[OS X TeX] TeXShop Daily Experience/Usage (\ref, \cite)

Jens Nöckel noeckel at uoregon.edu
Mon Sep 19 23:34:59 EDT 2005

> However, it
> appears it's not that desirable to other users, guess that's why it
> hasn't been implemented yet. I will look into your suggestion. Thanks.
I think it's a very desirable thing even for people with a good 
memory... but especially for people wanting to learn LaTeX. To get a 
complete listing is is probably unrealistic because it would amount to 
something like a Chinese-language dictionary, with all the glyphs...
Of course there are editors that have more or less exhaustive lists of 
LaTeX commands in the form of menus (e.g. iTexMac, Alpha, emacs with 
auctex...), but you want the pictorial representations too, right? You 
get that in the LyX Math panel, which is quite complete and in a way 
seems quite similar to your WinEdit. But if someone had the time to 
simply augment TexFog a little, I think that would do just fine for 
many users.

Just some ideas... and a voice in support of the tool you're looking 
for. This could play an important role, in particular when it comes to 
converting more people (students, for example) to LaTeX.


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