[OS X TeX] Colored links

Simon Spiegel simon at simifilm.ch
Wed Oct 26 05:49:39 EDT 2005

Hi everybody,

I have a problem and don't really know where to locate it. I use  
hyperref in my document, but I don't want any links to be colored. So  
I have the following in my preamble:

\usepackage[bookmarksopen=true, linkcolor=black, colorlinks=false,  

In my understanding this should make all links black and this is how  
it is displayed in both, Preview and TeXShop. When I open the  
document in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, all the links are surrounded by  
colored boxes. Are my settings wrong, does Acrobat override something  
here or is hyperref doing something wrong?


Simon Spiegel
Mutschellenstr. 97
8038 Zürich

Telephon: ++41 43 535 81 71
Mobophon: ++41 76 459 60 39


"I have never been certain that the moral of the Icarus myth is, as  
is generally accepted, 'don't fly too high', or whether it might also  
be thought of as: 'forget about the wax and feathers, and do a better  
job on the wings." Stanley Kubrick

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