[OS X TeX] Sync with ConTeXt

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sun Sep 18 19:31:23 EDT 2005

Am 18.09.2005 um 21:50 schrieb Herbert Schulz:

> Is the \import{} command the ConTeXt equivalent of \include{} in 
> LaTeX? If not, what is the equivalent in ConTeXt? Do you always use 
> \input{}? How about the braces?

Hello Herb!

The \import rather starts to include a textfile inside a \verbatim 

ConTeXt is more TeX than LaTeX. So it understands only

	\input file.tex


	\input file

But to make use of ConTeXt you need so many extra \this-or-that's 
(they're rather \start{this} and \startthat) in front of any \input ... 
for example:


\setupfonthandling [hz] [min=20,max=20,step=5]
\setupalign[hz]	% THIS IS MICROSTYLE
%You can also combine these features. For that you need to define a 
handling that
%combines protruding and hz:
%\definefonthandling [quality] [hz,pure]

\definecolor [hellblau] [r=.75,   g=.875, b=.9375]
\definecolor [hellgruen][r=.75,   g=.875, b=.5]
\definecolor [altrosa]  [r=.9375, g=.75,  b=.75]





\item der Geometrie der Gestalt der Glyphen
\item der Eigenschaften des \quotation{Druckwerks}
%\item der \quote{Meta}--Information zur Unterscheidung der 
Entwurfsgrö{\SS}en einer Font--Famillje


(I just copied excerpts, they might be syntactically incorrect.)


The future will be much better tomorrow.

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