------- [1] (./test.aux) ) Output written on test.dvi (1 page, 256 bytes). Transcript written on test.log. ### /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/dvips -R -u -u -o /tmp/altpdflatex.7200/ test.dvi This is dvips(k) 5.86f Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software ( ' TeX output 2002.04.24:1447' -> /tmp/altpdflatex.7200/ /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/dvips: no match for special paper size found; using default <********************* . [1] ### Saving intermediary ps file /tmp/altpdflatex.7200/ as ### ps2pdf /tmp/altpdflatex.7200/ test.pdf ### Succesfully generated test.dvi, test.pdf and --------------------------------------------- Given the differing output its no suprise that Desktop has an error 5 lines from the bottom that Laptop doesn't. (marked by be <***********) Whats driving me mad is that after reinstalling different versions of teTeX on both machines and even erasing the Desktop /usr/local/teTeX by hand to make real sure its gone I cannot make the Laptop have the error or stop the Desktop having the error! What should I be looking for ? On Gerben's pages there is mention of being in Mac line endings causing problems. I looked for another but can't find one that teTeX could find. There are some in OxTeX and other places. Any thoughts. I bet I solve this 30 seconds after I post... Oh well. Thanks - Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From costabel at Wed Apr 17 08:24:58 2002 From: costabel at (Martin Costabel) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 14:24:58 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Eucal package References: <> Message-ID: <> Adrian Heathcote wrote: > > Hi > > I want to use \mathscr to produce a script H, (for Hilbert Space), and > it requires the eucal package---or so Diller's book says. But it doesn't > appear to be in teTeX. Does anyone know how to access the package---and > if not, what is a good way to produce a script letter form in math mode? This has been a sore spot in TeX for a very long time. The \cal font is useless, and the eucal stuff is not much better. True math script letters are provided by Ralph Smith's rsfs fonts that are a quasi-standard. The calrsfs and mathrsfs styles provide two slightly different ways to use them. All this is usually contained in teTeX. I have texmf/fonts/source/public/rsfs/ texmf/tex/latex/jknappen/mathrsfs.sty texmf/tex/latex/misc/calrsfs/ -- Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From michel.bovani at Thu Apr 11 13:41:03 2002 From: michel.bovani at (Michel Bovani) Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 19:41:03 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Le 11/04/02 19:32, ??G?rard Degrez?? a ?crit?: > A newbie question (although this might not be the most appropriate > forum): when I select "pdflatex" from the Command menu, nothing > happens (actually it says "problems after 0 page"), but the same file > compiles perfectly from TeXShop. What's wrong? [the tex file is of > course in Mac - not Unix - format]. Hi G?rard ! try to create a ~/Library/init/tcsh/ directory and put in it a file named rc.mine and containing setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current" Perhaps you have to add also tour gs path. -- Michel Bovani ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From flip at Mon Apr 8 23:47:40 2002 From: flip at (flip phillips) Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 23:47:40 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] metapost + context Message-ID: <> Greetings- sorry to folks on both the ConTeXt and OS X TeX list for the repetition. Recently, I did a nice clean install of teTeX via the i-Installer mechanism. Now, I'm trying to build one of my presentations via ConTeXt's presentation mechanism. ConTeXt generates the metapost files just fine. I can get them to metapost by doing mpost -mem=metafun However, when TeX shop / texexec tries to metapost them mpost crashes w/ an address violation (I have crash logging on in This is strange, it will metapost fine manually, but not from within tetex. I checked the shell_escape variable in texmf.cfg (there are two, one in web2c and another in the highest level), set them to 't' (both to be sure). Anyone with any ideas here? -- flip phillips ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Thu Apr 4 00:45:40 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 07:45:40 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Very minor upgrade Message-ID: <> TeX-thin.dmg and TeX-fat.dmg were upgraded. TeX and ghostscript inside were not upgraded, but, the delivery mechanism was. The following fixes were made: - Location of progress bars could be wrong when window was resized. - When a download was aborted irregularly (i.e. by quitting the app), what was donwnloaded of the file was seen as the complete file - When hitting a button (say inspect) that needed a download while another download was in progress (say archive) things would not be resolved smoothly. There is only one download at a time supported. This will probably change in the future, but for the time being I have made sarting another download abort/replace the current one. The i-Package for i-Installer has changed, but installing this will not upgrade existing dedicated i-Installers, like the one for TeX. Since TeX-thin.dmg and TeX-fat.dmg contain the app, they were upgraded. The i-Packages for TeX and ghostscript have not changed. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Thu Apr 25 09:45:04 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 23:45:04 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: from julius ross at "Apr 25, 2002 01:49:40 pm" Message-ID: <> > Hi > > I am having trouble getting warmreader 1.2 to work with illustrator > 10.0.1 and mac osx. > > The problem I am having is that the .bb file produced looks like this: > (snip) > %%StartMarkedPoints > %%MarkedPoint:(4,94): point(0,0) : 1 %Default Text > %%MarkedPoint:(63,31): point(0,0) : 2 %Default Text > %%MarkedPoint:(-2,-25): point(0,0) : 3 %Default Text > %%EndMarkedPoints > > However it only works if I add a space after the word 'MarkedPoint: ' > (there is a space in the lines below but it is hard to see). > > %%StartMarkedPoints > %%MarkedPoint: (4,94) : point(0,0) : 1 %Default Text > %%MarkedPoint: (63,31) : point(0,0) : 2 %Default Text > %%MarkedPoint: (-2,-25) : point(0,0) : 3 %Default Text > %%EndMarkedPoints > > Any help would be much appreciated Does your (La)TeX source have the rebindings: \let\xyWARMprocess\xyWARMprocessMo \let\WARMprocessEPS\WARMprocessMoEPS Otherwise, you are trying to match an earlier version of the .bb file syntax. Hope this helps, Ross Moore > > Julius > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From jerome.laurens at Thu Apr 18 04:53:17 2002 From: jerome.laurens at (jerome LAURENS) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:53:17 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents + In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Le jeudi 18 avril 2002, ? 09:58 AM, Bruno Voisin a ?crit : >>> TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n >>> correctly >>> but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript >>> and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. >>> Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? >> >> >> I put the following as the first line in my .tex files >> >> \input special_keys >> >> I learned this trick a few years ago on an Alpha mailing list. >> The file was somewhere on an A;pha site, I do not remember where, >> so I copy it here. >> >> [snip] > > The file special_keys looks pretty much like an extract from > option_keys, from the Textures distribution. I couldn't find this file > anywhere on their FTP site, but since the file says it's in the public > domain I guess it makes no harm including it here. > > There's a file 8bitdefs.tex in the OzTeX distribution, with the same > functionality though implemented differently. All that, anyway, isn't > necessary in LaTeX 2e, where you just type > > \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} > > (possibly accompanied by \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}) to get the same > result. > > The latter solution, I think, is also the only one which stills works > should the file be sent to other platforms (provided the applemac above > is replaced by the proper name, latin1 for example on UNIX machines). > Not exactly if you send a mac tex file to another platform, either with 8bitsdefs, option_key or inputenc, it will compile fine, but you will not be able to edit correctly the file except if the text editor is mac friendly (accented chars will be wrong). If you change the option in inputenc (applemac -> latin1 for example) and send the file to the other platform, you will not be able to compile the file nor edit it correctly unless you have changed the encoding and probably the line endings too. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Sat Apr 13 13:04:49 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 19:04:49 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Figures with TeXShop In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> > I use TeXShop in TeX + Ghostscript because I use the XY-pic package, > but I also want to include figures in jpeg or pdf format, and it > doesn't work ; if I use PdfTex it works without any problem. Is > somebody can help me ? For including jpeg or pdf figures you must use pdfTeX, I think. But, if I understood previous discussion on this list well, it's also possible to use XY-pic with pdfTeX, thanks to WARMreader; see: (I've never used either XY-pic or WARMreader so far, so this is possibly wrong.) Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From degrez at Tue Apr 9 10:25:46 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:25:46 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] pdfscreen : insert movie In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: >It doesn't work for me : Acrobat gives an error saying there is an >error reading the data... Could you try with my test file to see if >it's a local problem with my installation ? Oops, I didn't check carefully enough before writing it worked for me. Here's what works: \pdfannot width 320pt height 79pt depth 79 pt% {/Subtype /Movie% /Title (Vorticity)% /Movie << /F (re3900-persp-2.avi) /Poster true >>% /A << /Mode /Repeat >>} > >\pdfannot{ > /Subtype /Movie > /T (Movie Titile) > /Movie <> > /A << /ShowControls true >> > /ANN pdfmark} > The frame dimensions must be supplied externally, where height=depth=image height/2, so, for the case of your example width 400pt height 150pt depth 150pt. /Showcontrols is optional, as well as /Poster true I find this latter option useful, it displays the first frame of the movie as a still image and you just click on it to start the movie. Note: in my case, I wrapped the \pdfannot command inside a picture environment. I found it easier to adjust the movie positioning. G?rard Degrez ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From chamlin at Thu Apr 4 22:21:15 2002 From: chamlin at (Christopher B Hamlin) Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 22:21:15 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> On Wednesday, April 3, 2002, at 10:17 PM, Ross Moore wrote: >> >> Just FYI . . . >> >> The ESSTIX fonts were sort of linked with the STIX project >> at one point but are not part of the project and are, as >> far as I know, strictly an Elsevier project. > > Well, blow me down for thinking that ESSTIX was an acronym for > Elsevier Science STIX . > > >> I don't know what Elsevier might be planning to do with >> ESSTIX, but STIX will be a different set. > > > This email message describes the relationship pretty well, I think: > > > > or at least, as it was in September 2000. > > > BTW, it also gives the URL to download this great set of fonts: > > > > > If the situation has changed in the past 18 months, can you please > provide more up-to-date information. I've been involved with STIX and know that there could be confusion. I'm not a spokesman and don't have further details to relate but the basic situation is: STIX will be a different set from ESSTIX. When there is public information I'll post a link here. Seems like it might be a good idea to make clear the ESSTIX/STIX relationship. > > Perhaps other publishers will create their own sets of fonts, > using the STIX encodings and new Unicode code-points. > Maybe not, and everyone will end up using ESSTIX, because Elsevier > have provided them cost-free --- thank you very much indeed. Agreed, but this paragraph hints at why I sent my email. That is, no one should think that using ESSTIX is using a subset of the STIX fonts. This will matter for probably a small fraction of people, but it could matter. > > My point was only that it is not fair to overlook the efforts of others, > as well as Elsevier, in helping to bring about this fortunate situation. I agree with this too! ESSTIX was an Elsevier effort and so credit to them for that. My only point was that ESSTIX shouldn't be thought of as STIX fonts. I hope people did not think I was knocking Elsevier or ESSTIX, or you for passing along the only info available on ESSTIX. Regards, Chris Hamlin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sbroderick at Mon Apr 1 13:11:27 2002 From: sbroderick at (Sam Broderick) Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 20:11:27 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Long Table DVI Message-ID: Tried to get a PDF of the dvi for help documentation of longtable and GhostScript choked. Anybody understand why? TIA Sam Broderick Here's the log: > ### Skipping tex [dvi->pdf only] > ### /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/dvips -R -u > -u -o /tmp/altpdftex.2266/ longtable.dvi > ### ps2pdf /tmp/altpdftex.2266/ longtable.pdf > **** Unable to open the initial device, quitting. > ### FAILED to generate longtable.pdf () > ' TeX output 2001.09.27:1251' -> /tmp/altpdftex.2266/ > . > > > > [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] > [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] > [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] > Aladdin Ghostscript 6.01: ./src/iinit.c(99): initial_enter failed (-7), > entering /registeredencodings in -dict:932/983- > ### This is /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/altpdftex, > Version 2.3 > This is dvips(k) 5.86f Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software > ( ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Fri Apr 26 02:20:59 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 16:20:59 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: OzTeX can't find BBEdit In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: For those OzTeX users who can't or don't want to rebuild their desktop(s) >from OS 9, there is another almost-as-good solution. Add some lines like these to your Local config file's OzTeX-only section: extra_tools = $c "unix,quiet open -a 'BBEdit 6.5' %f,BBEdit,tex" command_keys = $c Edit,Ed Tools,BBEdit,e The extra_tools line assumes the name of the BBEdit app is "BBEdit 6.5" so you'll probably have to change that (maybe even supply the full path). If it doesn't work then remove "quiet " to see the error message. The command_keys line removes cmd-E from the Edit menu and assigns it to the new BBEdit item in the Tools menu. The only disadvantage of this solution is that it isn't used if you type "e" in response to a TeX error. Andrew ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Fri Apr 19 10:08:42 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 00:08:42 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] files Message-ID: I am trying to load Agaramond so that it works with GW's TeX distribution. I've successfully loaded it into CMacTeX and it works fine---mainly because Tom Kiffe helpfully supplied the file adapted for his system. But with teTeX I have a problem. I have loaded the vf files, the type I .pfb files, the .sty files, and the tfm files into the right places, but I need to change the pdf.cfg and add the file. (All of which is transparent under CMacTeX because you edit these files directly from within CMacTeX.) Can someone tell me how to 1) edit pdf.cfg (and maybe also 2) where to add particular, so that future updates to teTeX don't wash it away. I'd be happier not having to do these things from Terminal---but if it must be, then it must be. Thanks in advance for any help Adrian Heathcote ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From lorch+ at Tue Apr 16 10:05:34 2002 From: lorch+ at (Patrick Lorch) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:05:34 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] including logo in Prosper slides In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> I use pdfslide with success (should be available on CTAN at You can easily include backgrounds and a (unusually shaped) logo in the upper right. I believe to change the background on the title slide you need to change line 121(?) \def\@overlay{???.???}% fishhaze4.jpg in the pdfslide.sty file. To change the logo picture you have to edit lines 166-167 (?) \includegraphics[width=.5\panelwidth,height=1in]{???.???}\else \includegraphics[width=.5\panelwidth,height=1in]{???.???}\fi\\ in the file pdfslide.sty. Good luck. -Pat > On Monday, April 15, 2002, Otto Poellath wrote > Subject: including logo in Prosper slides > From: "Otto Poellath" > Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 00:48:34 +0200 > > Hi, > > I'm using Prosper ( to produce PDF > slides, and it works fine until I try to include a logo. As soon as I > include > \Logo(3,2){ \includegraphics[width=2in]{myLogo} } > ps2pdf will fail with this error message: > > ### ps2pdf /tmp/altpdflatex.2268/ prosperslide.pdf > Error: /typecheck in --pdfmark-- > Operand stack: > ( id='W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d'?>\n esc="CR"?>\n\n pstricks functionality. > > Thanks for any hints, > -Otto. lorch+ at Dr. Patrick D. Lorch O:(412)624-4264 Dept. of Biological Sciences H:(412)521-6853 University of Pittsburgh F:(412)624-4759 Pittsburgh, PA 15260 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From zsd3711 at Wed Apr 10 11:19:59 2002 From: zsd3711 at (Zachary Davis) Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:19:59 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] i-installer questions Message-ID: <> Wednesday, 10 April 2002 Gerben, I had a couple questions for you about the i-installer program. This morning after reading your announcement of the updates to the TeX programs, I went ahead and launched i-installer. However, neither TeX Programs, TeX Foundation, nor GS 6 needed updating according to the installer. Also, I was wondering about gs7. I manually removed gs6 and installed gs7 via i-installer and the url you provided a few days ago. However, when I go to run my i-installer, that particular package doesn't show up again with the main three. This is somewhat unfortunate, because I'm not good at remembering urls and copying and pasting these urls into the Open URL field of i-installer doesn't work. You are required to type the entire thing out, for i-installer to recognize the url. It would be nice if there were a way to have the gs7 package start-up with the other three packages. Finally, I did check to see if the basic i-installer package last night, and it said it needed updating. Additionally, gs7 needed updating this morning. Thanks, ======================================================== Zachary S. Davis Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Texas at Arlington P.O. Box 19032 Arlington, TX 76019 Home: (817) 272-6418 zsd3711 at Office: (817) 272-5269 ?Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes, is oft but perseverance in disguise." --Henry Willard Austin ======================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From tozsu at Sun Apr 7 14:18:39 2002 From: tozsu at (M. Tamer =?ISO-8859-1?B?1g==?=zsu) Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 14:18:39 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Texshop problems In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On 4/7/02 2:11 PM, "Gary L. Gray" wrote: > On 4/7/02 2:06 PM, "M. Tamer ?zsu" wrote: > >> I was indeed using GS 7. I removed it using i-install. However, when I try >> to install GS 6, for a bunch of files I am getting the following error: >> >> /Applications/Utilities/ >> share/ghostscript/fonts/s050000l.pfb: Could not create file: Permission >> denied >> >> The result output is the same. >> >> Thanks for your help. > > I have been through all this before too. :-) > > My guess is that you need to install it as root, use (which works > very nicely) or grab the authenticating installer from Gerben's web site: > > > > Any of those options should work (I have tried all of them at one time or > another). Perfect, everything works now. Thanks much for your assistance on a Sunday afternoon. -- M. Tamer Ozsu University of Waterloo From gordonsick at Wed Apr 3 01:17:43 2002 From: gordonsick at (Gordon Sick) Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 23:17:43 -0700 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: More on Illustrator 10 Font Problems with TeXShop / TeTex In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> William, Thanks for the helpful suggestion of using WARMReader. I can see how we might use this in some settings, particularly those where we need to preserve a relationship between font size in the graphics and font size in the text, despite resizing of graphics (e.g. to make slides from a paper). However, it doesn't really help my son's situation, because he wants Illustrator to generate the final document for his Science Fair trifolds. He doesn't get them back into LaTex, so he can't get the labels into them that way. Right now, he is either doing the equations in Textures and pasting into Illustrator X or having to borrow my machine to do it with TexShop. His machine doesn't do this properly and he hasn't got time to debug the configuration of his machine before the Science Fair. In the long run, though, we'd like a reliable way of doing this conveniently, which most of the time would be to use Illustrator and TexShop (even if this has to be set to use Ghostscript). --cheers, Gordon