[OS X TeX] Different printouts of one document by one click?

Friedrich Vosberg vatolin at mac.com
Wed Sep 21 04:27:59 EDT 2005


This ist a document I want to printout in three versions (without watermark, with watermark COPY and with watermark ATTESTED COPY:

===== 8>< =====

	\rotatebox{50}{\textcolor[gray]{0.8}{ATTESTED COPY}}%

===== ><8 =====

I typeset the different versions of that document using Terminal.app and input

    pdflatex '\def\modus{0} \input <filename>' 
    pdflatex '\def\modus{1} \input <filename>' 
    pdflatex '\def\modus{2} \input <filename>'

How can I typeset such documents in modus 1, 2 or 3 by »one click« using the TeXShop interface?

Thanks in advance and kind regards
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