[OS X TeX] epstopdf

Piet van Oostrum piet at cs.uu.nl
Fri Sep 30 18:41:10 EDT 2005

>>>>> Jérôme Laurens <jerome.laurens at u-bourgogne.fr> (JL) wrote:

>JL> The correct syntax is:

>JL> find . -name '*.eps' -exec epstopdf '{}' \;

It's not.

>JL> The quotes will preserve white spaces and other special characters to be
>JL> misinterpreted

No. the quotes will be stripped off before the {} reaches find, so '{}' is
exactly the same as {}. Besides the problem of the spaces is not in find.
Find passes the filename with spaces to epstopdf and epstopdf gets a
correct input filename. Only inside epstopdf from this input filename an
output filename is created and that output filename is passed to a command
line for ghostscript. That command line is passed to the shell and that
shell breaks the filename on the spaces. So if you wouldn't want to change
epstopdf then you would have to pass the quotes to epstopdf, so yoou would
have to quote the quotes in the find command. However this wouldn't work as
the input filename then would actually contain the quotes so epstopdf would
try to open a file with actual quotes in the name. Even if you could
overcome this, you would get problems with filenames with single quotes.

So the only solution is to patch epstopdf.
Piet van Oostrum <piet at cs.uu.nl>
URL: http://www.cs.uu.nl/~piet [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email: piet at vanoostrum.org
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