Sick William Adams replied to Gordon: > > Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Re: More on Illustrator 10 Font Problems with > TeXShop / TeTex > From: "William Adams" > Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 08:47:54 -0500 > > Gordon said: >> In the past we've used Textures and Illustrator (with eps files as the >> medium) and had success. > > Textures was especially tweaked so as to provide .eps files which > Illustrator can handle. > >> We're looking for the OS X native solution. > > What do you need TeX elements in Illustrator for? If it's just minor > labels &c., then you could try Ross Moore's / Wendy McKay's WarmReader > plug-in for Illustrator. > > If it's for precision positioning of elements, rasterize the .eps at 576 > dpi, or some other multiple of 72 (so things look perfect at even 100% > and > doubled resolutions), place that on a non-printing layer, and note the > positioning, then place the graphics, export the .eps, and composite the > two in a layout app (or FreeHand) > > William > > -- > William Adams, publishing specialist > voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708 > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From sherlock at Wed Apr 24 04:32:41 2002 From: sherlock at (Gerben Wierda) Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 10:32:41 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] problem with page sizes -- PS In-Reply-To: Message-ID: On Wednesday, April 24, 2002, at 07:38 , Michael Murray wrote: > I forgot to say that on my Desktop I did notice that when I did > a reinstall of teTeX it claimed to copying the texmf.cnf to > texmf.cnf(someversionnumber) but it didn't. This is weird. Anyway, do you have anything in ~/Library/texmf on either machine? The mentioning of not being able to find paper size points to differences in being used on either machine. Try kpsewhich -format='dvips config' to find out which is actually being used. G ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From wadams at Wed Apr 17 09:12:33 2002 From: wadams at (William Adams) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 09:12:33 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] ?: METAFONT, teTeX, OS X References: <> Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From degrez at Fri Apr 12 04:04:24 2002 From: degrez at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?G=E9rard?= Degrez) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 10:04:24 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: > >I haven't paid much attention to this thread, but I don't think you >should follow this advice. In case you have installed one of my >distributions, the PATH is already set that way in the global tcsh >init files. /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current is indeed in the PATH. and running pdflatex from the terminal window works without problem. And I understand that the launching of the pdflatex executable by the "pdfLaTeX" item in the Emacs "Command" popup menu is specified by the instruction (list "pdfLaTeX" "pdflatex '\\nonstopmode\\input{%t}'" 'TeX-run-LaTeX nil t) in the file Contents/MacOS/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el, right? So, I get back to my original question: what's wrong? By the way, here is the error message I get at startup: An error has occurred while loading `/Users/grarddeg/.emacs': Wrong type argument: symbolp, (ascii mac-roman-lower mac-roman-upper) G?rard Degrez ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From adrian.heathcote at Tue Apr 9 02:28:10 2002 From: adrian.heathcote at (Adrian Heathcote) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:28:10 +1000 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Correction to my previous posting. Unchecking the box "Shrink oversize pages to paper size" does work. I don't know what I did wrong before. An A4 page gets inset and reduced otherwise, even if your output paper size is A4. Adrian Heathcote On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 04:05 PM, Bruno Voisin wrote: > In Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (I'm not sure about earlier versions), in the > "Acrobat Reader" pop-up menu of the Print dialog, there's an option > "Adjust big pages" (or something like this, it's "Ajuster les grandes > pages" in French) which is checked by default. > > Unchecking it cures the problem, I think. To some extent: Acrobat > Reader seems to have its own notion of what page margins should be; > anything falling within these margins is cropped, i.e. not printed at > all. > > Alternatively, printing from Preview or TeXShop does not create such > problems, on my setup (OS X 10.1.3). Assuming the PDF file is one that > can be displayed properly by Preview or TeXShop, and there are some > which can't. > > Bruno Voisin > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From ross at Thu Apr 4 01:57:23 2002 From: ross at (Ross Moore) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 16:57:23 +1000 (EST) Subject: [OS X TeX] printing help? In-Reply-To: from "" at "Apr 4, 2002 00:58:09 am" Message-ID: <> > we have a finished paper [pdf] with lots of equations and some graphs. > > graphs: we have a X - Y graph with a couple curved lines on it and on > each line there are 2 points (dots) -no big deal, very simple looking. > > on the screen we see the dots, in print we see the dots -BUT when we > email it to a collaborator who uses a PC and he prints it, the dots are > missing. How did you put the dots there? Are they really dots --- a filled circle, say or are they a font-character --- e.g. a 'bullet': Option-8 on a Mac keyboard, for a Mac-encoded font. I can certainly understand a PC not being able to render the bullet; but if it's a filled circle, then there shouldn't be a problem. > further, we have noticed a difference between Acrobat Reader 4.0 and > Acrobat Reader 5.0 in whether we see the dots on the *screen*: > in 4 we don't, in 5 we do; but both give dots when printed. Hmm; sounds like you've used a font character, and it's a font problem. Please confirm. Better still, provide a URL so the PDF can be downloaded. > that's fine for us, but why can't the other guy get the dots printed? > (i'm not at work and forgot whether he sees them on screen -he's not > there but the email is! > > i'll get this info straight Friday, but i believe the process is > something like (Mac OS9): OzteX5/MacGS PPC/Acrobat Reader. Hope this helps, Ross > thanks in advance. > > -Ted ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From gray at Thu Apr 25 11:12:49 2002 From: gray at (Gary L. Gray) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 11:12:49 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On 4/25/02 10:02 AM, "Holger Frauenrath" wrote: > I have seen "WarmReader" mentioned a couple of times on this list. I am > sorry for the ignorant question: what is it and where can I find out more > about it? It is very nice little package that allows one to label pictures in LaTeX. We use it with Adobe Illustrator and the MarkedObjects plug-in for Illustrator. The nice thing about it is that it does not depend on Illustrator recognizing TeX fonts since the labels are placed on the image after Illustrator is done messing with the image. Francesco Costanzo and I have created an AppleScript Studio application that speeds up the process and also makes it so that you end up with figures that are portable (i.e., you end up with an .eps figure and a .pdf figure of your labeled image that can be included in latex or pdflatex, respectively). For us, the process basically consists of: [1] Draw your figure in Illustrator (or import it from Mathematica, Matlab, etc.). [2] Label it using the MarkedObjects Illustrator plug-in. [3] Drop the resulting Illustrator .eps file onto our app. This will create a .tex file that you then typeset using LaTeX (we use TeXShop). Tell TeXShop to save the .ps file in its prefs. [4] Drop the .ps file onto our app and you will end up with the final labeled .eps and .pdf files. We have a tutorial we have written describing this process if anyone is interested. Keep in mind that it was written for our students, so it is not meant to be a complete tutorial with every detail. It is very easy and the results have been fantastic. Best regards, -- Gary L. Gray ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Thu Apr 18 06:10:59 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 12:10:59 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents + In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> >>> functionality though implemented differently. All that, anyway, isn't >>> necessary in LaTeX 2e, where you just type >>> >>> \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} >>> >>> (possibly accompanied by \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}) to get the same >>> result. >>> >>> The latter solution, I think, is also the only one which stills works >>> should the file be sent to other platforms (provided the applemac >>> above >>> is replaced by the proper name, latin1 for example on UNIX machines). >>> >> >> Not exactly >> >> if you send a mac tex file to another platform, either with 8bitsdefs, >> option_key or inputenc, it will compile fine, but you will not be able >> to edit correctly the file except if the text editor is mac friendly >> (accented chars will be wrong). >> >> If you change the option in inputenc (applemac -> latin1 for example) >> and send the file to the other platform, you will not be able to >> compile >> the file nor edit it correctly unless you have changed the encoding and >> probably the line endings too. > > > There's another problem too, with that file that Bruno sent. > It came encoded as UTF8, with many 2-octet combinations starting with > the A-tilde character. > > So if you use it on a non-UTF8-aware system, these will be read as > two 8-bit characters, instead of as a single character. > This will surely kill many of those \def commands. > I'd be extremely surprised if it compiles at all in TeX, on systems > other than a Mac with OS X. Sorry to bother you again with this, just two quick points: - My explanations were somehow messed up. I meant that when a LaTeX input file is written with accents, using \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc}, and sent afterwards to another platform, then provided the transfer (FTP) has properly been done, with accented characters moved to the appropriate 8-bit slots for the new system (I think Fetch does this automatically, for example, though I'm not absolutely sure), the input file should compile seamlessly on the new system, provided "applemac" is replaced by the appropriate value. - I'm trying again to send option_keys, this time setting explicitly "Occidental (Mac Mail)" as the text encoding. If that doesn't work, please forget about the whole story. Hopefully all this will become unnecessary in a simpler world where Unicode has become a universal standard and Omega (or some similar concept) the new standard TeX. Bruno Voisin %%%% Beginning of option_keys %%%% \ifx\optionkeymacros\undefined\else\endinput\fi % This document is in the Public Domain. % It was created