[OS X TeX] OT: Pages format definitions

Arno Kruse arnokruse at macnews.de
Sat Sep 17 05:34:49 EDT 2005

Am 17.09.2005 um 08:22 schrieb Bruno Voisin:

> And in particular the sentence at the beginning of the second  
> paragraph "The complete XML schema for both applications is not  
> available and will not be made public".
> There are times when the only difference between MS and Apple seems  
> to be a matter of market share, and when I consider switching to  
> one brand of Linux...

Again and again Apple acts  as repellent as M$ does. I have no doubt:  
If Apple had the same market power M$ has, they would be a Voldemort- 
company as horrible as M$.

I often consider switching to Linux definitively. The main reason I  
hesitate is aesthetic: KDE, Gnome, X11… all of these and the rest  
appear extremely ugly, compared to the accustomed aqua surface.

Resumed: Apple and M$ are companies of worst class, only the first  
has less influence than the other.


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