[OS X TeX] using ancient Greek with iTeXMac

Chris Lovell lovel012 at umn.edu
Tue Apr 27 14:13:57 EDT 2004

I'm new to TeX, and am trying to use it to generate documents with a 
mixture of text in English and ancient (polytonic) Greek. It's not 
working for me so far. Using the built-in editor, I created a short 
test document:





[here I pasted in a bunch of UTF-8 Greek text I grabbed from the 
Perseus Project, http://www.perseus.tufts.edu. It's with precombined 
accents, if that matters.]


I set the string encoding to UTF-8, and save, and the editor confirms 
that the string encoding is UTF-8. I try to typset the document, and 
Terminal gives a bunch of complaints like:

Package ucs Warning: Magic kern expected. Probably some non-unicode 
mixed in while option combine was in effect. on input line 27.

And then quits with:

! LaTeX Error: Command \textomicron unavailable in encoding OT1.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.27 \end{document}

Can someone explain what's gone wrong?


Chris Lovell

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