[OS X TeX] pdftex/pdflatex

Thomas A. Schmitz thomas.schmitz at uni-bonn.de
Mon Sep 19 04:58:36 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I'm a bit confused about recent changes: I upgraded my pdftex to the  
latest version (1.30.3) and was surprised to discover that pdflatex  
would complain about a non-matching pool file. I then saw that  
pdflatex had its own binary (in /usr/local/teTeX/powerpc...). For a  
while, most of the pdf... binaries had been symlinks to pdfetex. When  
I deleted this binary and replaced it with a symlink, everything was  
golden again. So I'm just wondering: what is the state of the art,  
having these symlinks or having binaries for every flavor? Is there  
any negative effect to linking pdflatex pdflatex -> pdfetex?


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