[OS X TeX] Newbie fuzzy pdf issues

Karl Merkley karl at elemtech.com
Wed Sep 28 13:54:17 EDT 2005

I just downloaded and installed TexShop and (I think) teTeX using 
Gerben Wierda's i-Installer.  Everything went quite smoothly and the 
examples work.  However, when I look at the resulting pdf's the text 
looks fuzzy.  It prints well but the preview just looks bad.   I have 
EPS images so I am using the latex-ghostscript option.  I saw that the 
digest covers some issues with OS X 10.4 but I am using Mac OS X 
10.3.9.  I have seen results like this when the correct fonts were not 
being used.  I did install the TrueType fonts but I don't know that 
they are being used.


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