[OS X TeX] latexdb & texshop

Ingo Reich ireich at mac.com
Thu Oct 13 10:35:18 EDT 2005

Am 13.10.2005 um 15:59 schrieb Ingo Reich:

> Am 13.10.2005 um 15:33 schrieb Herbert Schulz:
>> On Oct 13, 2005, at 12:46 AM, Ingo Reich wrote:
>>> Herb,
>>> last night I tried (almost: tcsh) exactly what you suggested, and  
>>> it didn't work at all; this morning I retried (bash), and it does  
>>> work on the first run. To be more precise: it does work as long  
>>> as I don't have to save my file before calling latexdb; if I need  
>>> to save changes in the file, texshop still complains the way I  
>>> mentioned in my last mail.
>>>  Another question: Since latexdb only generates a dvi-file, not   
>>> a pdf-file, I tried to extend the script as follows:
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> latexdb "$1"
>>> dvipdfm "$1"
>>> But now dvipdfm looks for "example.tex.dvi" instead of  
>>> "example.dvi", and gets stuck.
>>> Sorry for being so ignorant.
>>> Ingo
>>> P.S. to Claus: I did try it both ways, i.e. with and without the  
>>> extension .tex, but the problem persisted.
>> Howdy,
>> The $1 is the full name, with the .tex; e.g., fname.tex. To get  
>> the base name you need to use `basename "$1" .tex` so a simple  
>> addition to get it right is:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> basefname=$(basename "$1" .tex)
>> latexdb "$1"
>> dvipdfm "${basefname}"
>> In terms of your other problem... What is the output of latexdb?  
>> Does it change the .tex file?
>> Good Luck,
>> Herb Schulz
>> (herbs at wideopenwest.com)
> Hi Herb, I can't see that the file is in any way different than  
> before, so probably it doesn't. But, as Claus pointed out, running  
> latexdb on example.tex generates additional files with tex endings:  
> "example.tex.1", "example.tex.pre.1" and "example.tex.texdb.1";  
> during its run it also generates a then removed file called  
> "example.backup" which suggests that latexdb does in fact not only  
> read example.tex. What it does exactly, however, is completely  
> obscure to me. Ingo

Sorry, it's "example.tex.backup". latexdb just failed to compile  
because I made some mistake with the name of the mySQL table, and the  
file then didn't get deleted --  and the file "example.tex" has been  
changed (part of it has been removed). So probably  latexdb renames  
the original file as "example.tex.backup" and writes a new file  
"example.tex" which is identical to "example.tex.backup" if (and only  
if?) everything compiles correctly.

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