by Doug Henderson, Blue Sky Research, % with modifications suggested by Joseph C. V?rilly. % Added single quotes on 6-4-93. % % option_keys - 6-4-93 (last modification) % % This macro set defines characters found in the Apple Macintosh % Monaco font. They allow users to simply type the keystroke % equivalent of the character desired, such as ?, and have Textures? % typeset it correctly, substituting the TeX macro equivalent % for the character. % % The reason for the creation of this macro set was to take % advantage of Knuth's new TeX 3.0 capabilities with 8-bit character % sets. This functionality has been included in our Textures? as % of version 1.3. By typing in nearly any character from the % Macintosh keyboard, you can typeset with the characters directly % rather than needing to define macros for these diacritic characters. % Remember: these just expand single characters. They may not be % defined in every context or mode. % % There are two sections to the macros; the first contains % characters which can be rendered by depressing the option key % and another key or shift and option keys with another key, % and secondly, a combination of various keystrokes together % to obtain the desired character. For example, % to create the ? character, you depress the option and o character % at the same time; to create the uppercase version of ?, you % hold the shift, option key, and o key down, and to create the % ? character, you first depress the option and n characters, % then next the shift and n characters. The option and n create % the tilde character, and the shift n produce the N character. % % Math symbols and math operators need special attention. % When typing in math symbols the same % rules apply for math mode as before, namely, you must place dollar % signs or double-dollar signs around these symbols. When typing % in math operators, such as the square root symbol, TeX expects % you to supply an argument following it. For example, if you % would like to take advantage of the definition here for the % plus-minus sign, ?, and would like to type it directly for use % in your text, you need to make sure you are in math mode when % you call for the character, or simply place dollar signs around % it to print only the plus minus sign thusly, $?$. Similarly, % you also need to be in math mode when asking for the square root % symbol, ?, and additionally supply an argument to it. % The following example shows how to use both the plus-minus sign % and the square root sign in an equation that has been simplified % for you via these macro definitions. % $$-b??{b^2-4ac}\over{2a}$$ % define the macintosh "option" generated characters \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\aa}} % option a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\int} % option b (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c c} % option c \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\partial} % option d (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\oint} % option f (math mode) ? \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\triangle} % option j (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\neg} % option l (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\mu} % option m (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\o}} % option o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\pi} % option p (math mode w/ arg.) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\oe}} % option q \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\ss}} % option s \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\dagger} % option t (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\sqrt} % option v (math mode w/ arg.) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\Sigma} % option w (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\approx} % option x (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\Omega} % option z (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\it\$}} % option 3 ($ from italic font) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\infty} % option 5 (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\S}} % option 6 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\P}} % option 7 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\bullet} % option 8 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\leavevmode\raise.585ex\hbox{\b a}} % option 9 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\leavevmode\raise.6ex\hbox{\b o}} % option 0 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\not=} % option = (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\leq} % option , (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\geq} % option . (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\div} % option / (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\dots}} % option ; \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\ae}} % option ' \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\ll} % option \ (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{``} % option [ \catcode`\?=\active\def?{!`} % option ! \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\rlap/c} % option 4 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{`} % option ] \catcode`\?=\active\def?{'} % shift option ] % macintosh "shift-option" generated characters \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\AA}} % shift-option A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\c C} % shift-option C \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\O}} % shift-option O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\Pi} % shift-option P (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\OE}} % shift-option Q \catcode`\?=\active\def?{{\AE}} % shift-option ' \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\diamond} % shift-option V (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\accent'27} % shift-option 8 \catcode`\?=\active\def?{''} % shift-option [ \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\pm} % shift-option = (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\gg} % shift-option \ (math mode) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{?`} % shift-option / \catcode`\?=\active\def?{--} % option - (en-dash) \catcode`\?=\active\def?{---} % shift-option - (em-dash) % define the macintosh "composite" characters \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"a} % option u, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"e} % option u, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"{\i}} % option u, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"o} % option u, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"u} % option u, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"y} % option u, then y \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"A} % option u, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"O} % option u, then O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\"U} % option u, then U \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'a} % option e, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'e} % option e, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'{\i}} % option e, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'o} % option e, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'u} % option e, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\'E} % option e, then E \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`a} % option `, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`e} % option `, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`{\i}} % option `, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`o} % option `, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`u} % option `, then u \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\`A} % option `, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~a} % option n, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~n} % option n, then n \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~o} % option n, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~A} % option n, then A \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~N} % option n, then N \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\~O} % option n, then O \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^a} % option i, then a \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^e} % option i, then e \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^{\i}} % option i, then i \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^o} % option i, then o \catcode`\?=\active\def?{\^u} % option i, then u \let\optionkeymacros\null ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From stokhof at Mon Apr 15 13:46:02 2002 From: stokhof at (Martin Stokhof) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 19:46:02 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] tabular error? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: At 18:48 +0200 on 15/04/02, christoph.lehmann at wrote: >using > >\begin{tabular}{||} >\hline & & \\ > & & \\ > & & \\ >\hline >\end{tabular} > >I always get > >missing # inserted in alignment preamble. > >why? > >cheers >christoph Isn't that because it isn't clear this way where the verticals should go? If I fill three positions with e.g. "center" indications (for example as in: {c|c|c}, or as in: {||ccc} ), the verticals are positioned unambiguously and LaTeX does not complain. Or is this trivial and is your question about something much more arcane? Martin Stokhof ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From franconi at Tue Apr 9 11:10:00 2002 From: franconi at (Enrico Franconi) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:10:00 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs Message-ID: <> I've just uploaded the new release 1.4 of the LeTeX enhanced mac-emacs. It is now more seriously packaged, and it is more integrated with both tetex and emacs applications (like MacDvi, MacGhostView, Acrobat Reader, TexShop, OzTeX, etc). You can see it as a complete front-end to tetex. CHANGES since 1.3 - New versions of latex packages - New installer - Added documentation - Reconfigured LaTeX menus - Universal version of site-lisp files - Emacs bundle can be launched alone - Added the srcltx option to work with MacDviX (click-and-go) - Hopefully more robust to find tetex and gs binaries If you downloaded any previous version you are invited to download this new version. Get it from This mac-emacs is based on the carbon mac-emacs-21.1 distribution (for MacOSX) (, enhanced with fully customisable LaTeX editing environment based on AucTeX, RefTeX and other packages. There is no need to have X11 installed. From mac-emacs, you can launch directly any latex process or any mac application (like MacDvi, MacGhostView, Acrobat Reader, TexShop, OzTeX, etc) on files or regions you are working on. LaTeX menus are fully customisable. NOTES: - The mac-emacs application can be double-clicked and accepts files drag-and-dropped onto it; the Emacs bundle does not accept drag-and-dropped files. - The mac-emacs application can be moved anywhere; the Emacs bundle can not be moved