[OS X TeX] Mathematical Pi Fonts

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Jul 12 04:58:11 EDT 2004

Le 12 juil. 04, à 06:57, Ronald Bruck a écrit :

> When I look at the creator/type codes, the seven supplied files look  
> like this:
> Name                 Creator             Type
> =============================================
> Mathematical Pi      DMOV                FFIL
> MathePiFiv           ASPF                LWFN
> MathePiFou           ASPF                LWFN
> MathePiOne           ASPF                LWFN
> MathePiSix           ASPF                LWFN
> MathePiThr           ASPF                LWFN
> MathePiTwo           ASPF                LWFN
> Now as I understand it, an FFIL is associated with OpenType, and the  
> LWFN are "printer"
> fonts.  When I do a hex dump of the files, they have only resource  
> forks (no data forks).
> The first, Mathematical Pi, is pure binary; the others start off with  
> PostScript code (followed by binary), but not even the text is  
> readable since it's in the resource fork.

It's more likely the FFIL file is a font suitcase, containing the  
screen fonts in either bitmap or TrueType format; that's used in  
Classic for screen display and non-PostScript printing. The LWFN files  
contains the printer fonts, in PostScript format, used for printing to  
PostScript printers. I don't think there's anything OpenType here.

> Does anybody have any idea how I can extract .pfb files from these?

There are instructions at  
(look at Font conversion/Classic font files, use t1unmac).

As to how to use the fonts once they're available as .pfb files, some  
of the work is already done in teTeX for the fonts MathematicalPi Two  
and Six (as remarked Peter Cholak in a earlier post on 29 June):

- .tfm files mh1.tfm tp mh2.tfm inside  

- .map file /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/dvips/misc/mathpi.map  
containing entries for mh2, mh2scr and mh6

- .fd files umh2.fd, umh2scr.fd and umh6.fd, and .sty file mathpi.sty  
inside /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/mathtime

- doc for the mathpi package as section 2 of  

This means putting in your LaTeX documents


will define commands \mathfrak, \mathscr, \mathcal and \mathbb to use  
characters from MathematicalPi Two and Six.

Should you want to use the other MathematicalPi fontd (One, Three, Four  
and Five), you'll have to create files:

- in ~/Library/texmf/dvips/misc/, a file mathpiplus.map say containing:

	mh1 MathematicalPi-One <mh1.pfb
	mh3 MathematicalPi-Three <mh3.pfb
	mh4 MathematicalPi-Four <mh4.pfb
	mh5 MathematicalPi-Five <mh5.pfb

- in ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/mathpi/, files umh1.fd, umh3.fd, umh4.fd  
and umh5.fd containing stuff like:

	\DeclareFontShape{U}{mh1}{m}{n}{<->s * [0.95]mh1}{}

- in ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/mathpi/, a file mathpiplus.sty say  
containing stuff like:


Then you'll have to run in Terminal:

	sudo updmap --enable Map mathpiplus.map

put in the preamble of your LaTeX document


and you'll be able to get characters from MathematicalPi One, for  
example, by writing


It's all untested by me, but I hope it should help nonetheless. In  
particular, it's possible you can't load that many math alphabets at  
the same time. In that case, you'll have to implement loading these  
alphabets as options to the mathpiplus package, as is done in  
mathpi.sty, by replacing its content by


and loading mathpiplus in your LaTeX document in the form (for example)


Bruno Voisin
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