[OS X TeX] tex files and mdimport

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Mon Nov 14 12:04:47 EST 2005


I don't know how many folks here also look at the TeXShop Forum  
<http://www.apfelwiki.de/forum/viewforum.php?f=6> but there is an  
interesting note there about Spotlight and .tex files. It seems that,  
at least after the 10.4.3 update, .tex files are no longer searched  
for meta-data. I just checked this and it seems to be true: looking  
for some information (the word abbreviations which I know is in at  
least one of my .tex files) within on of my .tex files doesn't list  
that file. Apparently the file type for .tex files is dyn.... and  
those files aren't searched.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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