from the /Applications folder. - No X11 is required. - mac-emacs requires a working installation of teTeX and ghostview. - mac-emacs loads automatically the file ~/.mac-emacs if it exists. An example .mac-emacs file (mirroring the default values) can be found in the doc/ folder as dot-mac-emacs. You can fully customise the Command menu and the launched applications. You can select the preview method from the Prefs menu. - By latexing with the srcltx option checked from the Prefs menu, and previewing with MacDviX (or other srcltx aware previewers), the previewer can automatically invoke mac-emacs at the clicked position (click-and-go). - To have full multi-lingual latex-aware spelling checking capabilities, just install "ispell" from fink. By now, fink provides automatic installation of American, British, French, Italian and German dictionaries; other languages should be installed by hand. - The creator code of the mac-emacs application is EMAy. It is possible to set any .tex or .bib to open automatically (by double-clicking) in mac-emacs by selecting the mac-emacs application from the 'Open with application' menu of the finder Info of any .tex/.bib file, and then "Change all'. - BUGS (from the original Emacs distribution): this port of Emacs does not support 3 buttons mice; customisation browsing still does not work; ange-ftp does not work always. - It is still possible to use the middle button of a mouse as the paste button with USB Overdrive, by creating a new set for the Emacs bundle (not the mac-emacs application) and assigning to the middle button the 'control-y' keystroke. - ADVANCED USERS: the site-lisp directory contains all the files necessary to recreate a LaTeX enhanced emacs; it has been successfully tested with emacs 20.7, 21.1, 21.2 on both Darwin (with X11 or Carbon) and Linux (with X11) boxes. I usually maintain a unique site-lisp directory in /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp and then I link the site-lisp directories of the various emacs to it. In the file site-load-core.el you can find also instruction to create a dumped image with most of the packages preloaded. -- Enrico Franconi - franconi at University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170 Manchester M13 9PL, UK - Fax: +44 (161) 275 6204 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From michael_mccracken at Fri Apr 5 03:06:35 2002 From: michael_mccracken at (Michael McCracken) Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 00:06:35 -0800 Subject: [OS X TeX] BibDesk 0.7b -- broken newapa preview In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Sorry, that path should be ~/Library/Application Support/BibDesk/ and the file is bibpreview.tex. - -mike On Friday, April 5, 2002, at 12:02 AM, Michael McCracken wrote: > A great contribution for someone who uses bibdesk and knows LaTeX > better than me would be to take a look at the .tex file it copies into > ~/Application Support/BibDesk/ and come up with one that will work with > these styles and look good in the previewer window. - -- Michael McCracken michael_mccracken at -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (Darwin) Comment: For info see iD8DBQE8rVsREKyl4OVJk/sRArqYAJ9n9cdmljJ6RAXbkmiuZeoSsKS7pgCdHFCd JDaHbM7UqlgvntcvD9DUq5U= =Yc21 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From joseph.slater at Mon Apr 1 21:07:18 2002 From: joseph.slater at (Joseph Slater) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 21:07:18 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] Matrices in Equations Help In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> a) take out the \[ and \]. I don't know what they're for. b) no blank lines allowed in the middle of equations c) Here it is fixed. \begin{equation} \left[ \begin{array}{llcl} (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_n})\\ (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_n})\\ \multicolumn{4}{c}\dotfill\\ (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_n}) \end{array} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} c_1\\ c_2\\ \vdots \\ c_n \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c} (\vec{f},\vec{e_1})\\ (\vec{f},\vec{e_2})\\ \vdots \\ (\vec{f},\vec{e_n}) \end{array} \right] \end{equation} JS On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 08:18 PM, Zachary Davis wrote: > Monday, 1 April 2002 > > > > Hello, > > I was hoping that one of you might be able to help me with a > misunderstanding about typesetting matrix equations in LaTeX. I have > read through the table and matrices sections of Kopka & Daly's book > (Chapters 4 & 5), but I seem to be missing something in which teTeX > isn't happy with. My source looks something like the following: > > \begin{equation} > \[ > \left[ > \begin{array}{llcl} > (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & > (\vec{e_1},\vec{e_n})\\ > (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & > (\vec{e_2},\vec{e_n})\\ > \multicolumn{4}{c}\dotfill\\ > (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_1}) & (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_2}) & \cdots & > (\vec{e_n},\vec{e_n}) > \end{array} \right] > > \left[ > \begin{array}{c} > c_1\\ > c_2\\ > \vdots \\ > c_n > \end{array} \right] > > = > > > \left[ > \begin{array}{c} > (\vec{f},\vec{e_1})\\ > (\vec{f},\vec{e_2})\\ > \vdots \\ > (\vec{f},\vec{e_n}) > \end{array} \right] > \] > \end{equation} > > I was hoping this would typeset two matrices being multiplied by each > other and which were equal to a third array, and of course have an > equation number next to it. Any help about where I went wrong would be > appreciated. > > Thanks, > > ======================================================== > Zachary S. Davis > Department of Aerospace Engineering > University of Texas at Arlington > P.O. Box 19032 > Arlington, TX 76019 > > Home: (817) 272-6418 zsd3711 at > Office: (817) 272-5269 > > ?Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes, > is oft but perseverance in disguise." > > --Henry Willard Austin > ======================================================== > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mlafleur at Fri Apr 26 20:25:47 2002 From: mlafleur at (Marcelo LaFleur) Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 20:25:47 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Bibitem label options In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, I want my citation to appear in the text with the correct label, but I don't want a label or a number to appear in the Bibliography entry. Is there a way to achieve this? Marcelo ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From arun_mangalam at Fri Apr 19 14:51:08 2002 From: arun_mangalam at (Arun Mangalam) Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:51:08 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] Splitting a .tex into multiple PDF files In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Hello, On Thursday, April 18, 2002, at 12:59 PM, Joshua S. Hodas wrote: > Why not just use the page-range selection in the Print dialogue box and > set the "Output Options" in the dialogue to "Save file as PDF"? MacOSX's PDF generation is not so great ... Give texexec a try [read the manual...] > And I will take this opportunity to say how bizarre I find it that in > Windows (at least 98 and 2000) there does not seem to be any standard > way to generate postscript (or PDF) files from arbitrary programs. I > have relied on this feature of MacOS for years for putting all manner > of stuff on my web page. In Windows 2000, you can create a Postscript output printer which will print to a file. - Arun ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Tue Apr 16 12:16:33 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 18:16:33 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Latex 2.09 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> > I have been using a PC package called PC_Tex. It allowed me to add 2.09 > (or any other distribution lis AMS-TeX) then select what I want with a > menu, much as TexShop allows Tex or Latex. Now that I am switching over > to MacOSX I am hoping that I can add 2.09 as one of the choices to > TexShop. > > Is there a way to do this with TexShop? > > Note that the 2e compatibility mode does not work due to required style > files from the publisher. Apparently they rewrote parts of 2.09 to suit > them and have not managed yet to carry this stuff over to 2e. So it is > not a fault of the 2.09 emulation, rather it is stuff hardwired between > their style files and their 2.09 version. In any case I have to use > 2.09. I don't think you can dump and add custom formats to TeXShop (this is something I tried to achieve too, also to use a publisher-defined format, without success). Maybe it's possible to use teTeX's binaries instead, through the command-line interface, but then it requires some familiarity - which I don't have - with TeX on such interfaces. However, still in Mac OS X, OzTeX allows you to use custom formats, as do - but then I'm not absolutely sure - CMacTeX and iTeXMac; or, if you don't mind firing up Classic, Textures. Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From piet at Wed Apr 10 13:03:26 2002 From: piet at (Piet van Oostrum) Date: 10 Apr 2002 19:03:26 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] TeX Programs i-Package has been updated In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: >>>>> Gerben Wierda (GW) writes: GW> There has been an update of the TeX Programs i-Package. This update GW> contains the binaries from TeX Live development sources as of 09:00 on Apr GW> 10. It also contains a fix for a problem that was first reported on this GW> list, which prevented metafun from working properly. The problem was with GW> teTeX's fmtutil in combination with metafun specifics. GW> A pure administrative completely unnecessary update of the GhostScript 6 GW> i-Package has also happened, but this is just because I had an error in my GW> build setup :-) GW> TeX-thin.dmg has also been updated. Gerben, Ik heb geen mirror opdracht gezien (na 29 maart), en de packages zijn dus ook niet geupdate. Ik heb er nu zelf een geprobeerd maar die vindt ook geen nieuwe. /users/www/NTG/macosx-tex/i-packages/TeXLive-bin.ii: total 12966 drwxr-xr-x 2 piet staff 512 Apr 5 00:53 . drwxrwsr-x 8 piet staff 512 Mar 27 23:43 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 piet staff 3777 Mar 27 23:57 TeXLive-bin.l.