[OS X TeX] Re: AlphaX, teTeXcomm, pstricks and microtype revisited, was:[OS X TeX] Re: pdflatex with dvi-output

RS w.m.l at gmx.net
Fri Nov 11 17:53:30 EST 2005

On 11.11.2005 20:38, Michael Hoppe wrote:
> Dear Robert,
>> Not at all. microtype will adjust itself to respectively do the
>> right thing.
> As you've put it: not at all, well not at all in TL2005.

It does do the right thing: You ask for font expansion, therefore you
get font expansion. If the expanded instances don't exist, that's not
microtype's fault.

> It all went smoothly under TL2004, but I've upgraded to 2005 and I've
> achieved the described effect.
>> The problem with your example was that you explicitly asked for
>> font expansion in the package options.
> No.  The same files worked flawlessly under TL2004, but not any
> longer under TL2005.  Period.

I'll make that a colon:

Both TL2004 and TL2005 use pdflatex as the underlying engine for latex.
That is, when you call latex, what you actually get is pdflatex. The
difference between TL04 and TL05 is that the former hid this fact so
well, that microtype thought it would be run under latex and
consequently disabled itself completely. Now that TL2005 is no longer
lying, microtype adjusts itself to `pdflatex in dvi mode', hence it does
not disable itself completely but only automatic font expansion.

(BTW. The current microtype v1.9 would actually behave exactly the same
with TL2004 as it does now with TL2005 since it has been modified to
detect pdflatex there, as well.)

> Yes, you're right in respect to TL2004, but not under TL2005.  The
> mentioned filer fehler.tex works flawleesly under the 2004
> distribution, but not under TL2005.  That was my point, and it is
> reproducable.

Of course it is reproducible, as it is the defined behaviour. I already
told you what to do if you want to change the font set for expansion.


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