[OS X TeX] TeXShop Daily Experience/Usage (\ref, \cite)

Axel E. Retif axretif at igo.com.mx
Wed Sep 21 01:30:36 EDT 2005

On Sep 20, 2005, at 2:06 AM, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> As it turns out (after searching my OS X TeX mailbox), Texmaker was  
> mentioned to us here in early 2004, by Kevin Walzer who was at the  
> time considering porting Kile (the KDE LaTeX editor) to OS X; then  
> he realized Pascal Brachet, the original author of Kile, was  
> developing this software which is cross-platform and has now  
> binaries for either OS X, Linux or Windows. It's based on Qt, and  
> includes a LaTeX to HTML converter as well.
> Now at last I'll be able to answer a question asked several times  
> by people at my institute who switched recently from Windows to  
> Mac, and were looking for a Mac equivalent of WinEdit.

I really like it's interface, more than Kile's (which I gratefully  
used for a while), but the sync of TeXShop from source to pdf and  
vice versa is the reason I rushed to get Tiger.

Best regards,


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