[OS X TeX] [OT] Manuscript Revision Management etc.

Maarten Sneep maarten.sneep at xs4all.nl
Tue Sep 20 16:24:07 EDT 2005

On 20 Sep 2005, at 22:05, Jung-Tsung Shen wrote:

> I don't think too many people here set up a CVS just for this  
> purpose, and am really curious about how people manage their  
> manuscripts in this situation? I know there are always smart brains  
> and ingenious schemes out there I could learn from.

I use cvs wherever I can, for all things text.

> [The following is for people using CVS.]
> Is there any real advantage to check in .eps .dvi .pdf files?

Yes & No: For my thesis I used the shell server of my ISP so I could  
use the net for easy syncing between home and university. In that  
case I would add the included files, but never the product files (dvi  
can be regenerated from the files already in cvs).

Since I made most of my figures in metapost, I could just add those  
sources and treat them as ordinary text files.

> I set up cvswrappers under CVSROOT to handle binary files. But  
> since these files are derivatives of .tex file, I am not sure if it  
> is really needed.

Precisely, although you probably want to treat any included file  
(including eps) as binary. This alters the way in which cvs stores  
the files, and assumes that the whole file has to be replaced at once.

> I am a CVS novice (where CVS can be replaced by virtually any word.)

Using it is a good decision: it saved my butt more than once.

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