[OS X TeX] Math fonts (was: Re: font management simplified)

Siep Kroonenberg siepo at cybercomm.nl
Mon Oct 4 03:59:54 EDT 2004

On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 at 11:52:16PM -0700, Scott Murman wrote:
> J. Kew wrote:
> > And don't even begin to think about math....
> personally i think all font issues should begin, middle, and end with 
> math.  i don't think nearly enough attention is paid to this.  
> mathematical typesetting is how tex carved its niche, and the major use 
> for tex is still typesetting documents which contain math.  last time i 
> checked there were a small handful of math fonts - the original, euler, 
> mathpazo, and now fourier-gut.  the last 3 mostly work, but do not work 
> in general situations, and the quality is not exceptional.   this 
> leaves the original math font being used in 99.9% of the cases, which 
> is one (probably large) reason why most people never venture beyond CM. 
>   if i wanted to use Hoefler, Skia, or, ...., i'd have a hard time 
> finding a math font which matched.
> -SM-

The LaTeX packages txfonts and pxfonts provide complete Times
resp. Palatino-based math font solutions.

The package eulervm.sty adds the euler math fonts to an arbitrary
main text font.

Siep Kroonenberg
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