[OS X TeX] TeXShop Daily Experience/Usage (\ref, \cite)

Jung-Tsung Shen jushen at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 16:49:49 EDT 2005

Not sure if I should start a new thread or continue with my Yet
Another Wish list here.

My memory is really bad, so on Windows, I rely on the extensive
(and many more)/AMS (and more)

panel a lot to get the latex code for those things. On TeXShop, the
default selection seems to be somewhat limited, however. Yes, there
are 16 buttons/spaces left so the users can put some symbols there
(editable by editing .plist file). However, it then appears a bit
illogical to me ... There's a math section in the panel, and for some
custom math symbols, I have to go to the custom section ... they can't
be put together in a more nicer way ...

I would appreciate if someone has a better solution to this. Hope I am
not the "only" [added] one who has bad memory. :D

The above was my post a couple of days ago.

Just now I was preparing a manuscript, and totally forgot the command for 


I couldn't find it from the LaTeX panel in TeXshop, and had to go to
WinEdt to find it. This is indeed frustrating and it happend to me not
too rarely. Has this never bothered other users? For the small size of
my brain, the 16 slots for customized buttons left in TeXShop is not
enough ... not to say that it makes the catogorization not very
logical either ...

I appreciate any suggestions on this issue.

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