[OS X TeX] beamer & multimedia/movie15

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Nov 22 16:45:57 EST 2005

Am 22.11.2005 um 19:39 schrieb Ingo Reich:

> with TL2004 I used beamer together with multimedia.sty to include 
> sounds into my presentations. In the meantime I upgraded to TL2005 and 
> had to learn that the combination of beamer.cls and multimedia.sty 
> doesn't seem work any more as it used to. When I last compiled my file 
> (some time in spring 2004), I just had to click on "bieten" in the PDF 
> (Acrobat Reader 6), and the wav-file started playing. Now, when I 
> recompile the same file, there is no way to click on "bieten", i.e. 
> there seem to be no links to the wav-file present. Am I missing 
> something obvious?

I think you're missing TL2005.

Ingo, it works with 'This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.4-2.2 
(Web2C 7.5.5)' and simpdftex and a bit of Tuxedo Moon (WAV format) in 
Adobe Reader 7.0.5 and 6.0.2.

Comparing your log and mine I can't see anything obvious, except 
different versions of TeX (and dvips).

Do you have an opportunity to upgrade some other Mac's teTeX to 
*Experimental* TeX Live 2005? That's the version I am using and in 
which it works.

Do have a working QuickTime plug-in? I.e. is Adobe Reader 6.0.2 still 
able to play some elder multi-media PDF files? How is your browser 
working when you click on QuickTime content?

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Es geht nix über eine elektrische Klobürste!

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