[OS X TeX] Copying gwTeX

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Sep 26 04:41:08 EDT 2005

Am 26.09.2005 um 06:08 schrieb Aaron Jackson:

> tar cfz - ./local | ssh machine 'cd <target dir>; tar xpfz -'
> note the ``p'' in the second tar preserves the owner and group 
> information along with the file modes, which might be critical 
> depending on who owns the files.

Since this thread continues: the ``p´´ is usually on, so it can happen 
that you find files on your disk that belong to some far away user id.

The ``f´´ option, among some others, is one that needs an accompanying 
argument, i.e. the file into which to archive/from which to extract. 
Long ago I have decided to first pass to tar the options without 
arguments followed by those that need an argument. Among the 'pure' 
options I sort them in a way that first comes the compressor type and 
then the usual actions (c, x, vt). It's too good to introduce the 
options with an argument with ``f´´ since it's so easy to recognize, 
and too: you just add extras to the last of the usual options. So I 
would use tar as in

	tar zcf - ./local | ssh machine 'cd <target dir>; tar zxf -'

tar is very old, so the way to use it confuses many. Apple decided to 
use GNU tar in Mac OS X. This tar accepts arguments too in a clear 
fashion like

	tar --gzip --create --file - ./local | ssh machine 'cd <target dir>; 
tar --gunzip --extract --file -'

And the man page is made well in explaining 'functions' and 'options' 
-- a good concept!



If you're not confused, you're not paying attention

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