[OS X TeX] TeX & Mathematica 5.2

Themis Matsoukas matsoukas at psu.edu
Sun Nov 27 08:53:04 EST 2005

The support of TeX in Mathematica 5.2 has changed and now files are  
exported in article style rather than in custom-made documentstyles  
that try to match the look of the notebook. I have a couple of  
problems with this:

1. Mathematica first defines two new new commands: \newcommand 
{\unicode}{{}} and \newcommand{\mathsym}[1]{{}}, both of which seem  
to contain empty definitions. Later in the latex document I see  
things like \unicode{0009}. From my Mathematica notebook I deduce  
that this refers to a tab character but in the latex file this simply  
causes the string "0009" to be printed. (The command \mathsym does  
not appear in the body of the notebook so I don't know what it is  
supposed to do).  I can neutralize the unicode command by defining it  
as \newcommand{\unicode}[1]{}, but what's the purpose of it in the  
first place?

Any idea on how to neutralize these commands?

2. The default output produced by Mathematica's latex file is quite  
ugly and requires clean-up. Anyone knows how to produce nice latex  
output from Mathematica?


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