[OS X TeX] The MiKTeX Package Manager

Jung-Tsung Shen jushen at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 10:37:03 EDT 2005

The following message was digged out from the archive (before I
subscribed this mailing list). I was a bit surprised that no one
echoed the post. Among many other features, the Package Manager on
MikTeX on Windows is one of the most desired features I would like to
see on Mac.

For those who don't use Windows, what the Package Manager of MikTeX
does is that it automatically downloads packages from the internet,
then extracts, and installs packages in your computer. Package Manager
is triggered by either an explicit call using
\usepackage[package_name], but the package with package_name is not
installed; or, better yet, you don't even have to know the name of the
package (so you didn't call it using \usepackage), if there is a
command in your document that needs this package, then Package Manager
is there fore you.



Hi all,

While we're all running regression tests on our wonderful Macs, I thought
I'd also mention that the MiKTeX Package Manager has been ported to *nix
and I have successfully installed it on my laptop. Now I'm not very good
at programming, so I thought I'd just let the people who are better at it
know in case they wanted to try it out and maybe think of a way to combine
it with all the other nice programs we have.

Much more information at <http://www.miktex.org>.
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