[OS X TeX] Re: MacOSX-TeX Digest #1507 - 09/27/05

George Nurser agn at noc.soton.ac.uk
Fri Sep 30 11:39:25 EDT 2005

I apologize, because I'm sure that the answer to this is fairly well  

I've just upgraded to Tiger and would like to update my TeX  
distribution from one dating from 2003. Two obvious questions.

1. which is the recommended distribution?
2. Do I need to uninstall the old one first?

--if so, I have a problem: e.g. texbinaries doesn't seem to be on the  
website anymore

If I click on my copy of texbinaries.ii2 (in /Users/agn/Documents/i- 
Packages/) --it won't uninstall because it can't find

Is a simple crude removal of /usr/local/tetex feasible, or is this  

regards, George Nurser.

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