[OS X TeX] Changing header styles?

Vicky Lamburn victoria at sunshinesista.fsworld.co.uk
Wed Dec 7 12:52:56 EST 2005


Another newbie question from me!  Everything seems to going well;  
must have had a blonde one yesterday with the `` '' quotes issues so  
many thanks for your help!

I have been going great guns in writing a new book using LaTeX in  
TeXShop and it's been a lot of fun and refreshing to refocus on  
writing rather than fiddling with settings.

My question is that I am now using the gtmacfonts package with the  
Baskerville package with


Which is great.  I am also using the memoir document class.  I know  
this package uses Optima as its sans-serif typeface, so I am  
wondering how do I go about redefining the header styles such as used  

\chapter, \section etc., and \tableofcontents to use Optima instead  
of Baskerville.  I have search but have not had much luck and using  
\redefinecommand yielded some odd results.

Any pointers in the right direction would be really appreciated!

many thanks
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