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 piet staff 368 Mar 27 23:57 TeXLive-bin.plist -rwxr-xr-x 1 piet staff 2154 Mar 27 11:06 TeXLive-bin.post_install -rwxr-xr-x 1 piet staff 457 Mar 17 11:47 TeXLive-bin.pre_install -rwxr-xr-x 1 piet staff 885 Mar 17 13:19 TeXLive-bin.remove -rw-r--r-- 1 piet staff 5510 Mar 24 22:20 TeXLive-bin.rtf -rw-r--r-- 1 piet staff 10 Mar 27 23:57 TeXLive-bin.stamp -rw-r--r-- 1 piet staff 6603751 Mar 27 11:31 TeXLive-bin.tar.gz -- Piet van Oostrum URL: [PGP] Private email: P.van.Oostrum at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From haugwarb at Wed Apr 3 09:29:37 2002 From: haugwarb at (Tore Haug-Warberg) Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 16:29:37 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] TeXShop & BibTeX Message-ID: <> Hi, If there is no reason for the opposite, I suggest that .aux files can be opened by TeXShop, and that BibTeX is the (only) program to be selected in this case. The necessity of this feature may of course be debated, but there is at least one package (footbib) which generates a non-standard .aux file (.fb.aux). Since files other than .aux are not recognized by TeXShop, this artifact forces me to open a terminal window and run BibTeX manually >from the prompt. It is, after all, slightly misleading to run BibTeX on a .tex file, but I'm not sure the TeXShop community will accept to open an .aux file every time they want to run BibTeX (allthough I think this would be a more logical operation). Tore. **************************************************************************** Tore Haug-Warberg (ass. prof.) Fax: +47-7359-4080 Dept. of Chemical Engineering Phone: +47-7359-4108 Norwegian Univ. Science and Techn. Home: +47-3551-2190 N-7491 Trondheim e-mail: Tore.Haug-Warberg at NORWAY **************************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From andrew at Wed Apr 24 08:13:25 2002 From: andrew at (Andrew Trevorrow) Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 22:13:25 +1000 Subject: new OzTeX CD Message-ID: The new OzTeX CD is now ready to ship. People who pre-ordered the CD should get it some time next week (please contact me if it hasn't arrived within 2 weeks of this announcement). The CD contains over 600MB of TeX-related material for Mac users. Here's a summary of the contents: - OzTeX 5.0 (of course!) all unpacked and ready to run. - Loads of extra fonts and macro packages. - Other TeX implementations: TeXShop, iTeXMac, TeXShell, etc. - Gerben Wierda's teTeX/Ghostscript installer (the "fat" version so that nothing needs to be downloaded). - Fink, plus a set of TeX-related packages (latex2html, detex, etc) put together by Dave Morrison. - Lots of other TeX-related freeware and shareware. A complete list is available here: Thanks again to the people who gave permission to include their software; your free CD will also arrive soon! The price of the CD, including shipping and handling, is: $20 for registered users; $40 for everybody else (which includes the OzTeX shareware fee). Note that I've changed my policy on who is eligible for the discount price. It now includes all members of all registered groups. Please visit to see if your company or university is listed. Note that all members of TUG, UK-TUG, DANTE and GUTenberg are registered users. Payment can be made by credit card, check or cash at this web site: Andrew From rosinski at Wed Apr 17 17:33:24 2002 From: rosinski at (Jan Rosinski) Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 17:33:24 -0400 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents Message-ID: TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n correctly but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? Jan Rosinski ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From michel.bovani at Fri Apr 12 05:58:41 2002 From: michel.bovani at (Michel Bovani) Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 11:58:41 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] New release of LaTeX enhanced mac-emacs In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Le 12/04/02 1:30, ??Gerben Wierda?? a ?crit?: >> try to create a ~/Library/init/tcsh/ directory and put in it a file >> named rc.mine and containing >> >> setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current" >> >> Perhaps you have to add also tour gs path. > > I haven't paid much attention to this thread, but I don't think you > should follow this advice. In case you have installed one of my > distributions, the PATH is already set that way in the global tcsh init > files. Yes, and it works from terminal. But, from mac emacs, without setting the path in a rc.mine the path is not seen... I admit my advice may not be the best, but I never find anything else to get mac emacs to work... -- Michel Bovani ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmurray at Tue Apr 9 02:59:48 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:29:48 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] adobe shrinks pdf 90% on printing ? In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >>>In Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (I'm not sure about earlier versions), in >>>the "Acrobat Reader" pop-up menu of the Print dialog, there's an >>>option "Adjust big pages" (or something like this, it's "Ajuster >>>les grandes pages" in French) which is checked by default. >> >> >>Thanks Bruno, >> >>I don't see an Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 in the pop-up menu in the >>Print dialog in >>OS X ? Is that what you are looking at ? > >Yes. When you are in Acrobat Reader and you select the Print dialog >box (command-P), there's an "Acrobat Reader" submenu, in which you >should uncheck the box "Shrink oversize pages to paper size" > >G?rard Degrez Hi I have discovered my problem. I didn't have 5.05 on either of my machines. I was sure I did. I have found that option now. Is there a way of making it stick ? Thanks - Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: University of Adelaide CRICOS # 00123M ________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From mmurray at Thu Apr 4 06:28:52 2002 From: mmurray at (Michael Murray) Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 20:58:52 +0930 Subject: [OS X TeX] ps2pdf In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: >Pardon me if this is answered before. > >In Linux, I convert a ps file to pdf with ps2pdf from the shell >prompt with the following command: > > ps2pdf > >I couldn't do it from shell prompt in the Mac OSX. Can anyone tell >me how to do this in OS X? > >I have teTeX and MacGhostview installed. > >Many thanks in advance for assistance. > >-- >Radhakrishnan > Hi The same thing should work in OSX. In the terminal type which ps2pdf where ps2pdf If the computer can't find them but they are installed there is something wrong with your paths. In mine I get computer[user]% which ps2pdf /sw/bin/ps2pdf computer[user]% where ps2pdf /sw/bin/ps2pdf /usr/local/bin/ps2pdf computer[user]% If you don't want to use the command line then drag and drop onto the copy of ps2pdf that comes with MacGhostView Michael -- _________________________________________________________ Assoc/Prof Michael Murray Department of Pure Mathematics Fax: 61+ 8 8303 3696 University of Adelaide Phone: 61+ 8 8303 4174 Australia 5005 Email: mmurray at Home Page: PGP public key: _________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From Bruno.Voisin at Thu Apr 25 11:36:37 2002 From: Bruno.Voisin at (Bruno Voisin) Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:36:37 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Re: warmreader In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> > We have a tutorial we have written describing this process if anyone is > interested. Keep in mind that it was written for our students, so it is > not > meant to be a complete tutorial with every detail. Yes that sounds interesting. I read _very_ rapidly the description on WARMreader's web page and came out with the impression that labeling Mathematica graphics was not straightforward. So I decided I would try that when I have time available for experimenting -- which is close to never. Your mail seems to say this is all straightforward indeed, so yes it's very interesting. Bruno Voisin ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From phl at Thu Apr 18 10:27:34 2002 From: phl at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Philippe_Lel=E9dy?=) Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:27:34 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] accents In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Le jeudi 18 avril 2002, ? 09:58 AM, Bruno Voisin a ?crit : >>> TeXShop in Pdftex mode displays letters with accents \`a \'n >>> correctly >>> but printing is messed up. I switched to TeX - Ghostscript >>> and printed the ps file. Everything was as it supposed to be. >>> Is this a limitation of Pdftex, TeXShop, OS X, or what? >> >> For me (french) it was always OK, with preview or Acrobat 5, but I think it depends heavily on package used. Here are my only two \usepackage \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[french]{babel} But I have to say that prior to installing CM-super, I had to add \usepackage{ae} I use iTeXMac which is very nice with input encoding. Now, with iTeXMac, my default input encoding is Latin1, and accentued letters are typed directly as in any other application. Doing so my input file is UNIX compatible (but display badly on BBedit for instance). Would I like to be more Mac than Unix, iTeXMac let me reverse to Mac encoding, but TeX has to be noticed of that by \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} Salutations. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From phl at Mon Apr 15 16:00:21 2002 From: phl at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Philippe_Lel=E9dy?=) Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 22:00:21 +0200 Subject: [OS X TeX] Using CM-Super Message-ID: <> I'm happy with cm-super for producing french text using GW's pdflatex. However I notice a strange behavior, when a new font happens to be used: metafont is launched to build .gf and .pk fonts, which seem not to be used. Perhaps a lack of .tfm files ? This arrived with very common font (trigerred by \texttt and \textsc ) Salutations. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From franconi at Tue Apr 9 13:01:16 2002 From: franconi at (Enrico Franconi) Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 18:01:16 +0100 Subject: [OS X TeX] Preview LaTeX from within the emacs window! Message-ID: <> This is a cool feature that you get for free from the latest release of mac-emacs ( This does not work directly with mac-emacs, but rather you need to install emacs21 from fink. You need to have X11. a) Install mac-emacs b) Install emacs21 from fink ("fink install emacs21") c) link /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp to /Applications/ d) launch emacs from a shell on a latex file e) you will find the same menus you had in mac-emacs plus an additional "preview" entry; select it and voila' the latex formulas and graphics macros *in your emacs buffer* are transformed automagically into pictures! Documentation of the preview-latex package is included. f) note that the preview-latex package is still in beta release and it is not always perfect... g) I can provide you with a mac application which accepts drag-and-drop files and lauches the X11 emacs without ever opening a shell again. h) Preview-latex does NOT work yet with current mac-emacs since the carbon port still does not show figures from within emacs. Hopefully the next release from sourceforge will solve this problem. cheers -- e. Enrico Franconi - franconi at University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170 Manchester M13 9PL, UK - Fax: +44 (161) 275 6204 ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From strain at Fri Apr 5 13:42:28 2002 From: strain at (Bob Strain) Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 13:42:28 -0500 Subject: [OS X TeX] pdf viewing in preview. In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi, I have just received a pdf with math in it. Using Preview with OS X 10.1.3 most of the math looks like garbage. Using acrobat reader 5.0 with OS X also gives garbage. Simple symbols like the summation are non-existant or look wacky. The strange thing is that if I put this pdf on the dept. server, running XDarwin to open the pdf with acroread then it looks perfect. No problems in this case. It does not seem to be a font problem because there are no non-standard fonts. