[OS X TeX] Bbding package installation

Giulio Cozzi cozzig at unive.it
Fri Sep 30 02:34:27 EDT 2005

Dear users,
I'm trying to install the bbding package in my local TeX tree. I'm running
the GW teTeX distribution. I've put the bbding.tfm file in my local tree
(~/Library/texmf/fonts/bbding), but when I compile the file .tex I cannot
see the symbols in the output .pdf file.
Could you help to find a solution ?



Dr. Giulio Cozzi Ph.D.                   (voice)
++39 041 2348935
Environmental Sciences Dep.              (fax) ++39 041 2348549
University of Venice                     (e-mail) cozzig at unive.it    

Calle Larga S. Marta, 2137


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