[OS X TeX] change header tableofcontents

Michael Sciascia msciascia at poc.it
Wed Nov 30 10:00:15 EST 2005

on 30/11/05 00:46 Gary L. Gray wrote:

>On Nov 30, 2005, at 12:40 AM, gertlist at mac.com wrote:
>> hi all,
>> the tableofcontents that is generated in my document has the header  
>> "Contents". Is there a way to change this word "Contents" in the  
>> header?
>I think the following should do it:
>\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Your Name Here}

I've been wondering about this since the first day of LaTex but never
really bothered to look for a solution since I imagined I needed some
sort of localization packages...
Great tip and a very easy way to change the name of chapters, index as
well :-)
This list is really invaluable!

Captain: "Good morning, Sydney, this is United XXX, we're 50 miles out
and have your island in sight ..."
Approach: "Roger, United ... you're cleared to circle the island twice,
then it's okay to land."
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