[OS X TeX] Question: Sb-Environment in mathmode

Richard Rösler richard_roesler at web.de
Mon Sep 26 06:25:21 EDT 2005

Dear TeXperts,

I have a question concerning the Sb- and Sp- environments described in the LaTeX Companion.
I am running the latest TeXShop under MacOSX in one installation with the latest stable packages from
Gerden Wierda and one installation with the unstable packages. I need to typeset math with stacked indices
under sum/product signs. I am using amsmath etc. Are there any conflicts? The LaTeX Companion doesn't mention
where these environments are defined. Are these environments outdated/obsolete?
Currently I am working my way around with constructions like $$\sum_{\begin{matrix} ..... }}$$ and manually
adjusting the size of the index (using scriptsize etc in mathmode). Can anybody please tell me?

Greetings, Richard R"osler

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