[OS X TeX] Copying gwTeX

Piet van Oostrum piet at cs.uu.nl
Sun Sep 25 14:19:44 EDT 2005

>>>>> Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE> (PD) wrote:

>PD> Usually administrators use some thing like 'tar cf - ./local | (cd <to the
>PD> target's parent directory>; tar xf -)' to avoid possible side effects from
>PD> cp (this symlink following or that hard links get copied as individual
>PD> files on the target) -- but he probably won't waste much space on his large
>PD> and quite empty disk ... and I think he'll learn some finesses!

Or if you have a network connection and ssh enabled:

tar cfz - ./local | ssh machine 'cd <target dir>; tar xfz -'
Piet van Oostrum <piet at cs.uu.nl>
URL: http://www.cs.uu.nl/~piet [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email: piet at vanoostrum.org
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