[OS X TeX] How to replace a rank growth TeX-Installation by clean install?

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Sep 30 17:47:40 EDT 2005

Am 30.09.2005 um 21:30 schrieb Friedrich Vosberg:

> Now I want to replace this chaotic installation by a brand new clean 
> install.
> How can I do that or better (how) _should_ I do that?

Given that all additions went into texmf.local you won't loose anything 
when you upgrade to teTeX 3. A problem could be MAP files in the users' 
~/Library/texmf trees: they won't be added. There could be a problem 
with some TeX files that are not teTeX 3 compliant (I have no idea what 
this might be) ...

As far as I understand teTeX, you can simply rename the recent 
/usr/local/teTeX to /usr/local/teTeX.zuvor and i-Installer would 
install a new /usr/local/teTeX tree and you could have two 
installations. I'd use this as a starting point.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped. - Groucho Marx

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