[OS X TeX] TeXShop doesn't open dvi-files

Gerben Wierda Gerben.Wierda at rna.nl
Thu Oct 20 06:53:57 EDT 2005

> Morning.
> Am 19.10.2005 um 21:20 schrieb Maarten Sneep:
>> To resolve the issue, just install the ghostscript package with i-
>> Installer.
> Oh yes, this has solved the problem! Thanks, thanks a lot.
> Why isn't the Ghostscript installation not part of the standard i-
> Installer installation?

Because if you use PDFTeX you do not need ghostscript, so why let people
download and install it if it is not necessary? Only for older formats
like DVI and eps do you need a distiller.

Besides, it is possible to do this without ghostscript. You can tell
simpdftex to use another distiller (e.g. Apple's own).

Having said that, almost everybody who installs my TeX redistribution also
installs Ghostscript.

I think TeX shop accepts DVI and uses the default simpdftex call which
requires ghostscript. Maybe TeXShop should use a different call and use
Apple's distiller instead (and have this configurable).


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