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of how the pdf was generated except that it was definitely not generated on a Mac. Could anyone offer an idea about the nature of my problem? Bob Strain ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From michael_mccracken at Mon Apr 1 23:51:11 2002 From: michael_mccracken at (Michael McCracken) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 20:51:11 -0800 Subject: [OS X TeX] [ANN] BibDesk 0.7b In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Major new version: BibDesk 0.7b is now available at There are a host of new features since 0.61b: * compatibility features: - handles many (not all) 8-bit characters now - by handles, I mean: reads {\"u} and displays ? (<- has umlaut) then saves back to {\"u} again. - won't break cross-refs - doesn't choke on " " in strings (entries now delimited using braces) - newlines in annote and abstract are handled appropriately - others I'm probably forgetting * GUI rework - less wasted space, might be faster - more natural document-style behavior * Major improvement in citation service - now specify constraints on search for service, not just title: (e.g. author = A & year = 2002) * more flexible handling of fields per publication & globally Some awfully desirable features are still missing, notably the preview window is still annoyingly un-zoomable. Sometimes you just can't do it all... As usual, there is plenty more info in the Readme file, a new FAQ file, and the Release notes. And of course, even though it hasn't killed my data yet, I'd advise you to keep regular backups of your data, and save often! This is still beta software. After all, if you're writing a thesis, shouldn't you consider using CVS ( to store your files? :-) -michael -- Michael McCracken michael_mccracken at ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. ----------------------------------------------------------------- From MacOSX-TeX at Mon Apr 1 20:00:01 2002 From: MacOSX-TeX at (TeX on Mac OS X Mailing List) Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 20:00:01 -0500 Subject: MacOSX-TeX Digest #281 - 04/01/02 Message-ID: <> MacOSX-TeX Digest #281 - Monday, April 1, 2002 Re: [OS X TeX] ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package by "Gary L. Gray" TeX-related links by "Andrew Trevorrow" btw... by Re: More on Illustrator 10 Font Problems with TeXShop / TeTex by Re: [OS X TeX] TeX-related links by "Benji Fisher" Help---gs 6.01 broken by "Gary Martin" (no subject) by "Sandra Schwartz" Re: [OS X TeX] ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package by "Michel Bovani" Re: problem setting paper size by "Andrew Trevorrow" Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) by "Bruno Voisin" Re: [OS X TeX] Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) by "Michel Bovani" Long Table DVI by "Sam Broderick" Re: [OS X TeX] a LaTeX type 1 grouped font? by "William Adams" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package From: "Gary L. Gray" Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 20:00:16 -0500 On 3/31/02 3:35 PM, "Michel Bovani" wrote: > Its a font package with more possibilities than mathptmx and (probably) less > quality than mathtimes (but it is free). This looks very interesting and your installation instructions are excellent. I do have one question though (see below). > 7 - uses for blackboard bold the esstix14 font from elsevier free esstix > distribution. Note that you are *not* allowed to > > * distribute this font alone > * modify this font Regarding the esstix font. Where exactly does one install all the files associated with this font? What command do I use to access the blackboard fonts -- is it the same command as is used in AMS-LaTeX, i.e., \mathbb? Since it looks like the esstix font might act as a complete replacement for the additional fonts in AMS-LaTeX, can we simply load AMS-LaTeX via (without the amssymb package), as in: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{mbtimes} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{bm} \usepackage{exscale} \usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} If not, how do I access all these other esstix fonts? Thank you, -- Gary ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: TeX-related links From: "Andrew Trevorrow" Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 11:46:53 +1000 I've been collecting TeX-related links for my own use but there are probably other TeXnophiles who might find them useful, so here they are. Please send any suggestions/corrections to me (NOT to the list) and I'll post an updated version in a few days. If there is sufficient interest I'll repost the links on a semi-regular basis (every month, or whenever there are significant changes, or whenever requested). Programs that require Classic on OS X are flagged by "[Classic]". TeX implementations, including teTeX front-ends: CMacTeX iTeXMac OzTeX Scientific Assistant teTeX/gs installer TeXPalette TeXShell TeXShop Textures [Classic] TeX-savvy editors: Alpha [Classic] BBEdit mac-emacs Pepper Vim More TeX-related software and other useful stuff: cocoAspell Equation Service Excalibur Fink MacDviX and MacGhostViewX TeX2HTML XFree86 XRay TeX information and resources: TeX Users Group TeX/LaTeX for the Mac The TeX Catalogue Online AMS TeX references Text processing with TeX The LaTeX Project (La)TeX Navigator http://www-cs-staff.Stanford.EDU/~knuth/ Donald Knuth's home page CTAN download sites: USA UK Germany Australian mirror Reminder: send suggestions/corrections to me, not to the list. Andrew ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: btw... From: Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 20:57:01 -0500 sorry i didn't get this in the previous post: this idea and info is just GREAT! thank you. is there any question i'd want to see it monthly? hehe. -Ted On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 08:46 PM, Andrew Trevorrow wrote: > I've been collecting TeX-related links for my own use but there are > probably other TeXnophiles who might find them useful, so here they are. > > Please send any suggestions/corrections to me (NOT to the list) and I'll > post an updated version in a few days. If there is sufficient interest > I'll repost the links on a semi-regular basis (every month, or whenever > there are significant changes, or whenever requested). > > Programs that require Classic on OS X are flagged by "[Classic]". > > TeX implementations, including teTeX front-ends: > > CMacTeX > iTeXMac > OzTeX > Scientific > Assistant > teTeX/gs > installer > TeXPalette > TeXShell > TeXShop > Textures > [Classic] > > TeX-savvy editors: > > Alpha [Classic] > BBEdit > mac-emacs > Pepper > Vim > > More TeX-related software and other useful stuff: > > cocoAspell > Equation Service > Excalibur > Fink > MacDviX and > MacGhostViewX > TeX2HTML > XFree86 > XRay > > TeX information and resources: > > TeX Users Group > TeX/LaTeX for the > Mac > The TeX Catalogue > Online > AMS TeX references > Text processing > with TeX > The LaTeX Project > (La)TeX Navigator > http://www-cs-staff.Stanford.EDU/~knuth/ Donald Knuth's > home page > > CTAN download sites: > > USA > UK > Germany > Australian mirror > > Reminder: send suggestions/corrections to me, not to the list. > > Andrew > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with > "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. > For additional HELP, send email to with > "help" (no quotes) in the body. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: More on Illustrator 10 Font Problems with TeXShop / TeTex From: Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 20:20:02 -0800 Hi Gordon, I think the problem is a how Illustrator 10 handles fonts and PDF import/ export. (Freehand 10 wasn't much better for reading the PDFs, by the way.) Secondly, when you ran "Tex and ghostscript", you were probably embedding a bitmapped font in your PDF (so it renders the correct symbol, but ugly). The only way that I've found to work is to keep everything in postscript up until you produce your final document: i.e., if you want to set an equation and then load it into illustrator: 1) Create a postscript file with type 1 fonts: latex test.tex dvips -z -P www test 2) edit the file in Illustrator as postscript (the fonts seemed fine here) 3) save out as postscript, and load back in to latex that way... I would only output a PDF for final printing: 1) create a postscript file with type 1 fonts (as above) 2) distiller (probably other options here) A couple of notes: DVIPS -z -P www This reads in the file "config.www" which, by default, ^^^^^^ calls the "" and "" files to enable the type-1 encoding. you could just as easily make up your own config file, or you can create the file ".dvipsrc" in your home directory with the line: "p" (without the quotes) Illustrator Exporting from Illustrator is also a problem. Even & PDFs when the file is read in as postscript and the fonts are fine, saving it out as a PDF file causes problems. (it won't print correctly from acrobat; in fact, it made a font substitution on me: it changed the CMSY10 "-" to something in the Symbol font) PDFs & TeX This really seems to be a promising route, and the TeXShop application is pretty nice. I'm a bit discouraged by problems like this with the fonts (not that PS is lots better--I'd love to be proved wrong and learn of a font 'solution'), and what I'd really like is to be able to include EPS graphics directly -- sort of a one-stop TeX distiller! Illustration As a sidenote, I had a lot of problem getting Apps Illustrator 10 EPS files to read into InDesign 2, and switched to PDF-based exports there; I think using older EPS formats might work better. What a mess. -- I would gladly abandon illustrator if I could find another program that dealt with postscript files well! (Acrobat=>PDF=> Freehand is tempting, but the latter is a shade unstable, and the earlier versions that I use for most of my illustration work don't import as robustly)) Matt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] TeX-related links From: "Benji Fisher" Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 23:38:56 -0500 Andrew Trevorrow wrote: > > I've been collecting TeX-related links for my own use but there are > probably other TeXnophiles who might find them useful, so here they are. > > Please send any suggestions/corrections to me (NOT to the list) and I'll > post an updated version in a few days. If there is sufficient interest > I'll repost