[OS X TeX] A Wintel mate to TeXShop

William F. Adams wadams at atlis.com
Fri Sep 23 08:23:04 EDT 2005

On Sep 23, 2005, at 5:11 AM, Bernhard Barkow wrote:

> - - As far as I know (which is not certainly comprehensive, of 
> course), there is nothing remotely comparable to TeXShop on _any_ 
> platform.

How soon they forget.

TeXshop was modeled after NeXT's TeXview.app, and the overall 
experience is much the same (replacing pdf w/ PostScript) --- TeXshop 
now has built-in many facilities which were external (Dmitri Linde's 
InstantTeX provided some of them) or missing from TeXview.

Bakoma TeX comes the closest to either for Windows, and has some nice 


William Adams, publishing specialist
voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708

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