[OS X TeX] Re: AlphaX, teTeXcomm, pstricks and microtype revisited, was:[OS X TeX] Re: pdflatex with dvi-output

RS w.m.l at gmx.net
Fri Nov 11 12:05:59 EST 2005

On 11.11.2005 12:36, Michael Hoppe wrote:
>     The usual way to have pst-pdf working is:
>     latex file.tex
>     ps2pdf file-pics.ps file-pics.pdf
>     (pdf)latex file.tex
> In the first latex-run a file (named file-pics.ps) is automagically
> produced which contains all the pstricks-images.  This first step *must*
> be done by latex, not pdflatex.  But to achieve all the benefits of
> microtyping, pdflatex is neccessary.  Lokks like a catch 22 

Not at all. microtype will adjust itself to respectively do the right
thing. The problem with your example was that you explicitly asked for
font expansion in the package options. (Note that `latex' actually means
`pdflatex in DVI mode'.) If you had left the options empty, all would
have gone well. Should you want to choose a different font set (the
`basictext' font set is already the default, so your option doesn't
change anything), you can say


after loading the package. In contrast to specifying the set in the
package options, this does not enable font expansion at the same time
but will only activate the font set if expansion is enabled, too.

So, as far as microtype is concerned, there should be no need for ifpdf.


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