the links on a semi-regular basis (every month, or whenever > there are significant changes, or whenever requested). [snip] > > TeX-savvy editors: > > Alpha [Classic] > BBEdit > mac-emacs > Pepper > Vim I think that the download page at VimOnline is more up-to-date than the one at In addition to my build of Vim Carbon (now at 6.1) this page has links to versions for Terminal and Mac Classic. --Benji Fisher ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Help---gs 6.01 broken From: "Gary Martin" Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 15:11:44 +1000 gs 6.01 (from I-installer fat 20020328) and previous versions stopped working when I installed 10.1.3 (or Mozzilla 0.99). Tried re-installing everything, ran fsck, rebuilt desktop, rebuilt pre-bindings---to no avail. Calling gs from TexShop, ITeXMac or MacDviX produces the following Crash Log: Date/Time: 2002-04-01 14:03:37 +1000 OS Version: 10.1.3 (Build 5Q45) Command: gs PID: 1983 Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001) Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS (0x0001) at 0x002ce7e4 Thread 0: #0 0x00065350 in font_restore #1 0x0006d6b0 in restore_resources #2 0x0006d568 in alloc_restore_all #3 0x0003fc18 in gs_main_finit #4 0x0003fc60 in gs_exit_with_code #5 0x00001a98 in main #6 0x000019a4 in _start #7 0x000017d4 in start PPC Thread State: srr0: 0x00065350 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000 xer: 0x20000020 lr: 0x00065338 ctr: 0x000e3b70 mq: 0x00000000 r0: 0x0006d6b0 r1: 0xbffff5d0 r2: 0x00000000 r3: 0xbffff6b8 r4: 0x00000000 r5: 0x00138224 r6: 0x00000000 r7: 0x00000000 r8: 0x001c3774 r9: 0x00145338 r10: 0x00000000 r11: 0x001c4704 r12: 0x000e3b78 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000033 r15: 0x000656e0 r16: 0x00065710 r17: 0xbfffee90 r18: 0x00060040 r19: 0x00002b03 r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x0000001c r22: 0x70004234 r23: 0x700042c8 r24: 0x00000004 r25: 0x000003a4 r26: 0x70002d84 r27: 0x70002e10 r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0xbfffef00 r30: 0x00000000 r31: 0x00000001 ********** Any help would be appreciated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: From: "Sandra Schwartz" Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 09:59:18 -0800 I have a few questions. How do I submit them? 1. creating non-breaking space eg for Pick 6 2. creating abbrevations eg p6 for Pick 6 3. making simple edits in Adobe - it says the font is not available - I use the standard with the templates Thanks, Sandra ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package From: "Michel Bovani" Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 12:29:33 +0200 Le 1/04/02 3:00, ??Gary L. Gray?? a ?crit?: > On 3/31/02 3:35 PM, "Michel Bovani" wrote: > >> Its a font package with more possibilities than mathptmx and (probably) less >> quality than mathtimes (but it is free). > > This looks very interesting and your installation instructions are > excellent. I do have one question though (see below). > >> 7 - uses for blackboard bold the esstix14 font from elsevier free esstix >> distribution. Note that you are *not* allowed to >> >> * distribute this font alone >> * modify this font > > Regarding the esstix font. Where exactly does one install all the files > associated with this font? Only ESSTIX14 is installed (I make a tfm file with fontinst). The other esstix fonts are not usable with mbtimes. I put esstix archive in my package only because I was not sure to be allowed to distribute only esstix14... > What command do I use to access the blackboard > fonts -- is it the same command as is used in AMS-LaTeX, i.e., \mathbb? Yes. See in mbtimes.sty \mathbb is redefined \AtBeginDocument. I think that esstix mathbb suits best with times than amssymb mathbb. In future release, it shoulb be an option anyway (e.g. \usepackage[essbb]{mbtimes}) > Since it looks like the esstix font might act as a complete replacement for > the additional fonts in AMS-LaTeX, can we simply load AMS-LaTeX via (without > the amssymb package), as in: mbtimes provides only what provides stantard cm, but with a look wich suits the times design (I hope...) : essentially more weight, but some sumbols (calligraphics, sommation, and generally big operators) were totally redesigned. It alos provides a \mathbb command, and (for compatibility with amsmath) \lvert, \rvert, \lVert, \rVert. > > \documentclass[12pt]{article} > \usepackage{mbtimes} > \usepackage{amsmath} > \usepackage{bm} > \usepackage{exscale} > \usepackage[mathscr]{eucal} I think you can do it but exscale for instance is not usefull because it extend the cm family and mbtimes switch to another family. In fact you may use any font package, provided it don't switch back to cm... You can even use the amssymb package, I think. Of course it should be best to redesign all glyphs of amssymb (or use esstix) but it should be a big work. > If not, how do I access all these other esstix fonts? Unless you make tfm, vf, encoding vectors, latex interface... you can't, I am afraid... -- Michel Bovani ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: problem setting paper size From: "Andrew Trevorrow" Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 21:35:20 +1000 > It turns out that the problem lies elsewhere. texconfig understands > other comment styles fine. It is just that the file is classic mac os > style in that it has classic line endings. texconfig, being a unix > script, does not understand that. And it is rather difficult to change > that, since it is a shell script using standard unix commands. > > I'll add a protection statetment to the installer, before texconfig is > being run. It does not protect you for 100% as it does not protect > against addition of trees later on, but maybe Andrew (and others) can > add a comment to his distribution about importing user trees. Will do. I already have a warning about teTeX's makeindex requiring Unix line endings, so I'll add texconfig to the list. There really is no need for OzTeX users to be putting OzTeX-supplied files into the teTeX trees so I'll also point out the potential dangers in my docs. Andrew ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) From: "Bruno Voisin" Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:40:34 +0200 The esstix fonts from Elsevier look great, in particular they have all these devious integral signs like principal value which would make my life easier (not having to recreate it from $\int$ and $-$ every time I write a paper and change fonts). Is anybody aware of a plain TeX macro file or LaTeX package for using them ? Though these fonts live in the LaTeX area of Elsevier's public ftp server, I could see nothing LaTeX about them. Bruno Voisin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] Esstix (was: ANNOUNCE mbtimes font package) From: "Michel Bovani" Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 18:06:51 +0200 Le 1/04/02 16:40, ??Bruno Voisin?? a ?crit?: > The esstix fonts from Elsevier look great, in particular they have all > these devious integral signs like principal value which would make my > life easier (not having to recreate it from $\int$ and $-$ every time I > write a paper and change fonts). > > Is anybody aware of a plain TeX macro file or LaTeX package for using > them ? Though these fonts live in the LaTeX area of Elsevier's public > ftp server, I could see nothing LaTeX about them. > > Bruno Voisin Hmmm... If you look at the property list of the tfm of an ex tex font (like cmex), you will find something like for integral text: (CHARACTER O 122 (CHARWD R 0.472223) (CHARDP R 1.111122) (CHARIC R 0.194446) (NEXTLARGER O 132) ) for integral display: (CHARACTER O 132 (CHARWD R 0.555557) (CHARDP R 2.222246) (CHARIC R 0.444446) ) And now look at esstix afm file: this font claims to be AdobeStandard encoded (!), and of course, most of the information that you need to make a tfm font is not actually present. So it is not impossible to make a tex system with esstix, but it should be a lot of work for the ex font. Moreover, I am not quite sure one should be allowed to convert these fonts in a mac format. -- Michel Bovani ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Long Table DVI From: "Sam Broderick" Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2002 20:11:27 +0200 Tried to get a PDF of the dvi for help documentation of longtable and GhostScript choked. Anybody understand why? TIA Sam Broderick Here's the log: > ### Skipping tex [dvi->pdf only] > ### /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/dvips -R -u > -u -o /tmp/altpdftex.2266/ longtable.dvi > ### ps2pdf /tmp/altpdftex.2266/ longtable.pdf > **** Unable to open the initial device, quitting. > ### FAILED to generate longtable.pdf () > ' TeX output 2001.09.27:1251' -> /tmp/altpdftex.2266/ > . > > > > [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] > [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] > [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] > Aladdin Ghostscript 6.01: ./src/iinit.c(99): initial_enter failed (-7), > entering /registeredencodings in -dict:932/983- > ### This is /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/altpdftex, > Version 2.3 > This is dvips(k) 5.86f Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software > ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: [OS X TeX] a LaTeX type 1 grouped font? From: "William Adams" Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:46:02 -0500 hills_tex asked: > I'm pretty happy being able to install the Y&Y/Bluesky type-1 CM fonts in > Adobe's application support folder and then have them available in > Illustrator. I'm wondering if there is a way to trim down the # of menu > spaces the font takes? > > (ie, instead of seeing cmr10 and cmr12 listed separately, I just see "cmr" > .) > > How does Y&Y's Lucida Bright series show up? This is caused by Apple's backwards-compatibility with Mac bitmap screen fonts. If the fonts aren't all in one suitcase, putting them there will trim the entries somewhat. NeXTstep does properly categorize the fonts by way of the font family name provided within the font, and make them available as styles of ``Computer Modern'', but unfortunately, since nifty .font bundle support was lost, the .pkg of said fonts at doesn't work in Mac OS X. There's an extension for Mac OS <9 which'll hide away the fonts, but then one can't readily make use of them. I suspect the ``Super Computer Modern'' font set would work better as does the spiffy QuickDraw/GX enable TrueType version which is a part of TeX/GX available from, but haven't had a chance to investigate these. One can use the ``Favorites'' collection feature of the font panel to whittle this sort of thing down to a manageable set though. William -- William Adams, publishing specialist voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of MacOSX-TeX Digest ----------------------------------------------------------------- To UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to with "unsubscribe macosx-tex" (no quotes) in the body. For additional HELP, send email to with "help" (no quotes) in the body. -----------------------------------------------------------------