[OS X TeX] A Textures Query (yet, again)

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Fri Sep 16 19:14:35 EDT 2005

Le 17 sept. 05 à 00:48, Jack Kuipers a écrit :

> I want to thank you all for your response. I'm overwhelmed!
> And I am confident that somewhere in all of this that you  
> contributed, there is a solution.

Just a couple of questions regarding your problem: what are the  
figures you are willing to include with TeXShop (PICT resources  
pasted inside the Textures picture window, or separate PICT files, or  
separate EPS files)? which software had they been produced with? and  
how were you including them in your TeX input in Textures (using  
BoxedEPS, or using the Textures \special directly, or using some  
other macro package, or some custom macros)?

All these details may have an importance, and may guide people  
towards proposing a more appropriate solution.

Bruno Voisin------------------------- Info --------------------------
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