[OS X TeX] The MiKTeX Package Manager

Adam Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Thu Sep 29 12:00:10 EDT 2005

On Thursday, September 29, 2005, at 07:55AM, Morten Høgholm <morten.hoegholm at gmail.com> wrote:

>The package manager can only be used on the command line on *nixes but the  
>main advantage is something else:
>   1) Packages get installed in a proper tree, you don't need to use your  
>private ~/Library/Texmf.
>   2) You can update already installed packages easily.
>My hope was that programs such as TCOBrowser could make good use of it as  
>that would greatly improve such an application (which isn't half bad as it  
>is already).

Uh, thanks, I think :P.  I'm certainly interested in adding it to TCOBrowser, but unless someone wants to collaborate on development, it just won't happen.  I have /no/ time to do this myself, especially since I don't need the functionality (and TCOBrowser already lets you extract the MikTeX files into ~/Library/texmf).

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