[OS X TeX] path name

Friedrich Vosberg vatolin at mac.com
Sat Dec 17 17:12:57 EST 2005


Am 18.11.2005 um 17.24 schrieb Peter Dyballa:

> Supposed your TeX source is always the most recent file in the  
> directory, you can detect this with 'ls -w1t'. With head you catch  
> the first name, with iconv you convert the UTF-8 name into ISO Latin:
> 	ls -1tw | head -1 | iconv -f UTF-8-MAC -t ISO-8859-15
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^   ^^^^^^^^^^^^

How can one modify this commands to achieve the ability to recognize  
automatically the encoding of the operating file system and the  
encoding used by TeX to convert the file name and path name by this  
script with no changes in it necessary?

TIA and kind regards. Friedrich

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