[OS X TeX] latexdb & texshop

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Oct 13 11:43:10 EDT 2005

The additional files created by latexdb are not the cause of the  
trouble with saving the original, but as Ingo has already hinted  
latexdb must change the name of original to .backup.

The only remedy I can think of, except of course rewriting latexdb,  
is the following Applescript



tell application "TeXShop"
         get path of document of window 1
         set fileName to result
     end tell
     set scriptPath to (do shell script "dirname " & "~/Library/ 
     set scriptPath to scriptPath & "/setnamets.scpt"
     set scriptName to POSIX file scriptPath as alias
     set scriptLiB to (load script scriptName)
     tell scriptLiB
         set {baseName, texName, pdfName, namePath, dirName,  
dirNameunquoted, logName, logPath, rtfName} to setnamets(fileName)
     end tell

set theFile to POSIX file fileName as string
tell application "TeXShop"
     close document texName
end tell

set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/TeXShop/bin/latexdbi  " &  
do shell script shellScript

set shellScript to "cd " & dirName & ";"
set shellScript to shellScript & "~/Library/TeXShop/bin/dvipdfc  " &  
do shell script shellScript
set pdfName to quotedform of pdfName

set thePDF to POSIX file pdfName as alias
tell application "TeXShop"
     open theFile
end tell

tell document texName of application "TeXShop"
         end tell

On Oct 13, 2005, at 15:04, Ingo Reich wrote:

> it cleans up my folder, but doesn't help with the original problem :-(
> Sorry to have already stolen so much of your time.
> Ingo
> Am 13.10.2005 um 14:30 schrieb Claus Gerhardt:
>> Latexdb creates two additional files ending in ....tex.pre  
>> and ....tex.debug, which probably are causing the trouble. Let me  
>> suggest as possible solution:
>> Change your latexdbi shell script to
>> #!/bin/tcsh
>> # latexdbi
>> set path= ($path  /usr/local/bin  /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc- 
>> apple-darwin-current)
>> latexdb  "$1"
>> rm -f "$1.pre"
>> rm -f "$1.debug"
>> Claus
>> On Oct 13, 2005, at 14:04, Ingo Reich wrote:
>>> Claus, thanks for your kind help. The script works great, but  
>>> texshop still complains when I try to save the file after running  
>>> latexdb. The problem however seems not to relate to texshop since  
>>> I got a similar warning message when I tried to edit the source  
>>> file in alphax. It rather seems that latexdb changes some  
>>> property of the tex-file such that either the editor can't locate  
>>> the file (texshop) or it states that the file has been changed  
>>> (alphax). The only way to deal with that problem at the moment  
>>> is: 1. edit file, 2. save file, 3. run your script, 4. close  
>>> file, 5. open file, 6. edit file, 7. save file etc. pp. -- not  
>>> very concenient; probably a bug in latexdb.
>>> Ingo
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> ------------------------- Info --------------------------
> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
>          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
> List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/

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Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
          & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
List Archive: http://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/

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