[OS X TeX] TeXniscope and pdfsync

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 12:43:04 EST 2005

Claus Gerhardt wrote:

> However, it  is hard to believe that because of the complexity of a 
> document you  have to switch from TS to that combination.

I second that. Life in the TeXShop is totally uneventful, almost boring.

My book is now at 240 pages, many split equations, many tables, many 
graphics some in line within text, some displayed, some within tables, 
lots of cross references, a big index, etc.

I am using TeXShop v1.40, straight out of the box with the Panther 
distiller, and, even though I am accident-prone with lots of other 
software, never had even /one/ crash or frieze.

The only thing that does occasionally happen, when I am overdoing the 
errors and can't get things to compile for a while, is that once I have 
finally fixed them, the pdf is blank. It shows the correct number of 
pages but is blank. However, all I have to do is to quit TeXShop and 
restart and all is well. I must say, though, that the first time it 
happened, I almost panicked.


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