[OS X TeX] Duplicate fontmaps

Alan Munn amunn at msu.edu
Fri Sep 9 13:01:39 EDT 2005

At 5:07 PM +0200 9/9/05, Bruno Voisin wrote:
>Le 9 sept. 05 à 16:49, Alan Munn a écrit :
>>(file /usr/
>>fontmap entr
>>y for `mtex' already exists, duplicates ignored
>>(file /usr/
>>fontmap entr
>>y for `mtsy' already exists, duplicates ignored
>>(file /usr/
>>fontmap entr
>>y for `rmtmi' already exists, duplicates ignored
>>I think this is because I have activated two 
>>maps for the same font, but I don't know how to 
>>figure out which map to deactivate, based on 
>>the warning.
>>There are three maps that contain 'mt' in them: 
>>mt-belleek, mt-yy and mt-plus.  Should I be 
>>disabling one or more of these?  If so, which 
>>ones, and why?
>mtex, mtsy and rmtmi are the MathTime 1.1 fonts 
>(math fonts to accompany the Times font). The 
>fonts are commercial, and were sold by Y&Y 
><http://www.tug.org/yandy/> (on Windows) and 
>Blue Sky Research 
>(on Mac). Hence the map file mt-yy.
>Then a free clone, called Belleek, was done by 
>True TeX <http://www.truetex.com/>. Hence the 
>map file mt-belleek.
>The MathTime Plus fonts were a commercial set of 
>complementary fonts (small caps, math bold 
>italic, etc.) released later. They are now sold, 
>I think, by PCTeX 
>Hence the map file mt-plus.
>So yes, you cannot have the two maps mt-yy and 
>mt-belleek activated together: it's either one, 
>or the other. If you don't own the MathTime 
>fonts (1.1 or Plus), then you don't need mt-yy 
>and mt-plus; if you own them, then you don't 
>need mt-belleek.

Thanks Bruno.  This is exactly the information I needed.


Alan Munn                                                   amunn at msu.edu
Department of Linguistics                                   amunn at acm.org
and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages   Fax.  +1-517-432-2736
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824    Tel.  +1-517-355-7491
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